1 | 搅起种族和宗教仇视的邪恶潜流(彼得·马斯) | churned up dark undercurrents of ethnic and religious hostility(Peter Maas) | |
2 | 叫嚣“要反对突厥民族以外的一切民族”,消灭“异教徒”,中国是“东突厥斯坦民族3000年的敌国”,等等。 | They clamored for opposition to all ethnic groups other than Turks and for the annihilation of pagans, asserting that China had been the enemy of the East Turkistan nation for 3,000 years | |
3 | 尽快摆脱落后面貌,迅速走向现代化,是西藏社会进步与发展的必然要求,也是西藏各族人民的强烈愿望。 | Rapidly shaking off its traditional backwardness and quickening its steps toward modernization are the natural requirements for the progress and development of Tibetan society and the fervent wish of all the ethnic groups in Tibet | |
4 | 经济发展、民族团结、社会稳定,关系到地区协调发展和最终实现共同富裕 | Economic growth, unity of all ethnic groups, social stability, coordinated development of various regions, and realization of the ultimate goal of common wealth | |
5 | 九一一和后来在新加坡发生的一些事件,使政府更强烈的意识到各种族之间的了解还有待改善,因此采取了一些政策促进族群的相互了解。 | After Sept 11 and the events that have since taken place in Singapore, the Government is even more acutely aware of the gap between the different ethnic groups here which needs to be bridged | |
6 | 联盟不同群体间的政治约定(如一个国家或地区内部的民族或种族),根据一个一致同意的方案或机构共享权力 | A political arrangement in which various groups, such as ethnic or racial populations within a country or region, share power according to an agreed formula or mechanism. | |
7 | 美国少数民族的社会境遇恶劣。 | Social conditions are bad for ethnic minority Americans | |
8 | 面对冷战结束后因民族、宗教因素引发的局部冲突与危机,我们主张:信教与不信教者之间,各宗教、各教派之间相互尊重和宽容。 | In response to the local conflicts and crises caused by ethnic and religious factors in the post-Cold War era, we call for mutual respect and tolerance on the part of all religions and religious sects | |
9 | 民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快。 | Assisted by the State and supported by other regions, ethnic minority areas witnessed acceleration in economic growth through their own efforts and hard work. | |
10 | 民族风味的饭馆;民族艺术 | ethnic restaurants;ethnic art. | |
11 | 民族文化大省 | A province with rich ethnic culture | |
12 | 目前西藏已建立了电力、轻工、纺织、化工、机械 | The region has established power, light, textile, chemical, machine-building, forest, building materials and ethnic handicraft industries with nearly 500 enterprises, basically forming a modern industrial setup with Tibetan characteristics | |
13 | 培养了一批学术造诣较深的科技专家,造就了一支具有较强研究、开发、试验、推广和管理能力的多民族科技队伍 | trained a crop of sci-tech specialists with high academic achievements; created a sci-tech contingent made up of people of various ethnic groups and highly capable of research, development, experimentation, popularization and management | |
14 | 区分人口样本中各种少数民族成份的研究人员 | A researcher who separated the various ethnic components of the population sample. | |
15 | 全国348个少数民族自治县中有257个被列为国家重点扶持贫困县。 | Among the 348 ethnic minority autonomous counties across the country, 257 were poverty-stricken counties given priority in aid | |
16 | 然而,大多数征婚广告仍然不仅要求种姓,例如是婆罗门或刹帝利,而且还对对方的籍贯或民族提出一定要求。 | The majority of them, however, still require not only caste, such as brahman or Kshatriya, but also a certain home region or ethnic origin | |
17 | 入晚,走过旅馆游泳池畔,着传统服饰的巴厘舞蹈员正整妆。 | Once at nightfall, when passing the swimming-pool at my hotel, I caught sight of some balinese dancers in ethnic costumes getting ready for their performance | |
18 | 萨满教在一些民族中仍然有较大影响。 | shamanism still has considerable influence among some ethnic groups | |
19 | 少数民族的风俗习惯受到充分尊重。 | Ethnic minorities folkways and customs are fully respected | |
20 | 少数民族的风俗习惯与群众生产生活息息相关,与宗教信仰密切相联。 | Ethnic minorities folkways and customs are closely related to peoples production and life, as well as religious beliefs | |
21 | 少数民族公民身份组〔英国驻港总领事馆〕 | Ethnic Minorities Citizenship Unit [British Consulate-General Hong Kong] | |
22 | 少数民族使用发展本民族语言文字的自由和权利得到充分尊重和保障。 | Ethnic minorities freedom and right to use and develop their own spoken and written languages are fully respected and protected | |
23 | 少数民族手工艺 | ethnic arts and crafts | |
24 | 所有的少数民族舞蹈剧团使得民族舞蹈戏剧化(罗伯特J.皮尔斯) | All ethnic dance troupes theatricalize the dance of the folk(Robert J.Pierce) | |
25 | 他想超越种族与阶级界限,给美国年轻人灌输一种共同的政治责任感。 | He wanted to instill in young Americans a sense of mutual political commitment that crossed ethnic and class boundaries | |
26 | 图书、报纸、杂志出版的种类和数量成倍增长,报纸由1952年的4种发展至2001年的98种,其中少数民族文字报纸有43种。 | The genres and number of titles of books, newspapers and magazines have doubled or redoubled. The number of newspapers increased from 4 in 1952 to 98 in 2001, of which 43 were published in local ethnic -minority languages | |
27 | 为尊重少数民族风俗习惯,中央和自治区人民政府颁布了一系列规定。 | To respect ethnic minorities folkways and customs, the central and regional peoples governments have promulgated a number of regulations | |
28 | 维护中华民族的团结统一,是中华民族伟大复兴的根本基础,是全国各族人民的根本利益所在。 | The preservation of solidarity and unity of the Chinese nation is the very foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and is where the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups lie. | |
29 | 无论在司法、行政、教育等领域还是在政治和社会生活中,少数民族语言文字都得到广泛使用。 | Whether in the fields of judicature, administration, education, etc., or in political and social life, the spoken and written languages of ethnic minorities are broadly used | |
30 | 西藏城镇建设速度正在不断加快,如何在城镇建设中保持雪域高原民族特色,引起包括国内外各方面人士的普遍关注。 | As urban construction is being quickened in Tibet, the question of how to maintain the ethnic flavor on the snow-capped plateau has drawn the concern of various circles at home and abroad |