1 | 去迪斯尼公园的游客会遇见米老鼠和它的朋友,享受车乘和游戏的乐趣,观看来自世界各地的展览。 | Visitors to the Disney parks can meet Mickey and his friends, enjoy rides and games, and look at exhibitions from all parts of the world. | |
2 | 如果你正在安排或组织商务旅行、展览、会议、研讨会、大型会议、奖励旅游、回家探亲假、高管休假…… | If you are in any way involved in the planning or organising of business travel/exhibitions /meetings/seminars/conventions/incentive travel/ home leave/executive holiday vacations. | |
3 | 三、对展览面积要 1000 平方米 以上的对外经济技术展览会,实行分级审批管理。 | III. Examination, approval and administration at different levels shall be practiced with respect to foreign economic and technological exhibitions the display floor area of which are more than 1,000 square meters. | |
4 | 省新闻出版行政部门和全国性出版、发行行业协会,可以申请主办全国性的出版物订货、展销活动。 | The administrative departments of press and publication of provinces and the publishing or distributing industrial associations nationwide may apply to hold the activities of order or sales exhibitions of publications nationwide. | |
5 | 售前的估计;售前展览 | presale estimates;presale exhibitions . | |
6 | 四、加强协调管理,严格审批办法,避免重复办展,规范展览行为。 | IV. Strengthening coordination and administration, adopting strict measures for examination and approval, avoiding holding of repetitious exhibitions and standardizing acts of exhibition. | |
7 | 他的精心表演常常令我回想起在那不勒斯遇到的一个顽童。 | In the midst of his polished exhibitions was often reminded of an urchin I had once seen in Naples | |
8 | 它们包括集合报价、样品、邮售、折价优惠券、一揽子销售折扣、展示会、购买点陈列、奖金、 | They include combination offers, samples, direct mail, cents-off coupons, cents-off packages, exhibitions and shows, point-of-purchase displays, premiums, | |
9 | 台湾艺阁名义与日治时期妆扮景观初探 | The Study of Taiwanese Ei-Ga, the Fine Art Performance, and Dressing Exhibitions during the Japanese Colonial Era | |
10 | 推动和扶持举办有特色、有规模、有影响的对外经济技术展览会。 | and the holding of influential foreign economic and technological exhibitions with characteristics and scale shall be promoted and supported. | |
11 | 推销民族:国际展览会和文化外交 | Selling nations: international exhibitions and cultural diplomacy | |
12 | 为加强管理,现就在我国境内举办对外经济技术展览会有关问题通知如下: | For the purpose of strengthening the administration of holding of foreign economic and technological exhibitions within the territory of China, the related questions are hereby notified as follows: | |
13 | 维护办展单位和参展单位的合法权益,保障对外展览业的健康发展; | the legitimate rights and interests of units holding exhibitions and units participating in exhibitions shall be safeguarded and the healthy development of the foreign exhibition industry ensured; | |
14 | 未经批准擅自主办出版物订货、展销活动,按照擅自从事出版物发行业务处罚。 | Whichever entity or individual discretionally holds an activity of order or sales exhibitions of publications without approval, shall be considered to discretionally engage in the publication distributing business for punishment. | |
15 | 我不喜欢去展览会。 | I don’t like going to exhibitions . | |
16 | 我们不应太以自我为中心,而坚持这类展览只用中文。 | We should not be too self-centred and insist that such exhibitions be annotated only in Chinese. | |
17 | 我们将开展多元文化活动,如由全世界青少年参加的音乐会、展览、艺术比赛和野营。 | We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions , art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. | |
18 | 五、对 1000 平方米 以上展览的境外展品进境及留购,由海关凭本通知规定的审批单位出具的正式批准文件按规定办理; | Entry into the country and retention for sale of foreign exhibits in exhibitions the floor area of which are more than 1,000 square meters shall be handled by the Customs in accordance with provisions on the strength of the formal approval documents issued by the units of examination and approval prescribed in this Circular; | |
19 | 相继周国桢、郑于鹤、田世信、刘万琪、刘焕章等一批中年雕塑家推出了个展。 | In the following years, some middle-aged sculptors, such as Zhou Guozhen, Zheng Yuhe, Tian Shixin, Liu Wanqi and Liu Huanzhang, held individual exhibitions . | |
20 | 许多中国文物展在世界各国和地区受到热烈欢迎,这些文物展包括"中国五千年文明史展","孔子文化展","西藏文化展",以及"龙的艺术展"。 | " Many relic exhibitions are welcomes in overseas countries and regions, these include ""Five Thousand Years of Chinese Civilization,"" ""Confucian Culture Exhibition,"" ""Tibetan Culture Exhibition""and ""art of the Dragon." | |
21 | 一、举办对外经济技术展览会,应有利于促进我国对外经贸事业发展, | I. Holding of foreign economic and technological exhibitions should be instrumental to the promotion of the development of the cause of foreign economic cooperation and trade of our country, | |
22 | 以及在办展过程中有乱摊派、损害参展单位合法权益等违反法律法规行为的, | as well as indiscriminate apportionment in the process of holding exhibitions and infringement on the legitimate rights and interests of the participating units and other acts in violation of laws and regulations, | |
23 | 用双语介绍展品,有助于吸引讲英语的新加坡人和游客。再说,举办展览会的目的本来就是为了鼓励普通大众接触艺术。 | Displaying annotations in both languages helps draw the English-speaking Singaporeans and tourists to the exhibitions which, after all, aim to reach out to the masses. | |
24 | 由对外贸易经济合作部牵头,会同国家科学技术委员会、中国国际贸易促进委员会等单位,以召开联席会议的形式,定期通报审批和举办对外经济技术展览会情况,对外发布展览信息; | Information on the examination and approval and holding of foreign economic and technological exhibitions shall be circulated at regular intervals and information on exhibitions made public in the form of joint sessions headed by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation in conjunction with the State Commission of Science and Technology, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and other units; | |
25 | 有的大百货公司支持艺术展览。 | Some big department stores sponsor art exhibitions . | |
26 | 娱乐用大厦一座大的,通常是装饰华丽的建筑物,用来娱乐或展览 | A large,often gaudily ornate building used for entertainment or exhibitions . | |
27 | 在<看中国>优先发布演出、展览等各类商务信息 | Get preferential chance to release "Business Promotion" information on performances, exhibitions etc on Seechina.com.cn. | |
28 | 在京期间,澳门旅游代表团还将举行产品说明会,向41家有资格组织海外旅游的内地旅行社和各大新闻媒体介绍澳门的旅游产品和设施。 | During their stay in Beijing, the Macao Tourism delegation will hold product exhibitions , introducing Macao’s tourist products and facilities to 41 mainland tourist agencies that are qualified to organize overseas tours and to the news medias | |
29 | 展示与洽谈相结合、项目推介与政策咨询相结合、商务活动与学术研讨相结合的方式 | It is a combination of exhibitions and negotiations, a venue for both project presentation and policy consultation, and a place where business activities and academic seminars take place at the same time. | |
30 | 这个展览馆每年举行十次短期展览。 | Every year the museum organizes 10 temporary exhibitions . |