1 | (七)违反法律、法规的规定牟取暴利; | 7. To seek exorbitant profits in violation of laws and regulations; and | |
2 | “改革税制,根绝苛杂与非法摊派”。 | And that "the system of taxation shall be reformed and all exorbitant and miscellaneous levies and illegal exactions completely abolished" | |
3 | 被指定的经营者借此销售质次价高商品或者滥收费用的,监督检查部门应当没收违法所得, | Where the designated operators, taking advantage of this illegal arrangement, foist inferior but high-priced goods on buyers or make exorbitant charges, the control and inspection authorities shall confiscate the illegal income and may, | |
4 | 伯爵花了很高的价钱租得的那个窗口是在那座大宫殿的三楼上,位于巴布诺街和平西奥山之间。 | The window, let at an exorbitant price, which the count had doubtless wished to conceal from his guests, was on the second floor of the great palace, situated between the Via del Babuino and the Monte Pincio | |
5 | 存在一些问题,房租太高,谈合同争吵不休,各种税收名目繁多,劳动力太贵,贪污、受贿,还存在着官僚主义。 | There are exorbitant rents for offices, too much bickering about contracts, too many special taxes, labour that is too expensive, plus corruption, kickbacks, and the Chinese bureaucrats. | |
6 | 但是他们警告他,女巫的收费非常高,因为她昂贵的收费在全国是出名的。 | The price would be high, since the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged | |
7 | 第十四条 价格监督检查人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,或者包庇、纵容牟取暴利的行为的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 14 Any price supervisor or inspector who neglects his duties, commits irregularities for personal interests or by fraudulent means or shields or winks at any act of making exorbitant profits, shall be subject to administrative sanctions pursuant to law or investigation into criminal responsibility pursuant to law if a crime is constituted. | |
8 | 第十条 对生产经营者牟取暴利的行为,任何单位和个人都有权向价格监督检查机构投诉或者举报。 | Article 10 As for any behavior of producers and operators in making exorbitant profits, any unit and individual shall enjoy the right to lodge a complaint with or make a report to the price supervision and inspection agencies against it. | |
9 | 第十五条 工商行政管理、审计、财政、税务、公安、技术监督等部门,应当在各自的职责范围内,配合价格监督检查机构查处牟取暴利的行为。 | Article 15 The departments of administration of industry and commerce, auditing, finance, taxation, public security and technology supervision shall, within the scope of their respective duties and authorities, assist the price supervision and inspection agencies in inspecting and dealing with activities of making exorbitant profits. | |
10 | 第一条 为了维护社会主义市场经济秩序,制止牟取暴利,保护消费者的合法权益,制定本规定。 | Article 1 In order to safeguard the order of the socialist market economy, curb the making of exorbitant profits, and protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers, these Measures are hereby formulated. | |
11 | 对这小屋而言太高昂的租金。 | an exorbitant rent for so small a house | |
12 | 非法倒卖,牟取暴利 | the illegal resale of goods at exorbitant profit | |
13 | 高级管理层的收人数目令人吃惊,而他们的公司则陷入破产困境,然后他们通过“金降落伞”保证他们在失去工作或降职时获得大笔的报酬。 | Top management repeatedly cashed in on exorbitant amounts of money while their companies collapsed into bankruptcy, and then received golden parachutes, which guaranteed generous payments when they lost their jobs or were demoted. | |
14 | 高价倒卖紧俏商品曾经猖獗一时,现已被制止 | The practice of reselling the hard –to –get commodities at exorbitant prices rampant at a time, is curbed and checked | |
15 | 更多的竞争有助于降低目前畸高的电话收费。 | More competition should help to drive down exorbitant phone charges. | |
16 | 过高的价格。 | an exorbitant price. | |
17 | 过高要价过分的或过高的要价 | An excessive or exorbitant charge. | |
18 | 或者滥收费用的,监督检查部门应当没收违法所得,可以根据情节处以违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。 | or make exorbitant charges, the control and inspection authorities shall confiscate the illegal income and may, according to circumstances, impose fines of more than twice and less than three times the illegal income. | |
19 | 她看到价钱不是她出得起的,心里不安起来。 | She was disturbed to find that the prices were exorbitant for the size of her purse | |
20 | 苛捐杂税多、收款期长增加营运成本 | Added operating costs because of exorbitant taxes and levies as well as long pay back period | |
21 | 那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价. | That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays. | |
22 | 那家旅馆漫天要价。 | That hotel charges exorbitant prices. | |
23 | 轻信的买主为买进铁路股份而付出了过高的代价。 | Unsuspecting buyers paid exorbitant prices for their railroad stock | |
24 | 它是反对那些向农民索取苛刻的农产品贮运费用的粮仓主和铁路公司的。 | It opposed the owners of grain elevators and railroads, who charged the farmers exorbitant rates for storage and transportation of their produce | |
25 | 天价征子引发的法律思考-评我国遗赠扶养协议 | The Exorbitant Price Advertises for the Law Thinking That the Son Cause-The Reviews Our Country Bequest to Bring up Agreement | |
26 | 无处不施舍,并且那样乐于施舍的他,这时却觉得那种奢望是逾分的,并且是丑恶的。 | He who gave to all so readily thought this demand exorbitant and almost odious | |
27 | 向(顾客等)索高价,敲竹杠 | Charge(a customer,etc)a high or exorbitant price | |
28 | 已到中午了,她的肚子也饿了。她找到一个不起眼的小饭店,就走了进去。但是她不安地发现那里的价钱高得吓人,不是她的钱包可以付得起的。 | High noon came, and with it hunger. She hunted out an unassuming restaurant and entered, but was disturbed to find that the prices were exorbitant for the size of her purse. | |
29 | 以两美元买十二个蛋,价格过高。 | Two dollars is an exorbitant price for a dozen eggs | |
30 | 郁金香的价值达到这个地步,已没有多少人是买它来种在庭园里。 | When the prices of tulips reached such an exorbitant level, few people bought them for planting in their gardens |