属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-美国小女孩卖柠檬水筹钱做脑部手术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-高管薪资 死后算账
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医药公司和癌症 利润丰厚的救星
1 | 越来越多新加坡人,宁愿花一笔钱在高级的餐馆吃团圆饭。 | Increasingly, more Chinese Singaporeans would hold their reunion dinner in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs. | |
2 | 在水果店里,正陈列着红得如红宝石般的草莓,吸引了行人的注意力,但是价钱太贵了,以至于没有人会买。 | At the fruit shop, strawberries as red as rubies were on show and they attracted the attention of the passers-by, but the price was so exorbitant that nobody could buy them. | |
3 | 这次冲突也反映了唱片公司给它们顾客定的价格,相对于生产和发布成本而言过高。 | The conflict has also revealed that the price that record companies impose on their customers is exorbitant in relation to production and distribution costs. | |
4 | 这儿的食物价格太高. | The price of food here is exorbitant . | |
5 | 征收苛捐杂税 | Lay on exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies | |
6 | 制止牟取暴利的暂行规定 | Interim Measures concerning Curbing the Making of Exorbitant Profits | |
7 | 重新划定私资利润额,既要使私资感觉有利可图,又要使私资无法夺取暴利。 | Set new percentages of profit for private capital so that it will be able to make some profits but not exorbitant ones | |
8 | 作为一个发展中国家,中国将承担庄严载入关贸总协定会谈乌拉圭回合中的责任,但决不屈从过分的要求 | China will take on the responsibilities enshrined in the Uruguay Round of GATT talks as a developing country but will not bow to exorbitant demands | |
9 | 伊丽莎白谈到女儿的这笔额外医疗费用时表示:“我自己承担不起这笔治疗费用。”她称这笔费用“相当高。” | "I can’t fund that by myself," Elizabeth said about the extra medical costs for her daughter. She called the costs "pretty exorbitant ." | |
10 | ||1:进一步来看,目前争论的焦点是“这场流行病将如何改变硅谷以及与之相关的大部分技术产业”。||2:危机将使得现有趋势加速发展。||3:兰迪·科米萨,来自另一家风投公司凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins),他认为,在新冠出现之前硅谷就已有大批员工计划离开,未来的硅谷将继续分崩离析。||4:房价过高、几乎永久性的交通堵塞、以及数量惊人的无家可归者,这些问题将导致更多的人选择离开。 | ||1:Looking further forward, the debate now revolves around how the pandemic will change Silicon Valley—and with it much of the tech industry.||2:The crisis will accelerate existing trends.||3:The Valley will continue to spread out, reckons Randy Komisar of Kleiner Perkins, another vc firm.Even before the virus hit, an exodus of sorts was under way.||4:Exorbitant property prices, near-permanent traffic jams and the jarring number of homeless people have pushed a growing numbers to leave. | |
11 | ||1:托马斯·皮克提在他的《二十一世纪的资本论》一书中有这样的论述,即就高级管理人员的的个人生产力而言,实在是找不到他们能获得高额薪水的“客观依据”:他们为自己开出这么高的薪水,纯粹就是因为他们有权力这么做。||2:然而,在即将发表在《管理科学》的一篇论文中,两位学者宣称他们发现了一种客观的衡量标准,并由此得出大多数高管的薪水并没有多付。 | ||1:IN HIS book, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, Thomas Piketty argues that it is impossible to find an “objective basis” for the high salaries of senior executives in terms of their individual productivity: they pay themselves such exorbitant sums simply because they can.||2:However, in a forthcoming paper in Management Science, an American journal, two academics claim to have found such an objective measure, and conclude that most bosses are not overpaid. | |
12 | 第三,也是最有争议的,治疗癌症的药物可以卖高昂的价格,特别是在美国。 | Third, and most controversial, cancer drugs can fetch exorbitant prices, particularly in America. | |
13 | 事实上,这是一种令人宽慰的简化。||传统上,美国人总是愿意花大价钱去法国或意大利餐馆(实际那里的大部分菜都是拉美人做的)。每个城市都有昂贵的寿司店和昂贵的西班牙小食馆(西班牙小食馆,就像一个笑话说的那样,西班牙语的意思是“花了96美元但还是很饿”)。|| | That, in truth, was a consoling simplification. Americans have traditionally been willing to pay through the nose at French or Italian joints (where, in fact, Latinos often do most of the cooking).|| And every city has its pricey sushi bars and exorbitant tapas restaurants (tapas, as one joke goes, is Spanish for “$96 and still hungry”).|| | |
14 | “我爱你,巨大的白人?”这不是一个伏特加酒醉的梦。它是一只机器狗。 | "I love you, exorbitant white man? " This wasn’t a vodka-fueled dream. It was a robot dog. | |
15 | 43岁的林爱芬(音)说,过高的价格无异于敲诈。 | Lim Ai Foon, 43, said the exorbitant pricing was a rip-off. | |
16 | 必须合理雇佣,确保工人未被收取无法还清的过高前期费用。 | Labor must also be recruited responsibly, ensuring that workers aren’t charged exorbitant up-front fees that they’ll never be able to repay. | |
17 | 不然的话,你每三年就要面对一次房租暴涨。 | Otherwise you will be exposed to exorbitant rent increases every three years. | |
18 | 长期以来,许多国家认为,美元占据主导性的国际地位赋予了美国一种“嚣张的特权”。 | Many nations have long regarded the dominant international role of the dollar as bestowing an "exorbitant privilege" on the US. | |
19 | 但是,代价会很高,老巫婆正是因为要价过高而出名。 | The price would be high as the witch was famous for the exorbitant prices she charged. | |
20 | 但是过分诅咒最终会赶上美国,届时人民币将是最有可能的替代品。 | Yet the exorbitant curse will catch up with the dollar one day and the yuan is its most likely replacement. | |
21 | 但由于顶级商业区的租金堪称天价,在中国打造品牌旗舰店的选址难度和成本都是很高。 | However, it is difficult and expensive to find good sites for boutiques in China due to exorbitant rentals in high-end areas. | |
22 | 但真正激起公众强烈反应的是天价过路费,而不是的此人的不法行为。 | The exorbitant tolls, rather than the man’s bad behavior, provoked a storm of public reaction. | |
23 | 第一步将是举起斧头,砍掉意大利政治制度的高昂成本。 | A first step would be to take the axe to the exorbitant costs of the Italian political system. | |
24 | 对金融资本图谋暴利的贪婪行为要加以节制。 | seeking exorbitant profits of financial capital should be controlled. | |
25 | 防止工程承包商高估冒算的几种有效措施 | Some Effective Measures of Preventing the Engineering Contractor from Exorbitant Estimation and Calculation | |
26 | 高昂过路费影响中国交通发展 | Exorbitant tolls obstruct the road forward for China | |
27 | 即使他们看到的是Jaguar的昂贵的车型,他们也喜欢其中超豪华的。 | Even though they turn up their noses at Jaguar’s expensive cars, they love its exorbitant ones. | |
28 | 节约型社会下过度包装经济现象分析 | Analysis on Exorbitant Packaging in Economized Society | |
29 | 今年2月,迪拜的公路和酒店明显安静了下来,一度过高的租金也变得更加合理。 | Dubai’s roads and restaurants are noticeably quieter and once- exorbitant rents are becoming more reasonable by the month. | |
30 | 据印度工人表示,来美国前,招聘方承诺给他们办绿卡,为此他们付给聘方一大笔钱(约2万美金)。 | The workers allege that they paid exorbitant sums to recruiters in India (up to $20, 000), who promised them green cards. |