属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-"可可"债券 大规模转变
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绝望的间歇 印度将"自杀未遂"合法化(
1 | (二)在合作转化中产生新的发明创造的,该新发明创造的权益归合作各方共有; | (2)Where inventions or creations ensue from collaborated transformation of a scientific or technological achievement, the rights and interests related to the inventions or creations shall belong to both parties in collaboration; and | |
2 | 但是,如果政策失效冲击了该地区的中央银行,它们在出口经济仍然强劲的情况下实施了反冲销,那么亚洲房产和股票市场就会发生喜人的初期泡沫。 | If, however, a burst of policy efficacy strikes the region’s central bankers, and they de-sterilize, while their export economies remain strong, a pleasant series of incipient bubbles in Asian property and stock markets could ensue . | |
3 | 敌若有备,出而不胜,则难以返,不利。 | But if the enemy is prepared for your coming, and you fail to defeat him, then, return being impossible,disaster will ensue . | |
4 | 而当一个母亲在内心中体会到这一切都是由她才引起的,又是多么深切地哀伤啊! | And so fierce a training of the energies that were to make good her cause, in the contest that must ensue . | |
5 | 夫钝兵挫锐,屈力殚货,则诸侯乘其弊而起,虽有智者,不能善其后矣。 | Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped,your strength exhausted and your treasure spent,other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise,will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue . | |
6 | 假如教士在各方面没有过错、充满信仰、并正当地承担责任美化国家,那么一种充满幸福的和谐将随之而起,把所有美好的事物带给人类。” | If the priesthood be in all respects without blame, and full of faith, and duly adorn the commonwealth committed to its charge, there will ensue a happy concord, which will bring forth all good things for mankind." | |
7 | 接着是一片沉默. | Silence ensue d. | |
8 | 就在我们的故事发生的那个夏天的早晨,有一情况颇值一书:挤在人群中的好几位妇女,看来对可能出现的任何刑罚那抱有特殊的兴趣。 | It was a circumstance to be noted, on the summer morning when our story begins its course, that the women, of whom there were several in the crowd, appeared to take a peculiar interest in whatever penal infliction might be expected to ensue . | |
9 | 可是,到了后来,这些攻击却都招致了诸如此类的不幸--不只是扭伤了肘腕和膝盖骨,打伤或者砍断了肢体--而且还遭到杀身之祸… | But at length, such calamities did ensue in these assaults-not restricted to strained wrists and ankles, broken limbs, or devouring amputations-but fatal to the last degree of fatality… | |
10 | 例如,引起白喉的细菌能在喉部繁衍兴旺却不造成太大危害,但当细菌释放毒素时,可使心肌损害,进而导致死亡。 | For example, the bacteria that cause diphtheria can thrive in the throat without much harm, but when toxins are released from the bacteria, muscles can become paralysed and death can ensue . | |
11 | 奇布诺尔对叶子当与根脱离接触时随后产生的代谢上的戏剧性后果印象很深。 | Chibnall was struck by the dramatic consequences for their metabolism which ensue when leaves are detached from contact with roots | |
12 | 让他去追求和平并为和平而奔波吧。 | Let him seek peace and ensue it! | |
13 | 如果森林火灾不能被扑灭,灾害一定会随之发生。 | If a forest fire cannot be extinguished,devastation is sure to ensue . | |
14 | 如果政策失效冲击了该地区的中央银行,并且它们在出口经济仍然强健的情况下解禁黄金,那么亚洲房产/股票市场就会出现一系列初期泡沫。印度较有可能出现这种情况。 | If a burst of policy efficacy strikes the region’s central bankers, and they desterilize, while their export economies still stay strong, a series of incipient bubbles in Asian property/stock markets could ensue . India is prime candidate. | |
15 | 谁知道空气污染可能造成什么样的灾难呢? | Who knows what troubles may ensue from air pollution? | |
16 | 倘若我对伊特(本我)。超我或外界作过度的退让和屈从,不和谐与不协调就势不可免。 | Should the ego abdicate or surrender too much of its power to the id, to the superego, or to the external world, disharmony and maladjustments will ensue . | |
17 | 维尔福家里的人谁都不会怀疑那件事情将引起一场决斗。 | No one at Villefort’s doubted that a duel would ensue from it | |
18 | 我希望,拥有不列颠这个成员的欧洲政治上统一,而且享有持久和平以及随之而来的进一步安定。 | I want Britain as a member of a Europe which is united politically, and which will enjoy lasting peace and the greater security which would ensue | |
19 | 这个话题不时在报上提出来,每次讨论总是非常热烈。 | Time and again, when this issue is debated in the newspapers, the discussions that ensue are always highly spirited. | |
20 | 这会产生什么后果呢? | What will ensue from(on)this? | |
21 | 这会产生什么结果呢? | What will ensue from(on)this? | |
22 | 这件丑事一露出风声便会招来麻烦 | Trouble will ensue if wind of this scandal gets out. | |
23 | 这事的结果会怎么样呢? | What will ensue from this? | |
24 | 这些弊病是由于缺乏一个稳定的政府而引起的。 | The evils ensue from lack of a stable government. | |
25 | 这些弊病由缺乏稳定的政府而引起。 | The evils ensue from lack of a stable government | |
26 | 这样的行动会产生什么结果呢? | What will ensue from / on these actions? | |
27 | 这以后会怎样?这会产生什么结果呢? | What will ensue from this? | |
28 | ||1:当英国拆分并出售国有垄断企业英国铁路公司时,旨在刺激竞争并降低成本。||2:为了实现这一目标,英国开始了一项激进的实验,将铁轨的管理与火车的管理分离开来,这项实验之前只在瑞典进行过。||3:政客们担心,如果金融体系一夜之间从僵化的国家垄断变成全民自由市场,那么混乱可能随之而来,一些政治敏感路线也可能会随之关闭。||4:因此,政客们引入了特许经营体系,在这个体系中,企业可以竞标特定服务的运营权,以确保连续性,并允许对亏损服务进行补贴。 | ||1:When Britain broke up and sold British Rail, the state-run monopoly, it hoped to spur competition and cut costs.||2:With this aim it embarked on a radical experiment, tried before only in Sweden, of separating the management of the tracks from that of the trains.||3:Politicians feared that chaos could ensue , and some politically sensitive lines could close, if the system went from rigid state monopoly to free-market free for-all overnight.||4:So they introduced a system of franchises, in which companies could bid for the right to operate specified services, to ensure continuity and allow for the subsidising of loss-making services. | |
29 | ||1:监管机构的确渴望一个更为简单的金融机构所以他们想知道是否cocos会使得处理银行破产变得更加棘手。||2:一个coco的失败将会作为一个触发点使得所有的投资者远离他们。||3:毫无疑问法律诉讼会随之而来在最尴尬的时候注入恐慌。||4:鉴于近期经验,对于监管者而言警惕任何银行热衷的事情是再必要不过了。 | ||1:Regulators, who crave a simpler financial system, wonder whether cocos will make dealing with failing banks even trickier.||2:The triggering of one coco will frighten investors away from all of them.||3:Lawsuits will undoubtedly ensue , injecting panic at the most awkward time.||4:Given recent experience, the watchdogs are right to be wary of anything banks are keen on. | |
30 | Gupta解释说,要是他的病人在他的治疗期间选择自杀,那么他可搞不定的这个“法律上的大麻烦”。 | Mr Gupta says he cannot handle the “legal hassle” that might ensue if they try to end their lives while in his care. |