1 | 是否需要存储在其他程序中创建的 Microsoft Word 或 Microsoft Excel 文档、图片、声音和其他二进制数据类型? | Will you need to store Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel documents, pictures, sound, and other types of binary data created in other programs? | |
2 | 熟练运用Words,Excel,Lotus1-2-3等软件 | Skillful in operating Words, Excel ,Lotus1-2-3,etc | |
3 | 他的孩子们在音乐和艺术方面很出色。 | His children excel in music and art | |
4 | 他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的. | They each excel in their respective fields. | |
5 | 他正努力超越他的前任。 | He is working hard to excel his predecessors. | |
6 | 特长:善于演讲和辩论,熟练掌握英语,专长国际商法及电脑Word和Excel | Special skills: Good at public speech and debate, Proficient in English, Expertise in commercial law and computer Word& Excel | |
7 | 推销术和广告术是美国人的拿手好戏。 | Salesmanship and advertising are activities in which Americans excel . | |
8 | 我对某些课程的喜爱,我要在各方面都出人头地的愿望都在催我奋进。 | A fondness for some of my studies, and a desire to excel in all urged me on. | |
9 | 我们必须同时掌握华文和英文,以便取得成功,尤其是在国外经商方面。 | We should be proficient in Chinese and English to excel , particularly in business dealings beyond our shores. | |
10 | 我擅长绘画。 | I excel at drawing pictures. | |
11 | 我也一样。还有啊,C今年就要上小学了,所以我要特别祝我们的小C好好学习,天天向上。 | I’m also the same. also, this year C just started elementary school, so I especially want to wish our little C good studying, to excel more every day. | |
12 | 我在教学中曾注意到华校生在数学领域中,一直领先其他语言源流学校的学生。 | From my experiences, I have long noticed that Chinese-medium-educated students always excel in mathematics as compared with those taught in other languages. | |
13 | 我知道您正在找一些学习主动,工作勤奋且学业优秀的学生加入,因此我认为她与您的要求算是符合了。 | I understand that you are looking for students who are motivated, hard working and excel in their academic backgrounds and therefore, feel that there will be a perfect match between her and your institution. | |
14 | 午安,是Excel工业公司。 | Good afternoon. Excel Industry. | |
15 | 物质的发展超过了人类的进步(伊迪丝·汉密尔顿)参见 | Material development outstripped human development(Edith Hamilton)See Synonyms at excel | |
16 | 现在,Excel 已经知道:触发红色加粗格式的条件是只要 C 列的值小于 15。 | Now Excel knows that the condition that triggers bold red formatting is any value that is less than 15 in column C. | |
17 | 现在单击 “Excel 练习” 按钮。 | Click the Practice in Excel button now. | |
18 | 香港改革目标中所定的目标,培养"乐于学习、善于沟通、勇于承担、敢于创新"的学生,无疑是个值得实现的理想。 | "Hong Kong’s objective of reform, namely, to bring up young people who ""enjoy learning, excel at communication, and have courage for commitment and innovations"", is definitely a worthy ideal." | |
19 | 想象一下向下滚动左图中的 Excel 工作表时的情形。 | Imagine scrolling down the Excel worksheet in the picture. | |
20 | 像Exod这样的可扩展表格程序软件,内部已经设有搜索功能,并且允许我们设立限制条件.比如"绝热层厚度>O",然后软件就会为我们找出问题的最佳答案。 | Software such as Excel , a spreadsheet program, contain built-in search facilities allowing us to specify constraints such as "insulation thickness >0". They will then attempt to find an optimum solution to our problem. | |
21 | 悬架系统的精确设计使车辆在动态驾驶方面表现出色,让您感受不到道路崎岖所带来的颠簸。 | Precise design of the suspension architecture enables the BMW 3 Series to excel at dynamic sports driving, just as much as comfortable cruising. | |
22 | 选择查询以数据表的形式显示结果,一种类似于 Microsoft Excel 工作表的行列网格。 | A select query displays its results in the form of a datasheet- a row and column grid similar to a Microsoft Excel worksheet. | |
23 | 选择数字时,Excel 会对数字自动求和,并将结果显示在状态栏中。 | As you select the numbers, Excel automatically adds them up and displays the total in the status bar. | |
24 | 学习五个强大的 Microsoft Excel 功能,这些功能会让您工作起来更快捷、更轻松。 | Learn five great Microsoft Excel features that will help you to work faster and easier. | |
25 | 永远要超越会高于他人。 | Always to excel and to be above all other men. | |
26 | 用于使用 OLE 协议在其他程序中创建的 OLE 对象(如 Microsoft Word 文档、Microsoft Excel 电子表格、图片、声音或其他二进制数据)。 | Use for OLE objects (such as Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, pictures, sounds, or other binary data)that were created in other programs using the OLE?protocol. | |
27 | 在 Excel 中,并排就是水平并排,但只要您愿意,可以将它们的位置从水平并排更改为垂直并排。 | That′s right, in Excel side by side means one on top of the other, but you can change the orientation from one on top of the other to one next to the other if you want. | |
28 | 在本节课中,您将学习在什么地方可以找到 Excel 的超级快速自动求和功能,此外,还能找到其他功能,比如计算一组数字的平均值、最小值或最大值。 | In this lesson you′ll learn where to find Excel ′s super-fast automatic sums and more, such as calculating the average, minimum, or maximum value in a range of numbers. | |
29 | 在本课程中您将学习五个强大的 Excel 功能,其中包括新增的“并排比较”功能。 | In this course you′ll learn about five great Excel features, including the new Compare Side by Side feature. | |
30 | 在激烈的商业竞争中,对本产品的质量,我们始终有胜过他人的决心和取得成就的魄力,这就是我们对社会最好的承诺。 | In sharp competition in business, we always have the determination to excel others and the drive to achieve success, which is the best commitment we make to society as to the quality of our products. |