1 | 具有指定名称的域控制器已经存在。 | A domain controller with the specified name already exists . | |
2 | 可以区分开来的外部周界是表皮层,由无定形组织的蜡质和果胶构成。 | The cuticle exists as the separable outer boundary and consists of a layer of wax and pectin materials that appears to be structureless | |
3 | 冷战思维依然存在,霸权主义和强权政治仍然是威胁世界和平与稳定的主要根源 | The cold war mentality still exists , and hegemonism and power politics continue to be the source of threat to world peace and stability. | |
4 | 例如:为确保无线连接的可靠性,mac层和物理层一起工作,以确定在他们开始传输之前是否有一条清晰的路径。 | For instance ,to ensure reliability of the wireless link ,mac and PHY work together to determine if a clear path exists before they start a transmission | |
5 | 两个反射波相互重叠的空间出现一个干涉场。 | An interference field exists in space in the region where the two reflected waves are superimposed on each other | |
6 | 另外还有一种危险是,某一州可能利用表面上显得不具歧视性的立法,作为一种为州外商业增加负担的隐秘手 | In addition, the risk also exists that a state will use what appears to be nondiscriminatory legislation as covert means of burdening out-of-state businesses | |
7 | 没有一个人是生活在真空中的。 | No one exists in a vacuum. | |
8 | 那就是说,上帝以三种形态存在:作为创造世界的圣父、作为化为肉身期间的圣子或“逻各斯”、作为赋予基督徒和教会灵感的圣灵。 | That is to say that God exists as the Father to create the world, as the Son or "logos" during the incarnation, and as the Holy Spirit to inspire Christians and the Church | |
9 | 那男孩心中老是想着其他星球上是否存在生命这一问题。 | The question of whether life exists on other planets preoccupied the boy’s mind. | |
10 | 其结果是,今天的印度教包括了所有的宗教仪式和大量的神,每一个神都有忠实的信徒,并且有一些做法是相互抵触的。 | As a result, Hindu religion as it exists today contains a whole range of religious cults and a vast number of gods each with his devotees, and there are some conflicting practices | |
11 | 气力输送实验表明,这里存着一个最大的颗粒浓度。 | Experiments in pneumatic conveying show that there exists a maximum particle concentration | |
12 | 请求的协议还没有在系统中配置,或者没有它存在的迹象。 | The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists . | |
13 | 认识到我们所不能理解的事物确实存在…是真正宗教性的中心。在这个意义上,也只有在这个意义上来说,我属于虔诚地信教徒的行列(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)。 | To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists .is at the center of true religiousness.In this sense,and in this sense only,I belong to the ranks of the devoutly religious men(Albert Einstein. | |
14 | 如果说自豪感在我国任何一类人中都有,而且无疑相当充足,那么它在小城镇里不值分文的老妇人中最根深蒂固。 | If pride exists amongst any folks in our country, and assuredly we have enough of it, there is no pride more deep-seated than that of two penny old gentle women on small towns | |
15 | 若顾客规定的问题解决格式存在组织应使用规定的格式. | If a customer-prescribed problem-solving format exists , the organization shall use the prescribed format. | |
16 | 社会主义社会也是对立统一的,有人民内部的对立统 | Socialist society is likewise a unity of opposites; This unity of opposites exists both within the ranks of the people and between ourselves and the enemy | |
17 | 生活小区一词指的是群落生存的环境。 | The term biotope should be used for the environment in which a community exists | |
18 | 世间存在的一切事物,对这位不可多得的慈悲神甫,都是引起恻隐之心和济世宏愿的永恒的动力。 | That which exists was for this good and rare priest a permanent subject of sadness which sought consolation | |
19 | 世界许多地方都发生饥荒。 | Famine exists in many parts of the world. | |
20 | 首先是种类繁多的宗教派别,以及它们之间所采取的忍让态度。 | First is the wide variety of denominations and the attitude of permissiveness and tolerance that exists among them | |
21 | 思想,概念思想活动的产物,它是存在或潜伏于大脑中的想法或概念 | Something,such as a thought or conception,that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. | |
22 | 他靠干体力活谋生。 | He exists by muscular labor | |
23 | 他们之间没有相似之处。 | No analogy exists between them | |
24 | 他用语言学家考证古人遗墨的眼光,平心静气地观察自然界中迄今还存在着的多种多样的混乱现象。 | He examined without wrath, and with the eye of a linguist who is deciphering a palimpsest, that portion of chaos which still exists in nature | |
25 | 它是单细胞真菌,有单倍体和二倍体两种存在形态。 | The fungus is unicellular and exists in both haploid and diploid phases | |
26 | 危险在于“绕开社走”,这一点遵化县的同志们已经克服了。 | Such danger as exists lies in "steering clear of the co-op", and this has been overcome by the Tsunhua County comrades | |
27 | 为了揭开这样一种芳核是否存在,或者多环化合物是不是由于剧烈处理所引起的问题,必须进行大量的工作。 | More work is needed to uncover whether such a core exists or whether the polycyclic compounds result from the drastic treatments | |
28 | 我国现在就有社会主义。 | socialism already exists in our country today | |
29 | 我可以告诉你们兄弟会是存在的,但是我不能告诉你们它有多少会员,到底是一百个,还是一千万。 | I tell you that the brotherhood exists , but I cannot tell you whether it numbers a hundred members, or ten million | |
30 | 我想了很久,因为我早就怀有一种刻骨的野心,于是我回答说 | I reflected long, for a gnawing ambition had long preyed upon me, and then I replied, ’Listen,--I have always heard of providence, and yet I have never seen him, or anything that resembles him, or which can make me believe that he exists |