1 | 她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番. | She gave a highly coloured(ie exaggerated )account of her travels. | |
2 | 她索性扭过头看娇女的侧影:那下颏、嘴巴、鼻子、前额,被火光惟妙惟肖地但也夸张扩大地投影在她身后的墙壁上。 | She simply turned her head and looked at beloved’s profile: the chin, mouth nose forehead, copied and exaggerated in the huge shadow the fire threw on the wall behind her | |
3 | 进攻的威胁被大大地夸张了。 | The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated . | |
4 | 可能有些夸张,但她舞姿的轻盈美妙,确是史书所公认的。 | This might be exaggerated but all historical records acknowledged that she had a light and enchanting dancing gift. | |
5 | 夸大的或过激的担心或恐惧 | An exaggerated or obsessive concern or fear. | |
6 | 麻柳刺绣以其十字花形针法而著称。风格夸张,图案常依现有丝线和即时灵感而定。 | Maliu embroidery is known for its cross-stitch work and embroidery. The style is very exaggerated , and patterns are based on the inspiration of the moment and the kinds of thread on hand. | |
7 | 漫画,讽刺文章:一种表述,尤指用图画表述或用文字表述,其中主题的显著特征或特质被有意夸张以产生一种滑稽的或荒诞的效果。 | caricature:a representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject’s distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic or grotesque effect. | |
8 | 迷离的理论,浮夸的文风-评金惠敏《媒介的后果-文学终结点上的批判理论》 | Blerred Theory, Exaggerated Style: On Jin Huimin’s Consequences of Media: Critical Theory in the Terminal Point of Literature | |
9 | 模仿一种夸张或怪诞的模仿,如对一个文学作品的滑稽模仿 | An exaggerated or grotesque imitation,such as a parody of a literary work. | |
10 | 那生聂尔·匹布金亲眼目睹的事实,证明了关于老洛布斯的财宝的谣言并没有言过其实。 | Nathaniel Pipkin had ocular demonstration of the fact that the rumours of old Lobbs treasures were not exaggerated . | |
11 | 那位酒吧侍者斯基普拿出夸张的令人啼笑皆非的小心劲儿调制着酸溜溜的花匠式混合甜饮料。 | Skip, the bartender made the sour planters’ punch with exaggerated , ironic care | |
12 | 你对他的称赞太言过其实了。 | Your praise of him was exaggerated . | |
13 | 跑车式夸张宽大的外扩轮个性飞扬 | The exaggerated and wide equipped with outward wheelhouse design reminiscent of a sports car are strong in character. | |
14 | 皮影还能以各种方式表现事物。一些是写实的,一些是夸张的;一些非常简单,一些则非常复杂。 | Silhouettes also can express subject in many ways, some are realistic, some are exaggerated ; some are very simple while some are very complex. | |
15 | 偏执狂患者多遭受过分的自我指认之苦,即倾向于把别人并非针对他的行为理解为对他或她自身的攻击。 | The paranoid person generally suffers from exaggerated self-reference, a tendency to construe independent events and acts as pertaining to him-or herself. | |
16 | 其表现手法真实,朴实、自由、夸张、概括 | The look of these pottery sculptures is informal, simple, exaggerated and compact | |
17 | 其次,使用存货和预付费用作为流动负债的偿还保障,流动比率和相应的支付能力与流动性就被夸大了。 | Second, using the inventory and prepaid expenses as guarantee for paying current liabilities, the current ratio and related liquidity and solvency may be exaggerated . | |
18 | 其主要的舞蹈动作有"动肩"、"绕腕"、"扭胯"等,表演幽默、夸张。 | Major movements include "moving shoulder", "twisting wrist" and "turning hips". Performance is always humorous and exaggerated . | |
19 | 且被宣染得罪大恶极,其实,斯蒂芬在这方面的罪状本属微乎其微,甚至难以察觉。 | As, indeed, they must have seemed of the most exaggerated enormity to Stephen whose own were so small and so faintly traced, as to be well-nigh imperceptible | |
20 | 轻喜剧一种轻松的戏剧形式,其中极为荒谬可笑的情节背景,夸张的角色和一些闹剧的成分以表现幽默的效果 | A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect. | |
21 | 情节剧,通俗闹剧以夸张的感情、老套的角色及人物之间的冲突为特征的戏剧,如话剧、电影或电视节目 | A drama, such as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts. | |
22 | 人物雕塑的特征和意义在奴隶社会有所变化。这一时期一件有趣文物是一套铜俑,人物的性特征没有被夸大。这些铜俑造型端庄优美、形象,不是自然模仿。 | The nature and meaning of human figure sculpture changed in slave societies. An interesting relic of these times is a set of bronze figurines, the sexuality of the figures is not exaggerated . They are graceful and stylized forms rather than naturalistic. | |
23 | 生命权协会指出,政界人士已创下一个危险的先例,郝尔德总理已被ⅸ有关胚胎干细胞可治疗多种疾病的夸大说法所惑ⅹ。 | The Right to Life Association pointed out that the political circle created a dangerous precedent and Prime Minister John Howard was deceived by "exaggerated claims that embryonic stem cells can cure many diseases" | |
24 | 食品、食品添加剂的产品说明书,不得有夸大或者虚假的宣传内容。 | The product description for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or false advertising. | |
25 | 市场上有许多从附近乡下来的人,他们时常听人谈起红字,而且由于数以百计的虚构和夸张的谣传,红字对他们已经骇人听闻,但他们谁也没有亲眼目睹过。 | There were many people present, from the country round about, who had often heard scarlet letter, and to whom it had been made terrific by a hundred false or exaggerated rumours, but who had never beheld it with their own bodily eyes. | |
26 | 他的演奏渗透着夸张诡异的节奏(安纳莱恩·斯旺) | His playing drips with exaggerated rubato and unorthodox tempi(Annalyn Swan) | |
27 | 他对金融界腐化的揭发是过分渲染和高度夸张的,但确曾产生巨大影响。 | His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated , but they had a tremendous impact | |
28 | 他怀疑亚当的富有是不是徒有虚名。 | He wondered if it could be that Adam’s money was exaggerated . | |
29 | 他夸大了这事件的重要性。 | He exaggerated the importance of the event. | |
30 | 他夸大旅程中的危险,想吓得他们不敢去。 | He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them into not going |