属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-来自俄罗斯的援助 普京的公关部队
属类:时事政治-America’s National Parks 国家公园-黄石公园:美国首家国家公园
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-智慧之牙-智齿
1 | 爆发油或气以势不可挡之势爆发 | To erupt in an uncontrolled manner.Used of a gas or oil well. | |
2 | 迸发,爆炸。 | To erupt or explode. | |
3 | 并且妇女特别善于分析谋杀的动机:紧张、阴谋、嫉妒和忿恨,这些都郁集在侦探小说家喜欢的封闭环境中,并最终引发犯罪。” | And women are particularly skilled at dealing with the motives for murder: the tensions, intrigues, jealousies and resentments which can fester in the closed circles beloved of crime writers to erupt finally into the ultimate crime." | |
4 | 活火山随时可能喷发。 | An active volcano may erupt at any time. | |
5 | 紧张情形有时会引发暴力 | Ten-sions sometimes erupt in violence | |
6 | 如果再乱,乱到党不起作用了,国家权力不起作用了,这一派抓一部分军队,那一派抓一部分军队,就是个内战的局面。 | If the situation deteriorated to the point where our Party and the state power couldn’t function, with each faction controlling a part of the army, a civil war would indeed erupt . | |
7 | 谁也不知道埋在现代社会下的社会火山何时爆发。 | No one knows when the social volcano below modern society will erupt . | |
8 | 喧嚣尘世的《圣经密码》一书亦声称第三次世界大战将在公元2000元来临以前爆发。 | The Bible Code, a best-selling book, predicts that World War Three would erupt before the year 2000. | |
9 | 一枚花炮的有效载荷是由那些迸发成闪光的“星星”显象的化学物质组成。 | The payload of a skyrocket is made up of the chemicals that erupt into a brilliant display of "stars" | |
10 | 仗打起来,对我们半信半疑。 | Then when fighting did erupt , he took us half seriously, half sceptically | |
11 | 这座火山很有可能在今天晚上喷发。 | The volcano will / may / might / could well erupt tonight. | |
12 | 足球赛后城里发生了暴力活动。 | Violence erupt in the city after the football match. | |
13 | ||1:印度尼西亚是一个拥有17000个岛屿的国家,坐落在太平洋边缘的“火环”上,拥有127座活火山。||2:这些活火山随时都可以爆发,同样的滑动板块会引发地震、滑坡和海啸,每年总共有超过2300次紧急事件。||3:随着他的工作进行,情况变得更糟:2018年是十多年来自然灾害最严重的一年,有4600多人丧生。 | ||1:Indonesia was a country of 17,000 islands, perched on the "Ring of Fire" at the edge of the Pacific, with 127 active volcanoes.||2:They could erupt at any time, and the same sliding plates unleashed earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis, adding up to more than 2,300 emergencies a year.||3:As his job went on, the tally got worse: 2018 was the deadliest for natural disasters in over a decade, with more than 4,600 people killed. | |
14 | 那年日本为争夺中国辽东半岛控制权与俄国发生冲突,紧接着在1904年爆发了日俄战争。 | and a modernizing Japan was embroiled in a dispute with Russia over Manchuria that would erupt into the Russo-Japanese War in early 1904. | |
15 | 然而,援助车队不但不能让形势缓和,反而提高了冲突升级的危机。一旦这一路上发生任何战斗都可能带来更为巨大冲突,那时也预示着普京极有可能会呼唤军队的介入。并且,由于数月来俄罗斯对于反政府势力的暗中支持支持,基辅当局有理由高度怀疑俄罗斯的用心。 | Yet the convoy carries the risk of escalating tensions rather than bringing relief. Any fight at the border over the passage of the lorries into Ukraine could erupt into a wider clash presaging Mr Putin calling in the troops. After months of Russia’s backing anti-government rebels, suspicions in Kiev are high. | |
16 | 专家表示,再过1千到1万年它可能会再次喷发。但是黄石公园每年发生数千次地震,其中多数地震小到让参观公园的人们无法察觉。 | Experts say it may erupt again in another 1,000 to 10,000 years. But each year, there are thousands of earthquakes at Yellowstone. Most are too small to be felt by people visiting the park. | |
17 | 阻生智齿是指未能完全从牙龈中长出的智齿,术语称之为冒出。只部分冒出的智齿会在牙齿周围留下细菌进入的空间,这种情况下就有感染的风险。 | An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to completely rise through the gums -- the term is erupt . Wisdom teeth that only partially erupt can leave space for bacteria to enter around the tooth. Infection is a risk in these cases. | |
18 | “如果中国产品开始被认为是危险的,并且给当地人带来不良后果,当出现这种情况时,可能会爆发真正的对抗性反应。” | "If and when Chinese products start being seen as unsafe and people suffer as a result, " he said, "a real backlash may erupt . " | |
19 | CSCW中基于角色的并发控制模型 | Erupt to Control the Model Based Upon Role in the CSCW | |
20 | 不过他承认,虽然“[土耳其]这条船很稳定,但是大海波涛汹涌,暴风雨随时可能发生。” | Yet he acknowledges that, though "the [Turkish] ship is steady, the seas are choppy, a storm might erupt at any time. " | |
21 | 但是,如果他食言,很可能一场更愤怒的抗议浪潮会在九月爆发。 | But if it stalls, a wave of even angrier protest may well erupt in September. | |
22 | 但是如果压力被隐藏在了阴暗处、出于羞耻而被压抑;出于恐惧而被否认,那么这个影子除了爆发之外别无选择。 | But when it is concealed in darkness, repressed out of shame, and denied out of fear, the shadow has no choice but to erupt . | |
23 | 但是在水下,火山依旧喷发,滚滚岩浆形成了玄武岩的山脉。 | But under the water, volcanoes continued to erupt , sending up magma and forming mountains of basalt. | |
24 | 当冲突爆发时,ICRC寻求使交战各方达成特别协议,承诺遵守公约的相关规定。 | When conflicts erupt , it seeks to get all parties to commit to observing the rules by way of special agreements. | |
25 | 当明星们步下豪华汽车,走过红地毯时,人群瞬间陷入一片疯狂。 | As the stars step from their limos and navigate, the red carpet, the crowds erupt in full frenzy. | |
26 | 当少数公民觉得假装满足的代价过高以至于无法忍受之时,便会突然爆发令人嗔目结舌的抗议。 | And when the cost of pretending becomes intolerably high for a few citizens, sudden and surprising mass protests can erupt . | |
27 | 当议会的议员们发难,敲桌怒吼时,辛格坐姿挺拔、缄默不语且面带微笑。 | As members of parliament erupt , banging their desks and screeching with rage, Manmohan Singh sits stiff, silent and smiling. | |
28 | 当这种情况超过几个星期后,幸存者的挫败感能够表现为暴力、愤怒和忧郁爆发出来。 | When this situation lasts more than a few weeks, the survivors’ frustration can erupt in violence, anger and depression. | |
29 | 对大学的严密监控,确保很少出现突发的学生事件。 | Tight surveillance of universities ensures students rarely erupt . | |
30 | 革命往往发生在文化发展而经济衰退的阶段。 | Revolutions usually erupt during phases of cultural growth and economic downturn. |