属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梵蒂冈和土耳其 永世铭记
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-古巴及外围世界 旧友重拾
1 | 宋丽使节往来与文化交流 | Diplomatic Envoy Exchange and Cultural Communication between China’s Song Dynasty and Koryo | |
2 | 随后机器人用捷克语说道:“我作为日本的亲善大使,和小泉纯一郎首相一起来到捷克共和国--这里也是机器人这个词诞生的地方。” | "The robot then said in Czech: “I have arrived in the Czech Republic, where the word robot was born, together with Prime Minister Koizumi as a Japanese envoy of goodwill.”" | |
3 | 他大概不是理想的使节。 | He was not perhaps the ideal envoy | |
4 | 他们的代表对我方的提议毫无回应的迹象。 | Their envoy showed no sign of responding to our proposals. | |
5 | 它早已走出国门,成为中外文化交流的使者,远涉重洋,为越来越多的国家和人民所接受和珍爱。 | It has been introduced abroad as a cultural envoy between China and foreign countries, and has been widely accepted and appreciated by China’s foreign friends. | |
6 | 特使的出访在两国间建立了联系。 | The special envoy ’s visit established a link between the two countries. | |
7 | 特使已飞赴中东。 | The envoy extraordinary has flown to the Middle East. | |
8 | 我也喜欢做―当一名文化交流的使者,做“搭桥”的工作。 | I like to do---to be a sort of cultural-exchange envoy , to do some bridging work | |
9 | 一名美国特使也将于十月三日前往平壤进行访问,以促使自去年美国总统布希就职以来陷入停顿的会谈得以恢复举行。 | A special U.S. envoy will visit pyongyang on October 3 to pave way for the resumption of dialogue, which was interrupted since U.S. president Bush assumed office last year | |
10 | 一位媾和使节受命来华。 | A peace envoy is accredited to China | |
11 | 一位使者带来了坏消息。 | An envoy came bearing the sad news. | |
12 | 在联合国特使拉萨利.伊斯梅尔来访前以及东南亚外长会议在汶莱登场前夕,上个月已有另五十三人获释出狱。 | Before the visit of Razali Ismail, special envoy of the UN, and the commencement of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in brunei, another 53 people were already released last month | |
13 | 这是毛泽东同志在芬兰首任驻中国大使孙士教递交国书的时候谈话的要点。 | Main points of a conversation with Ambassador Carl-Johan (Cay)Sundstrom, the first finnish envoy to China, when he presented his credentials | |
14 | 这位发言人对新闻界说,穆塞韦尼总统的决定是13日在乌干达首都坎帕拉同联合国秘书长派驻刚果(金)的特别代表恩贡基举行会谈后作出的。 | This spokesman told the press, president Musaiweni’s decision was made after meeting with Engongji, special envoy of UN Secretary General to DRC on 13th in uganda capital, Kanpala | |
15 | 这位使者给我们带来了战争的消息。 | The envoy bore back to us tidings of war | |
16 | 这位特使用外交手腕处理了这一微妙的局势。 | The special envoy handled the delicate situation with diplomacy. | |
17 | 政府尚未向这一地区派过外交官。 | The government has not yet appointed an envoy to the area. | |
18 | 中国使节文集考述―越南篇 | The Researches about the Diplomatic Envoy ’s Works of Vietnam | |
19 | 总理的欧洲共同体委派外交使节。 | The Prime Minister accredited an envoy to European Communities | |
20 | 作为高僧、使节和历史人物,他在印度的名声更加显赫。在中国,他以<西游记>中唐僧和历史人物的形象活在人们的记忆之中。 | In fact, he may be more well-known in India than in China as a monk, envoy and historical figure. In China, he is remembered as a historical personage as well as the hero of the novel Pilgrimage to the West. | |
21 | 作为贵国人民的友好使者 | As am envoy of friendship of your people | |
