属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应敌之策 Dealing with the enemy
1 | 这个问题被极度夸大了。 | The problem has been greatly exaggerated . | |
2 | 这件事的重要性被夸大了。 | The importance of this matter has been exaggerated . | |
3 | 这两件陶俑为女性,腹部和臀部造型夸张。与欧洲和世界其它地区出土的史前"地球母亲"雕塑有惊人的相似之处。这两件女性陶俑也许是用在古代生育祭典上的。 | " The two terra cotta figures are females with exaggerated abdomens and buttocks. They are strikingly similar to prehistoric""earth mother"" figures found in Europe and other parts of the world, and they probably played a part in ancient fertility rites." | |
4 | 这项工程的重要性怎么说也不过分。 | The importance of the project can hardly be exaggerated . | |
5 | 这些言过其实的报告势将转移人们对问题真象的注意力。 | These exaggerated reports tend to detract attention from the real issue | |
6 | 这种假设是错误的,或是大大地夸大了的。 | This assumption is wrong or greatly exaggerated | |
7 | 真理如加以夸张,可能成为谬误。 | Truth, if exaggerated , may become falsehood. | |
8 | 正常情况下,机体对高原低氧会产生生理性的适应性反应,反应过强(如气喘和心跳加快等)即为高原病。高原病的其它表现为晕眩、头痛、下肢浮肿、胃肠功能紊乱、软弱无力等。肺水肿是一种较严重的高原反应,给氧或返回低地后,症状即迅速消退。 | Normal adaptations to the reduced oxygen at high altitude (e.g., breathlessness, racing heartbeat)are exaggerated ; other manifestations include headache, gastrointestinal upsets, and weakness. Pulmonary edema is quickly reversed with oxygen and evacuation to a lower area. | |
9 | 自古传法 气如悬丝―不宜夸大口传心授在传统音乐教学中的作用 | The Ancient Knowledge Impartation Method is Weak Like a Thread-The Role of the Method of Oral or Mental Instruction Should Not Be Exaggerated in Traditional Music Teaching | |
10 | ||1:对于里根政府,乔治·凯南的态度尤其地冒犯,他认为里根“简单幼稚,无法理解地天真,根本不配担负起在有危险的世界指导一个超级大国事务如此之重任。”||2:冷战结束后他也没有改变自己的看法。||3:1992年乔治·凯南曾阐述自己的观点,认为“冷战无赢家”。||4:这场旷日持久,代价高昂的悲剧,“将对另一方意图和力量进行了不现实和扩大估算的双方同时埋葬。” | ||1: Kennan took particular offence at the attitude of the Reagan administration, which he viewed as “simply childish, inexcusably childish, unworthy of people charged with the responsibility for conducting the affairs of a great power in an endangered world.” ||2: Nor did the end of the cold war change his mind. ||3: In 1992 Kennan made a point of stating that “nobody ‘won’ the cold war”. ||4: It had been a long, costly tragedy, “fuelled on both sides by unreal and exaggerated estimates of the intentions and strength of the other side.” |