属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-血色花瓣 Petals of blood
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 行尸走肉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-稀土与气候变化 陷入了危机?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴基斯坦的军事力量 失去驾驶权的司机
1 | 生存的两歧与历史的两歧 | existential dichotomy and historical dichotomy | |
2 | 生存论哲学观之我见 | The Existential Philosophical Outlook in My Opinion | |
3 | 时间之思-论流俗时间观与海德格尔的存在论时间观 | Reflection on Time-On the Prevalent Custom View and Heidegger’s Existential View on Time | |
4 | 文艺理论研究中的知识论前提反思与生存本体论建构 | The Prerequisite Reflection of Knowledge Theory and the Construction of Existential Ontology in the Studies of Literary Theories | |
5 | 西方音乐家的生命悲歌 | On the Existential Tragedy of Great Western Musicians | |
6 | 现代汉语存现句研究综述 | The Survey of the Research on Existential Sentence in Modern Chinese | |
7 | 项退结教授的存在哲学研究 | Professor Thaddaeus Hang’s Contribution to the Existential Philosophy Studies | |
8 | 形式逻辑学家并不关心存在的事物,而艺术家所关心的则正是这些东西。 | Formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters which are precisely what artists are concerned with | |
9 | 英语存在句信息传递再探索-兼与谷化琳先生商榷 | Re-Exploring the Thematic Structure of English Existential -there Sentences | |
10 | 咏物诗的情节链与李商隐的《锦瑟》诗 | The Plot Linkage of Existential Poetry and Ornamented Zither by Li Shangyin | |
11 | 在“清云”与“泥淖”之间-试论汪曾褀小说的“存在”取向和内涵 | Between "Cloud" and "Mud": On the Existential Significance of Wang Zeng-qi’s Fiction | |
12 | 中国学生过度使用英文“存在性结构”之原因 | Chinese Learners’ Overgeneration of English Existential Constructions | |
13 | 重建学校教育评价的价值基础-从“生活-需要”论到“生存-需要”论 | Rebuild the Value Foundation of the School Education Evaluation from "life-demand" Theory to "existential -demand" Theory | |
14 | 自由的困境:奥古斯丁自由观的生存分析 | Freedom as a Paradox: An Existential Analysis of Augustine’s Understanding of Freedom | |
15 | 自由与伦理-从祁克果的存在伦理观谈起 | Freedom and Ethics-On Kierkkegaard’s Existential Ethics | |
16 | ||1:大卫·格罗斯曼的新小说《走向天尽头》以发烧病房作为开头并非偶然。||2:随着小说情节的展开,读者发现发烧不只是身体病状。||3:发烧成为了以色列生存状态的特征。||4:大卫先生作品的人物与其说是具有了经验,不如说被经验缠住不得脱身。||5:他们被不断要发生的种种深度不确定性事件引发了发烧症:恐怖分子的炸弹、至爱亲朋的死于非命、祖国四面受敌的严峻态势。||6: 归于安定和平几无可能。||7:一些人寻求躲之避之,另一些人则要斗之抗之。||8:这个不确定性弥漫于存在状态的方方面面,其弥漫的方式却有截然不同的两种,各自代表了个人的或政治上极不可能实现的愿景。 | ||1:It is no accident that the prologue to David Grossman’s new novel, “To the End of the Land”, takes place in a fever ward.||2:As the stories unfold, the reader discovers that fever is not just a symptom of physical illness.||3:It becomes a description of the existential state of Israel.||4:Mr Grossman’s characters are not so much in possession of their experiences as possessed by them.||5:They are gripped by a deep uncertainty about what will happen next: a terrorist bomb, the violent death of someone close, the overwhelming of their country by the enemies that surround it.||6:It is next to impossible to rest or be at peace.||7:Some seek to withdraw from this situation, others to resist it.||8:It pervades existence in ways that make a distinction between the personal and the political something that is longed for and quite impossible to achieve. | |
17 | ||1:德米特里·杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills. ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential —and intolerable—threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
18 | ||1:德米特里杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills. ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential —and intolerable—threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
19 | ||1:这一问题当前还不甚突出。||2:尽管大量稀土来自中国,而该国政府最近一直在限制出口(美国、欧洲与日本已就此于3月13日向世贸组织(World Trade Organisation)提起诉讼),但其它已知矿源,比如现在已放弃开采的加州帕斯山(Mountain Pass mine in California)(上图),可以在较短时间内重新开采供货。||3:按照当前的需求水平,供应来源集中于某地的会引起的任何问题都只不过会让人烦恼一时,不会造成生存危机。 | ||1:At the moment, that is not too much of a problem.||2:Though a lot of the supply of rare earths comes from China, whose government has recently been restricting exports (a restriction that was the subject of a challenge lodged with the World Trade Organisation by America, Europe and Japan on March 13th), other known sources, such as the now-abandoned Mountain Pass mine in California, pictured above, could be brought into play reasonably quickly.||3:At current levels of demand any problem caused by the geographical concentration of supply would thus be an irritating blip rather than an existential crisis. | |
20 | 重要的是,前情报局参谋长穆尼尔说,他已经明白,目前存在的威胁本质就是穆斯林军人。 | Crucially, says Asad Munir, a retired ISI brigadier, he began to understand the nature of the existential threat posed by militant Islam. | |
21 | 《欧洲人》:那会对存在风险的出现概率有什么影响? | The European: And what effect might that have on the probability of existential risk? | |
22 | 《审判》是自我的生存调查,还是一个原科幻的奇闻漫谈,还是一个哲学喜剧? | Is The Trial an existential investigation of the self, a proto-sci-fi yarn or a philosophical comedy? | |
23 | 2001年我才提出存在风险这个概念。 | I introduced the concept of existential risk only in 2001. | |
24 | Zogby先生指出,它还是阿拉伯世界“现存的,有待解释的问题”。 | It remains, as Mr Zogby puts it, the "existential , defining issue" in the Arab world. | |
25 | 鲍斯的存在分析学在理论上和实践上,既具有积极贡献,也存在一定的局限性。 | In theory and practice, Boss’s existential analysis does not only have made its positive contributions but also has its limitations. | |
26 | 博斯特罗姆:对于火车来说,不必讨论存在风险。 | Bostrom: With trains, there was no discussion of existential risks. | |
27 | 博斯特罗姆:我的研究重点是存在风险,它是严重程度最高的一种风险。 | Bostrom: My focus has been on existential risks, which are at the far end of the severity spectrum. | |
28 | 不过,有着55年历史的广交会也正面临一些现实的问题。 | But, in its 55th year, the fair is also facing existential questions. | |
29 | 不现实的期待:两人都认为对方会解决关于自尊、个人形象、家庭等存在的任何问题。 | Unrealistic expectations. Both Sam and Debbie think the other will solve their self-esteem, body image, family, and existential problems. | |
30 | 此二者分别代表人类个体之实存与存有之方式。 | They signify the mode of factual existence and that of existential living of human individual respectively. |