属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国执业 医师法
1 | (三)遇有自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故及其他严重威胁人民生命健康的紧急情况时,救死扶伤、抢救诊疗表现突出的; | (3)where a doctor has behaved exceedingly well to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, make diagnosis and give emergency treatment at the time of the occurrence of a natural disaster, the spreading of an infectious disease, the occurrence of an unexpected heavy casualty or other emergencies seriously threatening the people’s lives and health; | |
2 | “当然罗。”弗兰兹回答说。 | "exceedingly ," replied Franz | |
3 | “实际上,”青年说,“要我离开巴黎,我真难过极了。” | "The fact is," said the young man, "that I should be exceedingly grieved to leave it." | |
4 | “他刚刚去,我想他这次错过了和你聚谈的机会一定会感到很遗憾的。” | he has just gone, and I am sure he’ll be exceedingly sorry not to have had the pleasure of seeing you before he went. | |
5 | “他真会讲话,”布拉斯说道,好像不经意似的,眼睛望着对面房屋的屋顶。 | “He is exceedingly eloquent,”said Brass, like a man abstracted, and looking at the roofs of the opposite houses | |
6 | “万分感谢,”伯爵说道,“您的邀请是最赏脸不过了,可实在遗憾之至,我确实无法接受。 | "A thousand thanks," said the count, "your invitation is most gracious, and I regret exceedingly that it is not in my power to accept it | |
7 | “我感到非常不安,陛下。” | That I am exceedingly disquieted, sire. | |
8 | 耻辱让人从羞辱的行为中感到耻辱,丑闻 | Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct;ignominy. | |
9 | 出类拔萃之人在所属的种类中极其突出,超过常人的人 | One that is exceedingly or surpassingly good of its kind. | |
10 | 从以上所述可看出油脂氧化是一个极其复杂的过程,它涉及到很多反应,引起大量的物理化学变化。 | It is obvious from the preceding discussion that lipid oxidation is an exceedingly complex process involving numerous reactions that cause a variety of chemical and physical changes. | |
11 | 但是对于一个有心于这种事情的人,这样的事业却越来越显得非常重要,值得细细观察。 | But to one whose mind is upon the matter, they grow exceedingly under inspection. | |
12 | 当他到达时,他觉得已经筋疲力尽了。 | When he arrived,he felt exceedingly clapped out. | |
13 | 饭馆里挤满了吃饭的人,大家都吃得非常好。 | The restaurant was full of dinners all doing exceedingly well | |
14 | 非常明显的是,大多数激光光束有很好的方向性,或者说,是高度准确的。 | Quite apparent is the fact that most laser beams are exceedingly directional, or if you will, highly collimated | |
15 | 父亲的双手粗糙却非常有力。 | His hands were rough and exceedingly strong | |
16 | 毫无疑问,他病得很厉害,痛苦万状。 | He was, beyond all question, very ill, and suffered exceedingly . | |
17 | 赫斯渥什么也没有觉察到。他没有感觉到嘉莉注意到的鲜明的对比。他甚至连她那忧郁的眼神都没觉察到。最糟糕的是,她现在开始觉得家里寂寞,要找非常喜欢她的万斯太太作伴。 | Hurstwood noticed nothing. He had been unconscious of the marked contrasts which Carrie had observed. He did not even detect the shade of melancholy which settled in her eyes. Worst of all, she now began to feel the loneliness of the flat and seek the company of Mrs. Vance, who liked her exceedingly . | |
18 | 红色的灯光照在他的头上,头发变成了金黄色,眼睛也闪闪发亮。当他俯身向她时,她注意到了这一切,觉得自己非常年轻。这个男人远远在她之上。 | The red glow on his head gave it a sandy tinge and put a bright glint in his eye. Carrie noticed all these things as he leaned toward her and felt exceedingly young. This man was far ahead of her. | |
19 | 花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。 | It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons | |
20 | 还有人称布什和他的幕僚以一种极为“随意”的方式来诠释那些证据。 | Others allege that Bush and his advisors interpreted the evidence in an exceedingly "free" fashion | |
21 | 极其困难的问题. | An exceedingly difficult problem | |
22 | 简单的门廊在英国和美国18世纪晚期之后的家庭建筑中都很常见。在哥德式的教堂中,中堂往往是一个小的山墙,从中央的北部或南部突出。 | Simple porches were exceedingly common in the domestic architecture of Britain and the U.S. from the late 18th century. In Gothic cathedrals the porch was often a small gabled structure projecting from the northern or southern walls of the nave. | |
23 | 渐渐地,他不再愿意招呼、讨好和款待这些来沃伦街酒店的顾客了,虽然这种变化很慢,极其缓慢。渐渐地,他所放弃的那块天地的重要性也开始慢慢变得清楚起来。 | Slowly, exceedingly slowly, his desire to greet, conciliate, and make at home these people who visited the Warren Street place passed from him. More and more slowly the significance of the realm he had left began to be clear. | |
24 | 她和亚瑟夹在那五光十色,狂欢不已的人群中,随着华尔兹的乐声,飞也似地盘旋着。 | She and Arthur were whirling round in a waltz in the midst of a great deal of queer, but exceedingly joyful company | |
25 | 今天下雨,我觉得很爽快,但是,在下雨的同时,雷电大作,使我非常担惊。 | This day it rained, which refreshed me exceedingly , but it was accompanied with terrible thunder and lightning, which frighted me dreadfully | |
26 | 具有极坏名声的;臭名昭著的 | Having an exceedingly bad reputation;notorious. | |
27 | 看来她有很多精致的小玩意儿,嘉莉却没有。她有各种小金饰物,一只印有她的姓名缩写的精美的绿皮包,一块图案十分花哨的时髦手帕和一些类似的其它东西。 | She seemed to have so many dainty little things which Carrie had not. There were trinkets of gold, an elegant green leather purse set with her initials, a fancy handkerchief, exceedingly rich in design, and the like. | |
28 | 可怜的吉米玛小姐不敢多嘴,慌慌张张的跑掉了。 | And so venturing not to say another word, poor Jemimo trotted off, exceedingly flurried and nervous | |
29 | 老师让我回答一个非常难的问题。 | My teacher asked me to answer an exceedingly difficult question | |
30 | 雷克南取得了骄人的成绩,我对车队的表现亦非常满意,大家能适时调整策略并使我们的车手登台领奖,我为车队感到高兴。 | An outstanding race by Kimi and I am exceedingly pleased for the team because of the necessity to vary our strategy and the role this played in getting onto the podium. |