属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙制造 迫在眉睫
1 | 他们的美丽和圣洁也与他们的崇高地位相称。 | Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station. | |
2 | 他们都别想升到电车管理员这么高的职位 | They were not suffered to aspire to so exalted a position as that of streetcar conductor | |
3 | 他们牢骚满腹地叹息着,但这些话使他们感到快活,得意洋洋。 | They sigh complainingly, and yet those words make them happy and exalted | |
4 | 他们因听到胜利的消息而兴高采烈。 | They were exalted by the news of the victory. | |
5 | 他那充沛的精力,本来可以借追溯往事来活跃一下,现在却被囚禁了起来,象一只被关在笼子里的鹰一样。 | his energetic spirit, that would have exalted in thus revisiting the past, was imprisoned like an eagle in a cage | |
6 | 他听人说过这类东西,而现在他随时都可能看见它也许马上就能看见。他正跟使用它的高雅人士坐在一起用餐呢--是的,他自己也要用它了。 | He had heard of such things, and now, sooner or later, somewhere in the next few minutes, he would see them, sit at table with exalted beings who used them-ay, and he would use them himself | |
7 | 他因为是个地位崇高的人而受到尊敬。 | He received respect because he was a person of exalted rank. | |
8 | 他又从自已达到的高度继续不断向上奋进,穿入精神探索的寥廓晦涩的天地,在那里善与恶永远在战斗。 | and from the exalted state this elevated him to, he swept onward and upward into that vast shadow-realm of spirit-groping, where good and evil war eternally | |
9 | 通过对太阳神的信奉,国王赢得了更高的地位。 | Through Atonism, the king claimed a more exalted role | |
10 | 突降法:一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果。 | bathos:an abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect. | |
11 | 突降法一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果 | An abrupt,unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace,producing a ludicrous effect. | |
12 | 我们是不是为一切在上层和在下层的无辜受害者、殉难者、孩子们同声一哭呢? | Shall we weep for all the innocent, all martyrs, all children, the lowly as well as the exalted ? | |
13 | 我遇上一个地位很高的人。 | I met a person of exalted position. | |
14 | 辛苦跋涉来敲名誉的崇高殿门的文人们 | literators trudging up to knock at Fame’s exalted temple-door | |
15 | 演出确使观众情绪高昂。 | The performance truly exalted the audience. | |
16 | 扬扬得意. | feel exalted | |
17 | 洋洋得意, 趾高气扬 | one’s horn is exalted | |
18 | 伊斯兰教也不主张任何人类化身为真主。这些主张都是亵渎真主的。真主是神圣的。他已远离各种不完美。他从不消沉。他不会困倦亦不需睡眠。 | Islam also rejects the attribution of any human form to God. All of these are considered blasphemous. God is the Exalted . He is far removed from every imperfection. He never becomes weary. He does not become drowsy nor does he sleep. | |
19 | 这件事第一次使我们美洲人民想到:我们对于英国正规军的勇敢无敌推崇备至,是毫无根据的。 | This whole transaction gave us Americans the first suspicion that our exalted ideas of the prowess of British regular troops had not been well founded. | |
20 | 这款车从庄重尊贵的外观到典雅豪华的内饰配备,从超强性能的动力到安如泰山的防护保障. | This car is uniquely built with exalted outward appearance, elegant and luxurious interior, extremely powerful performance and solid protection. | |
21 | 这位即将退休的教授受到了同事们的赞扬。 | The retiring professor was exalted by his colleagues. | |
22 | 这样,一代又一代学生、学者和教师来了又走了。每一代都为牛津的历史增添富有和提高荣誉。牛津就像是捉摸不定的黑暗世界中的一座灯塔,放射出永恒的光芒。 | So generations of students, scholars and teachers come and go, each adding a layer to the university’s rich, exalted history as Oxford shines everlasting, like a beacon in a dark, uncertain world | |
23 | ||1:达能集团是法国一家大型乳制品公司。法国政府曾以它是法国工业的“瑰宝”为理由,否决一项可能达成的国外买家对它的收购案。||2:如果把酸奶产业看作是法国的战略产业,那么橄榄油产业在西班牙拥有同样高的地位。||3:Deoleo是西班牙最大的橄榄油生产商,四家储蓄银行想抛售他们所持有共计31%的Deoleo股份,而根据西班牙股市交易规则,不论是谁购入如此大额的股份,他都必须向整个公司股东发出收购要约。||4:本月初,当发现所有的竞购者都来自国外,部长们表示他们更希望Deoleo公司的所有权留在西班牙手中,随即提出了国家参股的可能性。 | ||1: THE French government once scuttled a possible foreign bid for Danone, a big dairy firm, on the ground that it was a national industrial “jewel”. ||2: If yogurt is strategic for the French, olive oil has the same exalted status inSpain. ||3: Four savings banks wanted to sell their combined 31% stake in Deoleo, the country’s largest producer, and under Spain’s stockmarket rules anyone buying such a large stake has to bid for the whole company. ||4: Earlier this month, when it emerged that all the bidders were foreign, ministers said they would prefer that it remained in Spanish hands, and raised the possibility of the state taking a stake in the firm. | |
24 | ||1:这个星期之前举办过的总统电视辩论有三点值得怀念。||2:总统要抛开崇高地位和在任优势,和竞争者一样遵从相同的预先商定的规则。||3:(自1960年尼克松受辱以来,没有一位总统回避过这种形式。||4:)其次,电视辩论肯定了总统的计划和想法的重要性,尽管有大量证据表明,大多数人不会基于这些东西进行投票。||5:这表明了某种程度的严肃性,而这一点被大多数政治报道所忽视。 | ||1:Before this week they were threefold.||2:The president, setting aside the exalted status and electoral advantages of incumbency, must submit to the same pre-agreed rules as his challenger.||3:(No president since Nixon, following his humiliation in 1960, has ducked the format.||4:) Second— and notwithstanding a mountain of evidence that most people do not vote on the basis of such things— debates affirm the importance of plans and ideas.||5:This projects a degree of seriousness that is otherwise largely absent from most political coverage. | |
25 | “大人,”一名机器人用平板单调的声音说道,“有个坏消息。您的侄孙被犯罪分子绑架了。” | "Exalted Lord, " one said in a flat monotone. "We have bad news. Your nephew’s son has been kidnapped by criminals. " | |
26 | 26象这样圣洁、无邪恶、无玷污、远离罪人、高过诸天的大祭司,原是与我们合宜的。 | Such a high priest meets our need--one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. | |
27 | 5月1日,前任教皇约翰·保罗二世宣福礼是自6年前其葬礼至今,梵蒂冈最为盛大的仪式了。 | JOHN PAUL II’s beatification on May 1st will be the most exalted ceremony at the Vatican since his funeral six years ago. | |
28 | 大多数人并没有那么崇高:外国记者被发现他们与情报机构合作是为了对他们的工作有帮助。 | Most were less exalted : foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work. . . . ; | |
29 | 该俱乐部力求不辜负其盛名,把很多钱花在了球星身上——不过从本赛季到目前的情况看,结果喜忧参半。 | Much of that money goes on star players, as the team strives - with mixed results so far this season - to live up to its exalted reputation. | |
30 | 假如你感到高兴,那就留给你自己吧。 | Keep it to yourself if you feel exalted . |