属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-计算机间谍活动 我被间谍给黑了
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗与其核计划 对话暂停
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗与其核计划 对话暂停
1 | 在改善物质生活的同时,充实精神生活,美化生活环境,提高生活质量。 | While improving the people’s material well-being, we shall enrich their cultural life and beautify their environment to enhance the quality of life . | |
2 | 在每章后面设计“思考题”是为了保持这种对话,通过评论、批评和深入的案例研究继续丰富本书的内容。 | The study questions at the end of each chapter are designed to stimulate this ongoing dialogue and to enrich the book’ s content with comments, criticisms, and further case studies. | |
3 | 在食物中加奶油. | enrich food with butter | |
4 | 只有用人类创造的全部知识财富来丰富自己的头脑,才能成为共产主义者. | You can become a Communist only when you enrich your mind with a knowledge of all the treasures created by mankind. | |
5 | 治国之道,必先富民 | The first principle in running a state is to enrich the people. | |
6 | 种植前先改良土壤是很重要的。 | It is important to enrich the soil before planting. | |
7 | 装饰品使房间更加华丽。 | Decorations enrich a room. | |
8 | ||1:“雷金”(该名字来源于病毒内部的文本字符串)只是由政府赞助的恶意程序的冰山一角。||2:最有名的病毒是2001年发现的震网,该病毒极有可能由美国和以色列政府编写,针对工业控制系统,攻击伊朗核计划,破坏用于铀浓缩的离心器。||3:2003年,一名美国承包商泄露了上千份机密文件,这是针对特定目标发生的有目的性的电脑故障,不同于爱德华·斯诺登揭露的大范围拉网式监控。 | ||1:Regin (the arbitrarily chosen name comes from a text string found in the bug’s innards) is only the latest in a long line of government-sponsored malware (see table).||2:The most famous is Stuxnet, discovered in 2010, which was designed, almost certainly by America and Israel, to hijack industrial-control systems. It was deployed against Iran’s nuclear programme, and destroyed centrifuges that were being used to enrich uranium.||3:Unlike the vast surveillance dragnets revealed by Edward Snowden, a former American contractor who leaked thousands of secret documents in 2013, these computerised bugs are tailored and aimed at defined targets. | |
9 | ||1:7月7日,哈梅内伊在讲话中说到,当与俄罗斯签订的燃料供给合约到2021年到期,伊朗一定能生产足够的浓缩铀供给俄罗斯建造的布什尔反应堆。||2:也就是满足额定的19万分离功单位。||3:伊朗还需10万多老式IR-1分离机,目前这是浓缩项目中的主要设备,或者2万多更高效的IR-2分离机,这也是目前已经开始采用的。||4:伊方表示,这与他们所描述的在《不扩散核武条约》下,“有权浓缩”民用核是一致的。 | ||1:In a speech on July 7th, Mr Khamenei declared that Iran must be able to produce enough enriched uranium to fuel the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear reactor when a contract with Russia to supply fuel runs out in 2021.||2:That translates to a “definite need” for 190,000 separative work units.||3:Iran would need more than 100,000 of the older IR-1 centrifuges that are the current backbone of its enrichment programme, or about 20,000 of the more efficient IR-2m centrifuges it has recently begun to deploy.||4:The Iranians say this is in line with what they describe as their “right to enrich ” for civil nuclear purposes under the terms of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). | |
10 | ||1:美国机智地回应,承认伊朗以达成协议为前提能进行一些浓缩项目,不然将限制其核计划。||2:但鉴于伊朗有撒谎和暗中擅自行为的前科,美国不会允许伊朗拥有只有少数使用民用核的国家拥有的浓缩能力。||3:Robert Einhorn是华盛顿布鲁金斯学会的一位军备控制专家,曾为克林顿工作。他认为伊朗的需求在很多层面上显得不现实。||4:伊朗完全没有必要将其所有的燃料生产出来,因为它能继续从俄罗斯或者浓缩铀市场得到燃料。||5:伊朗既没有技术知识也没有基础设施生产出布什尔所需要的燃料品种。 | ||1:America has tacitly admitted that Iran will have to be allowed to do some enriching as the price for a deal that otherwise constrains its nuclear plans.||2:But it will not accept that Iran, given its record of deceit and clandestine activity, needs a capacity to enrich that is possessed by very few other countries that use civil nuclear power.||3:Robert Einhorn, an arms-control expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington who served in the Clinton administration, argues that the Iranian demand “fails the realism test at several levels”.||4:It has no need to produce all its own fuel because it can either go on getting it from Russia or on the enriched-uranium buyers’ market.||5:Iran has neither the technical knowledge nor the infrastructure to produce fuel of the type Bushehr requires. |