1 | (a)对于定期合同,如其期限等于或少于12个月,则估价基础应为合同有效期内的合同总价值,或如果其期限超过12个月,则估价基础应为包括估计的剩余价值在内的合同总价值。 | (a)in the case of fixed-term contracts, where their term is 12 months or less, the total contract value for their duration, or, where their term exceeds 12 months, their total value including the estimated residual value | |
2 | 〞三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。〞 | The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual. | |
3 | 4.在接受补贴公司处于投产状态的情况下,如总补贴率超过投资资金总额的15%,即被视为存在严重侵害。 | Where the recipient firm is in a start-up situation, serious prejudice shall be deemed to exist if the overall rate of subsidization exceeds 15 percent of the total funds invested | |
4 | 5和7之和大于10。 | The sum of five and seven exceeds ten | |
5 | 白金的价值高于黄金。 | platinum exceeds gold in value | |
6 | 白天蒸腾作用散失的水分超过根系吸收的水分,因而叶子的水势就下降。 | During the day water loss by transpiration exceeds water absorption by the roots, and leaf water potential decline | |
7 | 北京的面积和人口都超过天津。 | Beijing exceeds Tianjin in size and population | |
8 | 北京的人口比秦皇岛多得多。 | Beijing exceeds Qinhuangdao by far in population. | |
9 | 本月的产量超过上月10%。 | This month’s output exceeds last month’s by ten percent | |
10 | 剥纸:印刷时,油墨粘度高出纸面强度,造成纸面纤维被剥离的不良情况。 | Picking: The undesirable removal of fibres from the printing surface of a sheet of paper; occurring when the tack of the ink exceeds the surface strength of the paper. | |
11 | 不久液体丢失量即超过淋巴管运输的速度。 | Soon the rate of fluid loss exceeds the ability of the lymph channels to withdraw it | |
12 | 不准游泳、爬树和攀石,也不应进入水深超过半米的地区。 | No swimming, tree climbing or rock climbing is allowed. Never go into an area where water depth exceeds half meter. | |
13 | 采用在氮气下程序升温的方式焙烧分子筛原粉,所得催化剂性能较佳;将TS-1焙烧至>900°C,样品结晶度下降,催化活性降低 | The calcining method temperature programmed at nitrogen is preferred to obtain TS-1 catalyst. If the calcining temperature exceeds 900°C, both the crystallinity and the catalytic activity of TS-1 decrease. | |
14 | 超过三个月仍未缴纳的,海关可以责令担保人缴纳税款或者将货物变价抵缴 | Where the delay exceeds three months, the Customs may instruct the guarantor to pay the duties or sell off the goods to offset the duties. | |
15 | 此等股份并无投票权,除非有关公司之纯利超过50,000,000,000元,否则持有人无权享有股息;而有关公司清盘时,亦无权享有任何分派,除非有关公司向普通股股东分发数达到50,000,000,000元。 | These shares have no voting rights, are not entitled to dividends unless the net profit of the relevant company exceeds $50,000,000,000 and are not entitled to any distributions upon winding up unless a sum of $50,000,000,000 has been distributed by the relevant company to the holders of its ordinary shares. | |
16 | 但在各级人民代表大会和各级行政机构中少数民族干部所占的比例大大超过百分之六。 | Nevertheless, in the people’s congresses and in administrative organs at all levels, the proportion of cadres from the minority groups far exceeds 6 percent. | |
17 | 当超过-1EV或+1EV时,标记将闪烁。 | The mark flashes when the value exceeds -1 EV or +1 EV | |
18 | 当公司超过其留存收益账户的余额支付股利时,则产生清算股利。 | A liquidating dividend occurs when a corporation pays a dividend that exceeds the balance in the retained earnings account. | |
19 | 当曝光补偿值超过+1EV或–1EV时,曝光指示灯的点将会闪烁。 | The dot of the exposure indicator flashes when the exposure compensation exceeds +1 EV or –1EV. | |
20 | 当热水器内的热水温度超过88℃时,热水器上的超高温自动跳闸装置会自动切断电源,也可以人工切断电源。 | The manual reset, trip-free temperature limiting devices on this heater will cut off all power to heater if temperature of water exceeds 190℉. | |
21 | 当收入超过费用时,将导致净收益,反之,为净损失。 | When revenue exceeds expenses, net income occurs, otherwise net loss occurs. | |
22 | 当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。 | The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file. | |
23 | 第二,每个人平均二十多平方米的住房. | Second, the average living space exceeds 20 square metres per person. | |
24 | 第一是,这种方法可以确定一个标准,以帮助可否进行直接投资的决策。如果该项目的资本收益率超过某一最小值,也就是说超过它的目标回报率,该项目即可接受。 | "First, it can help in a straightforward ""accept or reject"" decision by providing a rule that projects may only be accepted if their ROCE exceeds some minimum or ""target"" rate of return." | |
25 | 对于污水或类似的包含固体颗粒、油脂或脂肪的水混合物,闭合回路冷却电机设计结构是最好的选择,只要所需的功率大小超过常规潜水电机降级的使用限制指标。 | For sewage or similar water-based mixtures containing solids, grease or fat, the closed loop-cooled motor design is the preferred choice whenever the horsepower size required exceeds the practical limit for de-rating of conventional submersible motors. | |
26 | 对这些情况评估人员一般难以预计,但确会偶尔出现,其前提是供不应求。 | This is not normally something that can be anticipated by an appraiser, but it occasionally happens where demand exceeds supply or availability. | |
27 | 纺织工业使消费者常常产生超过产品性能的欲望。 | The textile industry has created a consumer appetite for product performance that often exceeds the capability of the item purchased. | |
28 | 非某人所能胜任之工作 | a task that exceeds one’s ability | |
29 | 非政府投资的港口设施建设施工项目,应依照有关法律、法规的规定实施招标、投标。 | With/In the case of a project of constructing port facilities with a non-governmental investment that exceeds million yuan, Bid invitation and Bid submission shall be practiced in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations. | |
30 | 非自愿贷款:银行进行这种贷款的条件是:注入这种贷款以后,拖欠概率的降低数乘以目前的贷款余额,超过新增贷款额乘以新增贷款注入后余留的拖欠概率。 | involuntary lending: Lending by banks as long as the resulting reduction in probability of default, multiplied by the existing exposure, exceeds the amount of new money multiplied by the remaining probability of default even after the new assistance. |