属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-丛林法则 夏普和鸿海交易陷入困局
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生日“不”快乐 Unhappy birthday to
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-证券化 重新启动
1 | 虽然漂亮,她还只是一个正在发育阶段的美人胎子。不过从她的身段已经可以看出将来发育成熟时的美妙体态了。她的眼睛里透着天生的聪明。她是一个典型的美国中产阶级少女--她们家已是移民的第三代了。 | Possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fair example of the middle American class--two generations removed from the emigrant. | |
2 | 虽然由这些方法得到的结果可能看来较令人失望,但最终的综合会更接近生物学的现实的。 | Although the results obtained by these means may seem more frustrating, their eventual synthesis should be closer to biological reality | |
3 | 随着病情加重,有些症状会困扰病人终生,最后导致完全瘫痪。患者罹病后平均仍可活二十五年,但急性病人的病情在数月内即急遽恶化。 | Attacks grow more severe, and some symptoms become permanent, sometimes with eventual complete paralysis. Average survival from onset is about 25 years, but a rare acute form progresses over months. | |
4 | 他的努力得到的 | His efforts were repaid by the eventual success | |
5 | 他的愚蠢行为导致了他最后的失败。 | His foolish behavior led to his eventual failure. | |
6 | 他的愚蠢行为和最后的失败. | His foolish behaviour and eventual failure | |
7 | 他努力的最后成果 | the eventual success of his efforts | |
8 | 天生我才必有用 | Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use | |
9 | 为使每一字行和输出的效果相符,字符间的空位可作调整,弥补输出字体的不同字宽。 | To ensure that line endings in the generic fount match the eventual output,inter-character spacing is adjusted to compensate for the variations in set width between the generic fount and the ultimate output fount. | |
10 | 我们必须考虑到最终的结果。 | We must consider the eventual results. | |
11 | 我们诡谲多变的司法制度,使得就算是最有良知的保险公司都无法准确预测这类长期保险的最终成本。 | The unpredictability of our legal system makes it impossible for even the most conscientious insurer to come close to judging the eventual cost of long-tail claims. | |
12 | 我们无意让与短期的帐面盈余好看,我们的目标是让长期的净值极大化。 | Our criteria have nothing to do with maximizing immediately reportable earnings; our goal, rather, is to maximize eventual net worth. | |
13 | 我们需要余秋雨教授和其他中国知识分子为构建这道文化桥梁献出更多的力量,使这道文化桥梁有更坚固的基础,以迎接一个文化黄金时代的重现。 | Much needs to be done by Prof Yu and other Chinese intellectuals to lay a strong foundation for the eventual completion of this cultural bridge which will pave the way for it to achieve a new golden era. | |
14 | 无神论不能提供个人永生的希望,不能发出神灵惩戒的威慑,不能给人们所遭遇的不公作出最后补偿的承诺,不能制定拯救灵魂的确切方案。 | It can offer no hope of personal immortality, no threats of Divine chastisement, no promise of eventual recompense for injustices suffered, no blueprints to sure salvation | |
15 | 销售方面的初级职位。最终目标:销售部门的经理。 | An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal: manager of marketing department. | |
16 | 因为生活本身就是一个矛盾:它一边告诫我们要珍惜它所付予的一切,一边又注定在最后将其全部收回。 | For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment | |
17 | 由于澳大利亚国民经济所过分倚重的几种出口物品的前景捉摸不定,通过香港确保最后进入发展中的中国市场的重要性因此就更为明显的了。 | The importance of securing eventual entry to the developing Chinese market through Hong Kong is accentuated by the uncertain prospects for a number of export commodities on which the Australian economy relies heavily | |
18 | 于是进行导致最后形成一个上三角形矩阵的消去手续。 | The elimination process leading to the eventual formation of an upper triangular matrix is then carried out | |
