1 | Excel 将会记住窗口的排列方式,并对它们进行并排比较。 | Excel will remember how you arrange your windows to compare them side by side. | |
2 | Excel 可以填充各类列表:1、2、3;星期一、星期二;9:00、10:00;1季度、2季度;1月15日、2月15日;一月、二月。 | Excel can fill in all sorts of lists: 1, 2, 3; Mon, Tues; 9:00, 10:00; Quarter 1, Quarter 2; 15-Jan, 15-Feb; January, February. | |
3 | Excel 可以自动将选定的数字进行累加,并且将总和显示在窗口底端的状态栏中。 | Excel automatically adds up numbers that you select, displaying the total in the status bar at the bottom of the window. | |
4 | Excel 模板??? 在“模板预览”窗格中显示所选择的模板以供下载。 | Excel Template???Selected template appears in the Template Preview pane for downloading. | |
5 | 按住 Ctrl 键,从 Microsoft Excel中拖动所选区域并将其放置到某个超链接字段中 | Drag a selection from Microsoft Excel , while holding the CTRL key | |
6 | 本厂荣誉产品对消费者的承诺就是,我们有胜过他人的决心和取得成就的魄力。 | The best commitment our factory’s honorable products give to the customers is that we have the determination to excel and the drive to achieve. | |
7 | 本馆无论什么事情都一定要做得出众。 | This institution has to excel in everything it does. | |
8 | 比痴迷还甚的爱情参见 | love that transcends infatuation.See Synonyms at excel | |
9 | 必须能够熟练操作微软办公软件,包括Word, Excel, PowerPoint. | Must have a good command of Microsoft Office software including Word, Excel and PowerPoint; | |
10 | 除对出人头地的热情外,以前我十分热衷于一些与我身份相关的消遣,现在我也有了一些变化。 | Besides the passion to excel , I have changed somewhat in the heartiness of my thirst for the amusements incident to my stations | |
11 | 此实用程序适用于 Microsoft Office 2003 和 Office XP,它允许用户删除 Microsoft Word、Microsoft Excel 以及 Microsoft PowerPoint 文件中的隐藏数据和协作数据(例如更改修订和批注)。 | This utility for Microsoft Office 2003 and Office XP allows users to remove hidden data and collaboration data, such as change tracking and comments, from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel , and Microsoft PowerPoint files. | |
12 | 此外,还应该检查一下软件,如Access95,excel、个人调度程序、Quicken和Money之类的财务程序以及通信软件等。 | You should also check software such as Access 95, excel , personal schedulers, financial programs like Quicken of Money, communications software, etc | |
13 | 从今往后,我要借鉴别人成功的秘诀. | Henceforth, I will learn and apply another secret of those who excel in my work. | |
14 | 从实用的角度来看,氧气疗法也更具优势。 | For practicality, oxygen therapeutics also excel | |
15 | 打开或切换到 Excel,再打开希望将该数据添加到的工作簿。 | Open or switch to Excel , and then open the workbook that you want to add the data to. | |
16 | 打开一个 Office 应用程序,例如 Microsoft Word、Excel 或 PowerPoint。 | Open an Office application such as Microsoft Word, Excel , or PowerPoint. | |
17 | 但是 Excel 也可以填写您自己创建的自定义列表,如公司的雇员列表。 | But Excel can also fill in custom lists that you create, such as a list of employees at your company. | |
18 | 当您单击此页面底部的 “Excel 练习” 时,一个练习用工作表将下载到您的计算机并在 Excel 中打开,旁边还会出现一个显示练习说明的独立窗口(如图所示)。 | When you click Practice in Excel at the bottom of this page, a practice worksheet will download to your computer and open in Excel, and a separate window with practice instructions will appear alongside (see picture). | |
19 | 当一个工作簿滚动时,Excel 将使第二个工作簿自动滚动相应数量的单元格。 | As you scroll in one worksheet, Excel automatically scrolls the same amount of cells in the second worksheet. | |
20 | 凡是华语基础差的,其英语往往也好不到哪里去。 | On the other hand, one whose Chinese is poor usually finds it difficult to excel in English. | |
21 | 更改此设置将影响所有 Microsoft Office System 程序。 | Microsoft Office Excel 2003 only uses the Show ScreenTips on toolbars check box. | |
22 | 合适的技术解决方案能够帮助贵公司将从货运到客服的各方面业务都做得非常出色。 | The right technology solutions can help your company excel in all aspects of business-from moving goods to serving customers. | |
23 | 或者,您可以先将文本发送到 Word 中的新网页,再将表格从该网页复制到 Excel 工作表,以保持表格的版式不变。 | Or, you can send the text to a new Web page in Word first, and then copy the table from the Web page to the Excel worksheet to maintain the table. | |
24 | 即使您心算的速度非常快,Excel 也可能比您更快得到答案。 | Even if you′re very fast at doing math in your head, Excel can probably get the answer before you do. | |
25 | 技能:熟悉电脑MS Word,MS Excel,AutoCAD以及Adobe Photoshop,掌握有关建筑法规及标准的知识,具备独立工作能力,英语熟练,2001年1月参加托福国际考试,成绩632分。 | Familiarity with MS Word, MS Excel , AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop. Knowledge of building codes and standards. Ability to work independently. Proficient in English, TOEFL 632, January 2001 | |
26 | 键入“一月”,这样 Excel 就知道您要做什么了。 | Type ″January″ so that Excel knows what you want. | |
27 | 江海所以能为百谷王者,以其善下之 | River and seas can become the kings of valleys because they excel in taking the low position | |
28 | 将数据透视表视图的内容导出到 Microsoft Excel 中 | Export the contents of the PivotTable view to Microsoft Excel | |
29 | 今天是不是我超越他人的机会 | Is this my day to excel ? | |
30 | 尽管人们喜欢听到对其自知的优点的赞美,但他们最感兴趣的乃是对自己渴望具备然而尚不能自信的长处的赞许。 | And, though they love to hear justice done to them, where they know that they excel , yet they are most and best flattered upon those points where they wish to excel, and yet are doubtful whether they do or not. |