属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:美国两列货运火车相撞起火 3名员工下落不明
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 卡塔尔退出OPEC 美议员断定沙特王储下令杀
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿里埃勒·沙龙 也许会有人怀念他
1 | 碰撞造成几个车厢起火,当局不得不疏散该地区的居民。 | The collision caused several box cars to go up in flames and authorities had to evacuate residents in the area. | |
2 | 沙特领导的支持也门政府的联盟允许胡塞叛军将受伤成员撤离到阿曼接受治疗。胡塞叛军还同意和政府交换数百名囚犯。这些行动为日内瓦的和谈铺平了道路。 | The Saudi-led coalition backing the Yemeni government allowed the Houthi rebels to evacuate wounded members to Oman. The Houthis and the government also agreed to exchange hundreds of prisoners. Those moves paved the way for peace talks in Geneva. | |
3 | 在总理任上,沙龙的路线大幅改变,压住了以色列的强硬右翼势力,决定疏散加沙地带,让几千犹太定居者从加沙撤出,这些犹太定居者之前曾视沙龙为最坚定的领袖。 | When, as prime minister, he dramatically changed tack by deciding to evacuate the Gaza Strip, evicting thousands of Jewish settlers for whom he had previously been the doughtiest champion, he faced down Israel’s hard right. | |
4 | “不管怎样历史上那个地区从没有出现过飓风,”Masters说。“他们对从飓风中撤离并不熟悉。” | "That area has no hurricane history whatsoever, " Masters said. "They’re not used to having to evacuate from hurricanes. " | |
5 | “除非在一直不停地看电视,否则你都没办法知道政府是不是已经通知民众疏散了,”和美又说。 | "Unless you were watching television nonstop, you wouldn’t even know if the government was telling people to evacuate , " Kazumi added. | |
6 | 巴基斯坦北部罕萨河谷,由于水势上涨,当地人利用一座临时搭建的桥帮助他们获取给养和疏散人员。 | As water rises, locals use a makeshift pedestrian bridge to help them supply and evacuate in the Hunza River Valley in northern Pakistan. | |
7 | 此外,中国派出一艘战舰四架军机从利比亚撤侨,是尚属史上首次。 | Moreover, for the first time China dispatched a warship and four military aircraft to evacuate Chinese citizens from Libya. | |
8 | 大火前锋进展神速,警方经常没有时间让受到大火威胁的街区居民,在逃生道路还没有被封死以前撤离。 | The fire front advanced so rapidly that police often did not have time to evacuate threatened blocks even if a way out were open. | |
9 | 当地的KITV电视台建议卡拉帕纳花园区的20到30户居民提前撤离。 | All residents of the 20-to 30-home Kalapana Gardens subdivision were advised to evacuate , accordingto TV station KITV. | |
10 | 东京电力公司声称,在浓烟升起放射水平随之升高的情况下,官方要求工厂的工人在周三全部撤离。 | Officials asked workers at the plant to evacuate Wednesday after the cloud rose above the plant and radiation levels spiked. | |
11 | 俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚同意开通两条人道主义通道,撤离南奥塞梯的伤员和难民。 | Russia and Georgia agreed to open two humanitarian corridors to evacuate the wounded and refugees in South Ossetia. | |
12 | 反政府示威者冲入峰会会场后,泰政府出动直升机撤离了各国领导人。 | The government used helicopters to evacuate the leaders after anti-government protesters broke into the venue of the summit. | |
13 | 高层建筑人员疏散行动时间的预测 | The prediction of personal evacuate travel time in high-rise building | |
14 | 更新3:福岛核电站周围的2000名居民被紧急疏散。 | Update 3: 2000 residents near the Fukushima Nuclear Plant have been urged to evacuate . | |
15 | 公共广播报道,火势可能向内地蔓延,呼吁周边居民立即撤离。 | Public broadcasters are calling for all residents in the surrounding area to evacuate , saying the flames may be spreading inland. | |
16 | 公众聚集场所的工作人员还将接受培训,学习火灾发生时如何及时疏散人员。 | Workers at places of public gathering will receive special training on how to evacuate people when a fire breaks out. | |
17 | 惠特莫尔表示县警员作了充分的通知让他们跟随警员撤离,但是他们决定留下。 | Deputies gave them adequate notification to evacuate from deputies but decided to stay, Whitmore said. | |
18 | 火灾情况下使用电梯进行人员疏散可行性探讨 | Discussion on the practicability of using elevator to evacuate people in case of fire | |
19 | 或许有一些已经逃脱的人想趁着海浪稍事平息的间隙返回自己的家,但只会被再次打来的巨浪赶走。 | People who do evacuate may be drawn back to their homes by the lull between wave arrivals, only to be swept away by the next one. | |
20 | 基于GIS的都市应急疏散系统 | The city urgent evacuate system based on GIS | |
21 | 基于此,位于东京的美国使馆建议居住在核电站周围50英里的日本东北部居民需要撤离到更远的地方。 | S. Embassy in Tokyo advised Americans living within about 50 miles of the plant on Japan’s northeast coast to evacuate farther away. | |
22 | 建议受影响地区的人们即刻撤离,在有些情况下也可在原地避难。 | People in the affected areas could be advised to evacuate promptly or, in some situations, to shelter in place. | |
23 | 尽管驾驶员尽了最大努力疏散车上的乘客,但还是有乘客在旁边徘徊,她感觉太尴尬了。 | Despite the driver’s best efforts to evacuate the bus, there were still passengers hanging around, and she was too embarrassed. | |
24 | 卡特里娜飓风席卷了他在洛杉矶查尔梅特的家园并迫使他们不得不撤离,那个时候赖安.格雷古瓦(RyanGregoire)只有15岁。 | Ryan Gregoire was 15 when Hurricane Katrina flooded his Chalmette, La. , home and forced his family to evacuate . | |
25 | 可是当她把它打开的时候,有毒的臭气直接把她的7位送进了医院,甚至让相关管理者把整栋楼都清空了。 | When she cracked it open, noxious fumes sent seven of her co-workers to the hospital and forced authorities to evacuate the building. | |
26 | 恐惧会使人失去理智和勇气。 | Fear will evacuate a man’s minds of reason and courage. | |
27 | 联合国已经号召“临时休战”来撤出想要离开的外国工人和利比亚人。 | The UN has called for a "temporary cessation of hostilities" to allow it to evacuate foreign workers and Libyans who want to leave. | |
28 | 美国当局人士从国会大厦和白宫西翼大楼撤离。 | a. m. : US authorities evacuate the US Capitol and the White House’s West Wing. | |
29 | 美国军方表示,将撤离日本主要岛屿本州的至多2万个军人家庭。 | The US military said that it would evacuate up to 20, 000 military families on Honshu, Japan’s main island. | |
30 | 美国政府警告国民撤离出福岛核电站80千米(50英里)范围之外,寻求避难所。 | US officials warned nationals living within 80 kilometres (50 miles) of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant to evacuate or seek shelter. |