19 | 这次要挽救这个国家,使之摆脱困惑和分裂,摆脱最终的财政灾难的威胁,最重要的是摆脱核浩劫的恐惧…… | This time to save the nation from confusion and division, from the threat of eventual fiscal disaster and most of all from a fear of a nuclear holocaust.. | |
20 | 正是这种几乎不讲人情的超然态度埋下了导致尼克松政府最后垮台的种子。 | There resided in this almost inhuman detachment the seeds of the eventual destruction of the Nixon Administration | |
21 | ||1:学者们通常醉心于“自然实验”,这种实验最后会把实验人员分开,让书呆子们能够对比他们接下来的行为。||2:就像对“被不同家庭收养的双胞胎”的研究一样,战后德国的分裂和最终的统一也可以被视为这样一种实验。||3:在10月3日德国统一30周年纪念日到来之前,德国经济研究所发布了一则有关“职业妈妈”的报道,该报道揭示了影响工作决定的政策和态度之间的相互作用。 | ||1:Scholars are often greatly excited by "natural experiments", events that end up separating two groups of people, allowing wonks to compare their subsequent behaviour.||2:Much like the study of twins adopted into different households, the postwar division and eventual reunification of Germany could be seen as such an experiment.||3:A report by the German Institute for Economic Research on working mothers, published ahead of the 30th anniversary of reunification on October 3rd, reveals the interplay between policy and attitudes that influences the decision to work. | |
22 | ||不过,虽然如此,鸿海集团这样的胜利也可能只是皮洛士式的惨胜。毕竟它将要背负起的是一个负债累累前景又更凄风冷雨的公司。如果撤出这救命稻草一般的注资,它可能会加剧夏普走向破产。郭台铭很清楚在弱肉强食竞争激烈的丛林中,任何一点失误都会是致命的。|| | Still, there is reason to think this might prove a Pyrrhic victory for Hon Hai. After all, it would still be saddled with a stake in a debt-laden firm with diminishing prospects.|| By withdrawing a much-needed lifeline, it might well be propelling Sharp towards eventual bankruptcy. Mr Guo surely knows that in the jungle, mistakes can prove fatal.|| | |
23 | 对此,政府的回应可能在八月份出来,恰恰是即将举行的美国大选的第一个裁定。如果最终的结果是要上诉至最高法院,也不足为奇。在这一案例中,珀塞尔先生遇到了麻烦,但它的存在向大众提出了重要的问题:为了让金融变得安全,人们到底付出了多少努力? | A response by the government could come in August, an initial verdict by the upcoming election. An eventual appeal to the Supreme Court would not be a surprise. Mr Purcell faces obstacles in his case, but its very existence airs important questions about whether efforts to make finance safer have gone too far. | |
24 | 而等它们最终成功恢复名声,社会将能从中收益—正如很可能从证券化的回归中受益一样。 | Society benefited from their eventual rehabilitation—as it most probably will from the revival of securitisation. | |
25 | 股票上涨可能意味着投资者认为,集团旗下的报纸现在将很有可能被卖出去,又或者是窃听事件已经告一段落,又或者是两者兼有。 | That may mean investors think the papers’ eventual sale is now more likely, or that the hacking affair has taken its last senior scalp, or both. | |
26 | (最后)你的收益也可以免税,基金会还可以继续骄傲地把微软踩在脚下。 | Your (eventual ) profits would also be tax-exempt, and the foundation could continue its noble battle to keep Microsoft on its toes. | |
27 | 2009年纳达尔饱受膝伤和腹部肌肉拉伤的困扰,在当年的美国公开赛决赛中输给胡安·马丁·德尔波特罗(JuanMartindelPotro)无缘冠军。 | In 2009, he lost to eventual champion Juan Martin del Potro, while dealing with achy knees and a torn abdominal muscle. | |
28 | 阿拉伯字母最后演变(从腓尼基词根) | The eventual evolution of the Arabic Character set from its Phoenician roots. | |
29 | 爱因斯坦的研究给予我们的远非电视、遥控器和数码相机最终的完善。 | Einstein’s work gave us much more than eventual perfection of television, remote controls and digital cameras. | |
30 | 按照协议最终将建造六个反应堆。 | It envisions an eventual total of six reactors. |