1 | 西藏各族人民始终是西藏现代化发展的主体和根本动力,是西藏发展成果的受益者。 | The people of all ethnic groups in Tibet have always been the mainstay and basic motive power behind the region’s modernization drive, and also the beneficiaries of the results of its development | |
2 | 西藏各族人民是西藏生态建设和环境保护事业的主要推动者和直接参与者,也是生态环境保护成果的主要受益者。 | People of all ethnic groups in Tibet are the major motivators and direct participants in the ecological improvement and environmental protection work in Tibet. They are also the main beneficiaries of a well-preserved ecological environment | |
3 | 西域都护府的设立,标志着西汉开始在西域行使国家主权,新疆成为中国统一多民族国家的一个组成部分。 | The establishment of the Western Regions Frontier Command indicated that the Western Han had begun to exercise state sovereignty over the Western Regions, and that Xinjiang had become a component part of the unitary multi-ethnic Chinese nation | |
4 | 新疆各族人民创造了丰富多彩的传统历史文化,为中华民族文化的发展作出了独特的贡献。 | The people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have created a long-standing, varied and colorful traditional culture, making a unique contribution to the cultural development of the Chinese nation | |
5 | 新疆居民的族属,从汉代(公元前206年-公元220年)开始才有明确的记载,当时主要有:塞、月氏(音:肉支)、乌孙、羌、匈奴和汉人。 | The ethnic origins of the residents of Xinjiang began to be clearly recorded in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.), the main ones being the Sai (Sak), Rouzhi (or Yueh-chih), Wusun (Usun), Qiang, Xiongnu (hun)and Han | |
6 | 新疆现有47个民族成分,主要居住有维吾尔、汉、哈萨克、回、蒙古、柯尔克孜、锡伯、塔吉克、乌孜别克、满、达斡尔、塔塔尔、俄罗斯等民族,是中国五个少数民族自治区之一。 | There are 47 ethnic groups in Xinjiang, mainly the Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Mongolian, Kirgiz, Xibe, Tajik, Ozbek, Manchu, Daur, tatar and Russian. It is one of Chinas five autonomous regions for ethnic minorities | |
7 | 新疆一些信仰伊斯兰教的民族历史上曾信仰过祆教。 | Some ethnic groups in Xinjiang that followed Islam once also believed in Zoroastrianism | |
8 | 新中国成立以后,中国在少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治 | Since the founding of New China, regional autonomy has been practiced in places where ethnic minorities live in compact communities. | |
9 | 一个社会阶层或种族对另一社会阶级或种族的剥削社会群体权力不均的附带现象哈珀) | Exploitation of one social class or ethnic group by another [ is ] an epiphenomenon of real differences in power between social groups(Harper’s) | |
10 | 一枚上书“越人以城邑反蛮”,记载了当时的民族关系 | Another one is inscribed with the words "people of the State of Yue have built city walls to resist the attacks of barbarians", showing the ethnic relations at the time | |
11 | 伊斯兰教成为维吾尔等民族信仰的主要宗教后,原来主要由这些民族信仰的祆教、摩尼教、景教在新疆随之逐渐消失,但佛教、道教仍然存在。 | After that, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorianism, the main religions of the Uygur and other ethnic groups, gradually went out of the picture in Xinjiang, but Buddhism and taoism continued to make themselves felt there | |
12 | 英国学校需要给予少数民族儿童更多的帮助。 | Schools in Britain need to do more to help children of ethnic minorities. | |
13 | 拥有美好家园的小区;民族居住区 | A neighborhood of fine homes;an ethnic neighborhood. | |
14 | 悠久的中华文化,成为维系民族团结和国家统一的牢固纽带。 | The age-old Chinese culture becomes a strong bond for ethnic harmony and national unity | |
15 | 有些美国人并不知道来自不同种族或有不同宗教信仰的人的饮食禁忌。 | Some Americans don’t know about the dietary restrictions of various ethnic and religiors groups | |
16 | 有些人把战斗后英国胜利者的行径比作最近在卢旺达和波斯尼亚等被内乱弄得支离破碎的地区进行种族灭绝性屠杀的企图。 | Some liken the behaviour of the English victors after the battle to recent attempts at ethnic cleansing in strife-torn places such as Rwanda and Bosnia | |
17 | 在长期发展中,新疆生产建设兵团已有汉族、维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、蒙古族等37个民族成分。 | During its long years of development, the XPCC has become a mosaic of people from 37 ethnic groups, including the Han, Uygur, Kazak, Hui and mongolian | |
18 | 在高等学校招生考试中,根据目前生源的实际情况,对少数民族考生采取降低分数线的优惠政策等。 | At the college entrance examination, a preferential policy is implemented, whereby the entrance mark has been specially lowered for ethnic -minority students according to the actual circumstances of the students sources | |
19 | 在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人 | persons belonging to national, ethnic , religious and linguistic minority | |
20 | 在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言 | Declaration of the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic , Religious and Linguistic Minorities | |
21 | 在有土葬习俗的少数民族中,政府不推行火葬,并采取划拨专用土地、建立专用公墓等具体措施予以保障 | Ethnic minorities which traditionally practice inhumation are exempt from the government requirement of cremation, and are allotted special land for cemeteries | |
22 | 在这种情况下,由于都市化、工业化的日益发展,种族家庭的模式缓慢地解体。 | Under these conditions, ethnic family patterns were slowly broken down by an increasingly urbanized, industrialized environment | |
23 | 在中国,任何人、任何团体,包括任何宗教,都应当维护人民利益,维护法律尊严,维护民族团结,维护国家统一。 | In China, all individuals and organizations, including all religions, must safeguard the people’s interests, the sanctity of the law, ethnic unity and unification of the nation | |
24 | 在主要大都市里,有许多族群居住的社区,都还保存着移民的文化传统和语言。 | Ethnic enclaves, found particularly in major metropolitan centers, have preserved the language and culture of American immigrants | |
25 | 掌握了自己命运的中国各族人民,终于可以在一个独立、统一、和平、稳定的环境中意气风发地建设自己的国家 | The Chinese people of all ethnic groups, who have taken their destiny in their own hands and enjoy independence, unity, peace and stability, are now able to devote all their energy to the cause of building up their country | |
26 | 这个集团没有地区上的边界,跨越人种和种族的区分以及政党的界限。 | It knows no sectional boundaries or ethnic and racial divisions, and it crosses political party lines | |
27 | 这项法案也严格禁止美国与联合国为起诉种族屠杀和其他违反人道罪行而成立的国际战争罪行法庭合作。 | The bill also strictly forbids the US-UN cooperation on the international war tribunal set up for the prosecution of ethnic genocide and other anti-humanitarian crimes | |
28 | 中国的56个民族,从古代开始就在华夏大地上劳动和繁衍,经过长期的相互帮助、相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家。 | Since ancient times, people of the 56 ethnic groups have toiled and multiplied on the vast land of China. They have helped each other and learned from each other over long years and thus formed a unitary multi-ethnic country. | |
29 | 中国各族人民坚决反对任何企图分裂中国领土和主权的图谋。 | The Chinese people of all ethnic groups are firmly opposed to any attempt to split the Chinese territory and sovereignty. | |
30 | 中国具有五千年悠久历史。在中国这块土地上,中化民族繁衍生息,各民族相互融合 | China has a long history of 5000 years. The Chinese people have lived and multiplied on this land, where all ethnic groups have been highly integrated. |