1 | 海水对沿岸地区的侵蚀;沿海别墅 | shorefront erosion ;shorefront cottages. | |
2 | 旱灾和严重的土壤侵蚀造成巨大的破坏,恢复起来极为困难。 | Droughts and accentuation of soil erosion cause havoc in such areas, making their rehabilitation extremely difficult. | |
3 | 换句话说,持续威胁自然腐蚀家庭个体的…孤生的异端倾向… | In other words, the unorthodox tendencies towards ownlife...which constantly threaten the natural erosion of the family unit.. | |
4 | 几万年漫长岁月的风化,使山上草深没膝,绿树成荫。 | After tens of thousands of years of weathering and erosion , it is now a wooded hill where the weeds come up to the knee | |
5 | 加拿大研究人员对北极地区永冻层的侵蚀表示严重关切。 | Canadian researchers expressed serious concerns about the erosion of permafrost in the Arctic | |
6 | 减少坩埚侵蚀的有效方法是对熔体施加磁场以抑制热对流的流动。 | A novel method to reduce crucible erosion is by suppressing thermal convection currents, which can be done by applying a magnetic field to the melt | |
7 | 减少切削刀具和腐蚀器(在腐蚀加工中所用的工具)的损耗同样也很重要。 | The problem of reducing the wear of cutting tools and eroders (the tools applied in erosion processes)also plays its part. | |
8 | 尽管如此,这场合法性受到质疑的战争的一个影响可能是美国是否是一个遵从法律正义原则的国家的事实受到继续腐蚀。 | Nonetheless, one impact of a war of dubious lawfulness may be the continued erosion of respect for the United States as a nation committed to principles of justice under law. | |
9 | 具有讽刺意义的是,如果真的出现持久和平的话,不仅会降低许多人的生活水平,还会破坏数十年一成不变的生活方式。 | The irony is that lasting peace, if it comes, will bring not just a reduced standard of living for many but the erosion of a way of life that has been insulated from change for decades | |
10 | 领导了也要冒风险,领导者不像经营管理者那样依靠结构,而是把他的个人愿望建立在方针路线上,这样就会冒丧失其权力或侵蚀其权力基础的危险。 | Leadership also involves risk, In contrast to the manager’s reliance on structure, the leader risk losing his authority or an erosion of his power base by putting his personal desires on the line | |
11 | 流速太慢会引起管道淤积,造成堵塞;太快则会导致管道锈蚀。 | Too slow a flow may cause a build-up of sewage, and consequent blockage, and too rapid a flow may result in the erosion of the pipe. | |
12 | 陆上侵蚀常夷平成准平原。 | Subaerial erosion occurs often with reduction to a peneplain | |
13 | 磨损作用也助长了风的侵蚀。 | Abrasion also abets wind erosion | |
14 | 苜蓿,三叶草一种豆科三叶草属的草本植物,长有三小叶,开密簇小花,包括用作饲料的、防止水土流失的及作为蜜蜂蜜源的品种 | Any of various herbs of the genus Trifolium in the pea family,having trifoliolate leaves and dense heads of small flowers and including species grown for forage,for erosion control,and as a source of nectar for honeybees. | |
15 | 那片地确实不太好。我想过种上些松树或冷杉,起防风林的作用,可减少土壤侵蚀。但我没有考虑过全种上树。 | The land isn’ t much good as it is. I’ve thought of some pines or firs as a windbreak划to cut down the erosion . But I hadn’t considered planting the whole thing. | |
16 | 评定在严酷环境条件下使用的电气绝缘材料耐漏电起痕性和耐电蚀损的试验方法 | Test methods for evaluating resistance to tracking and erosion of electrical insulating materials used under severe ambient conditions | |
17 | 切削与腐蚀加工的目的是将工件加工成所需的形状并达到必要精确度的尺寸,同时还要确保工件表面层的质量要求。这一目的还应以最经济的方法去达到。 | It is the purpose of machining by cutting and by erosion to give the workpiece the desired shape and dimensions of necessary accuracy, as well as to ensure that the surface layer of the workpiece has the desired quality. This purpose should be achieved in the most economical way. | |
18 | 侵蚀,消耗使侵蚀或渐渐减小 | To cause erosion or gradual diminishment. | |
19 | 侵蚀的影响因土壤的类型和深度的不同而不同。 | The effect of erosion varies with soil type and depth | |
20 | 侵蚀轮回学说 | theory of erosion cycle | |
21 | 侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失。 | Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil. | |
22 | 轻微倾斜地层的侵蚀通常造成非对称的山脊,称为单面山。 | Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetrical ridges known as cuestas | |
23 | 如果因水土流失而冲掉了表土,植物不能再在留下的土壤中生长。 | If the topsoil is taken away by erosion , plants can no longer grow in the soil left behind | |
24 | 沙漠化使干旱或半干旱地区维持生命的能力逐渐枯竭。在此过程中,地下水位下降,表土层及水分盐化,地面水减少,侵蚀加剧及乡土植物灭绝。 | Desertification drains an arid or semiarid land of its life-supporting capabilities. It is characterized by a declining groundwater table, salt accumulation in topsoil and water, a decrease in surface water, increasing erosion , and the disappearance of native vegetation. | |
25 | 树枝状水系型式的发展是由遭受侵蚀的岩石类型和层态影响的。 | Development of the dendritic pattern is influenced by the type and attitude of rock the erosion encounters | |
26 | 水土保持综合治理技术规范崩岗治理技术 | Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion --Technique for erosion control of collapse hill | |
27 | 水土保持综合治理技术规范风沙治理技术 | Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion --Technique for control of wind erosion | |
28 | 水土保持综合治理技术规范坡耕地治理技术 | Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion --Technique for erosion control of slope land |