1 | 目前尚未有人员伤亡或财产损失的报道,但海啸预警覆盖区域的民众已被要求撤离。 | There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage, but people in areas covered by the tsunami warning were told to evacuate . | |
2 | 然而,当时在地面实施救援的消防和警察长官却决定疏散大厦内的人员。 | Yet on the ground, the fire and police chiefs have taken the decision to evacuate the towers. | |
3 | 日本NHK电视台表示那些在海啸警报区域内的居民必须转移到高处。 | Japan’s NHK public television said those in areas where the tsunami warnings were issued should evacuate to higher ground. | |
4 | 日本当局已于震后疏散了福岛市核电站东北方位的居民。该核电站反应堆的冷却系统在地震中发生故障。 | Authorities had earlier ordered 2, 000 residents living by the plant in the northeast to evacuate after a reactor cooling system failed. | |
5 | 上周六,在政府警告人们撤离几个危险地区之后,对于即将发生水灾的恐惧导致当地出现了一些恐慌场面。 | Fears of imminent flooding promoted panicky scenes on Saturday after the government warned people to evacuate several vulnerable areas. | |
6 | 身穿救生衣的救援人员走在洪水中,疏散幸存者。 | Rescuers wearing life jackets make their way in floodwaters to evacuate survivors | |
7 | 世贸中心南塔中的人员被告知不要撤离,大楼是安全的。 | 55 a. m. : Occupants of the unhit WTC’s South Tower are told not to evacuate . The building is secure. | |
8 | 疏散前,专项负责关停重要操作的员工理应遵循的程序; | Procedures for employees who are responsible for shutting down critical operations before they evacuate the facility | |
9 | 数万人被迫从日本北部地区撤离,他们的家园都被10米(33英尺)高的海啸摧毁了。 | Tens of thousands were forced to evacuate across Japan’s northern region, their homes crushed by the 10-meter (33-foot) tsunami. | |
10 | 宋明说,他周二上午帮助疏散了留在北川县泄洪区的零散居民。 | Mr. Song said he spent Tuesday morning helping to evacuate the scattered remaining residents in soon-to-be-flooded areas of Beichuan county. | |
11 | 搜救行动经常被余震或海啸预警中断,彼时他们不得不暂时疏散。 | Their work was interrupted by occasional aftershocks and new tsunami alerts that forced them to evacuate temporarily. | |
12 | 随着反对派收紧对首都的包围,他们计划从海上疏散剩余的外国劳工。 | And as the stranglehold on the capital tightens, plans are being made to evacuate the last remaining foreign workers by sea. | |
13 | 他们在2006年以色列与黎巴嫩真主党发生战争时,特意派遣船只疏散在黎巴嫩滞留的加拿大人。 | They chartered ships to evacuate Canadians stranded in Lebanon when war broke out between Israel and Hizbullah in 2006. | |
14 | 他说现在的第一要务是要让人们迁移出辐射区以保证他们不会吃下污染了的事物。 | He said the top priority would be to evacuate people from the area and to make sure they did not eat contaminated food. | |
15 | 泰国政府已宣布首都放假五天,以便居民撤离。 | The government has declared a five-day holiday for the capital to allow residents time to evacuate . | |
16 | 我们每个小时能撤离120名游客;现在我们唯一需要的就是气候状况能帮点忙。 | We can evacuate 120 tourists per hour; now the only thing we need is for the climate to help us out a little bit. | |
17 | 新华社9日报道,新疆塔城、阿勒泰地区雪灾已造成1人死亡,5435受灾群众紧急转移。 | The snow disaster in Tacheng and Aletai in Xinjiang has killed 1 person and forced 5435 people to evacuate , Xinhua reported Saturday. | |
18 | 一家炼油厂起火,核反应堆附近的居民被迫疏散。 | An oil refinery caught fire and residents near a nuclear reactor were forced to evacuate . | |
19 | 因此,只需要低压就能从所述储液器中抽出灌洗液体并经由所述肛门探测器排出。 | Thus only a low pressure is necessary to evacuate the irrigation liquid from the reservoir and out through the anal probe. | |
20 | 由于新形成的湖泊还在扩展,当局紧急疏散了滑坡地区和上游地区受灾的人们。 | As the newly-formed lake grew, authorities rushed to evacuate and supply those affected in the landslide area and upstream. | |
21 | 有些人指出,对于幸存者是应该寻找掩蔽所,还是应该试图撤离,联邦政府所给的建议自相矛盾。 | Some noted conflicting federal advice on whether survivors should seek shelter or try to evacuate . | |
22 | 在2009年3月的一次紧急事件中,有三名航天员被要求暂时撤离空间站。 | Three crew members were forced briefly to evacuate the space station in an incident in March 2009. | |
23 | 在利比亚,美国必须疏散自己数以百计的国民不致于激怒吗按摩•卡扎菲的极端报复。 | In Libya, the U. S. has needed to evacuate hundreds of American citizens without provoking a violent response from Moammar Kadafi. | |
24 | 在台湾的死者及失踪人员中,有两名警察在帮助当地群众疏散撤离时被水冲走。 | Among the dead and missing in Taiwan were two policemen who were washed away while helping to evacuate residents. | |
25 | 这种方式不能确保应对灾难中的损失,但如果你必须被疏散,这个东西很容易随身携带。 | This type of storage is no guarantee against loss in a disaster but if you must evacuate it will be easy to carry with you. | |
26 | 政府下决心将首都钢铁厂、化工厂等许多工厂迁出北京。 | The government has decided to evacuate the Capital Iron and Steel Company with some other plants out of Beijing. | |
27 | 中国政府第二架撤离在利比亚人员民航包机24日凌晨从北京出发。 | The second chartered plane sent by the Chinese government to evacuate its nationals from Libya left Beijing early Thursday morning. | |
28 | 中石油将别无选择,只有“停产,疏散在喀土穆和油田的2,000名工作人员,”他表示。 | CNPC would have no option but to "halt production and evacuate our 2, 000 people in Khartoum and the oil-fields, " the source added. | |
29 | 状况危急。所有人立刻疏散。 | Emergency. All personnel must evacuate immediately. | |
30 | 总指挥命令人员全部撤离机舱 | ALL CREW EVACUATE THE ENGINE ROOM |