22 | ||1:霍尔布鲁克先生由巴拉克·奥巴马指定为自己的总统特使,但手上几乎没有什么权力。||2:阿富汗和巴基斯坦的高级官员都看不惯他蛮横粗暴的性格,指责他对当地相关情况不了解,对他敬而远之。||3:而美国国内事务由将军和中央情报局掌管。||4:最削弱他意志的是,人人皆知奥巴马先生最讨厌像霍尔布鲁克先生这样毛遂自荐的人,因而总统对他的特使态度冷淡,和次大陆国家领导人常有的不冷不热的态度没什么两样。 | ||1:Barack Obama appointed him as his presidential envoy , but Mr Holbrooke held little authority.||2:Senior officials in Afghanistan and Pakistan, who resented his abrasive personality and his relative lack of knowledge of the region, kept him at arm’s length.||3:At home, American generals and the CIA ran the show.||4:Most debilitating, Mr Obama, whose distaste for self-promotion is well documented, treated his envoy with a coolness not unlike that shown by many of the subcontinent’s leaders. | |
23 | ||1:教皇方济各此前也用过相同的措辞,最近一次是在 2013 年接见亚美尼亚代表团时。||2:但这些言论几乎鲜有报道,土耳其政府也仅仅是表示了“失望”,并召会梵蒂冈特使进申斥而已。||3:然而这一次,就在4月24日的正式百年纪念活动开始的前几天,他当着亚美尼亚总统萨尔基相的面发表了这样一个“众望所归”言论。 | ||1:Francis has used the same phrase before, most recently in 2013 when he met an Armenian delegation.||2:But that was scarcely reported, and the Turkish authorities merely expressed “disappointment” and called in the Vatican’s envoy for a ticking-off.||3:This time, he was making a much-awaited speech in front of Armenia’s president, Serzh Sargsyan, days before the official centenary commemorations on April 24th. | |
24 | 1:一位使者称该政权也希望能给西部首都带来同样的投资,因为他认为俄罗斯和中国的投资都不是“特洛伊木马”,企图推动政权更替,一位古巴的经济学家称在冷战期间针对苏联的措辞与此如出一辙,不可思议,他说;“决策者希望与俄罗斯和中国实现交流,使他们基于政治因素作出投资,但这不过是老调重弹,鲜有成效。 | 1:One envoy says the regime also prefers such investments to Western capital because it sees neither China nor Russia as a “Trojan horse” working towards regime change. | |
25 | ||1:在代顿以及其他任何地方,他都是一名很难相处的领导,但是这仅仅是他对自己的要求:来回的在各大洲之间穿梭,熬夜不停地看一本书或者看第五遍我为玛丽狂。||2:每接到一个工作,他都会很快完成,用他自己的话说(他不是奥巴马总统的阿富汗和巴基斯坦“特使”,这个词太文雅了,而是他的“特别代表”,这个词范围更广)。||3:而且他喜欢简短直接的交流。||4:早在1970年,外交政策(他1972年-1977年在共和党竞选期间编辑的一本杂志)第一期的一段中,他为国家部门的迅速增长感到悲哀,在这样的部门中,内部交流都变得“更浪费时间,更难理解,更难控制”。||5:因此,他早在40年前就预言了维基泄密事件的发生,尽管维基泄密可能使他对波斯尼亚的战略趋于毁灭。 | ||1: In Dayton and everywhere else he was a hard taskmaster, but this was no more than he demanded of himself: shuttling to and fro between continents, staying up sleepless to read a book or to watch “There’s Something About Mary” for the fifth time. ||2: When he was given a job he did it fast, on his own terms (he was not Mr Obama’s “envoy ” to Afghanistan and Pakistan, too elegant a word, but his “special representative”, a much wider-ranging brief). ||3: And he expected short, direct lines of communication. ||4: As early as 1970, in a piece for the first issue of Foreign Policy (a magazine he edited from 1972 to 1977, during a Republican lull), he lamented the mushroom growth of the State Department, where internal communications were becoming “ever more time-consuming, less intelligible and less controllable”. ||5: He thus predicted four decades early the age of Wikileaks, though Wikileaks might well have doomed his tactics in Bosnia. | |
26 | 招人嫉妒的大使馆 | Envoy envy | |
27 | “我接替他[本杰明•富兰克林,作为派往法国的特使];没有人能够取代他”(托马斯•杰弗逊)。 | "I succeed him [Benjamin Franklin, as envoy to France] ; no one could replace him" (Thomas Jefferson). | |
28 | “这不过是新瓶装旧酒,”来自某发展中国家的一位资深外交官说道。 | "It’s new wine in an old glass, " said one senior envoy from a developing country. | |
29 | “这一事件带来的影响是多方面的,影响因素是结构性的。” | "This is not a one-off event. The causes are structural, " said the envoy . | |
30 | 阿劳德后来对记者说,法国已做好很快开始起草一份决议的准备。 | The French envoy later told reporters that Paris was ready to begin drafting a resolution soon. |