1 | "要大力发展两岸经济交往与合作,以利于两岸经济共同繁荣,造福整个中华民族。"" | Great efforts should be made to expand the economic exchanges and cooperation between the two sides so as the help promote prosperity on both sides to the benefit of the Chinese nation as a whole | |
2 | 包叙定部长和马萨省长在仪式上发表了热情洋溢的讲话,双方都希望以此为开端扩大两国之间的贸易,并促进两国其它领域关系的发展。 | Minister Xuding Bao and Governor Masa delivered ebullient speeches in the ceremony, both hoped to use this as a start to expand trade between the two countries and to promote development in other areas of the two countries | |
3 | 北约成员国从16个扩大到19个 | Expand NATO from 16 members to 19 | |
4 | 本科技中心将扩大与各省市的合作交流,共攀高峰。 | This science and technology centre is to expand the cooperative exchanges with other provinces and cities to scale (climb)together the new heights of science and technology. | |
5 | 本市电话号码将于明年1月1日起由7位数升位至8位数 | The city is to expand its telephone numbering system from seven to eight digits as of January 1 of next year | |
6 | 搏动,跳动,律动有节奏地扩张和收缩;搏动 | To expand and contract rhythmically;beat. | |
7 | 不当地高涨不正常或不合适地抬高或扩张 | To raise or expand abnormally or improperly. | |
8 | 采取提高出口退税率和严厉打击走私等措施,千方百计扩大出口,以平衡国际收支,稳定人民币币值。 | It also adopted such measures as raising the export tax rebate rate and cracking down on smuggling in order to expand exports, achieve a favorable balance of international payments, and keep the value of RMB stable | |
9 | 阐述自己的观点 | expand one’s view | |
10 | 处理国与国的关系应超越社会制度和意识形态的差异,努力寻求共同利益的汇合点,扩大互利合作,谋求共同发展。 | It is essential to transcend the differences in social system and ideology in handling state-to-state relations, work to seek convergence of common interests, expand mutually-beneficial cooperation and strive for common development. | |
11 | 大力发展服务业,明显提高服务业在国民经济中的比重。 | We should energetically develop the service sector to substantially expand its presence in the national economy | |
12 | 但是我们一方面取之于民,一方面就要使人民经济有所增长,有所补充。 | But while taking from the people we must at the same time help them to replenish and expand their economy | |
13 | 当他出现时,他的老母亲总是舒展一下身体,叹口气,慢慢破颜而笑。 | When he appeared his old mother would expand and sigh, gradually breaking into a smile. | |
14 | 等部队来日壮大起来,我们一定打回来。 | When our forces expand in the future, we’ll certainly come back. | |
15 | 第二个飞跃,是适应科学种国和生产社会化的需要,发展适度规模经营,发展集体经济。 | The second leap will be to introduce large-scale operations and to expand the collective economy, so as to facilitate scientific farming and socialized production. | |
16 | 对西部地区高等学校建设予以支持,扩大东、中部地区高校在西部地区的招生规模。 | The State will support the construction of institutions of higher learning in the region and expand enrollment there by colleges and universities in central and eastern regions | |
17 | 而说明书则扩展到所用材料的特性及安装技术要求。 | Whereas specifications expand on the characteristics of the materials involved and the workmanship desired in instating them. | |
18 | 关于未来《“上海合作组织”宪章》,他认为应加入保证相互安全的有关内容,以此扩大相互合作的基础。 | With regard to the Charter of the sco, the president said it should include content about ensuring mutual security, so as to expand the basis of mutual cooperation | |
19 | 国家逐年增加对私营产品的包销订货计划,逐年增加对私营工商业的计划性 | Expand the state’s plan to monopolize the sales and contracts of private industry year by year and at the same time extend the coverage of our plan over private industry and commerce | |
20 | 国王谋求扩大领土。 | The king sought to expand his realm. | |
21 | 积极扩大西部地区以bot方式利用外资的试点,开展以TOT方式利用外资的试点。 | The State will expand the trial of bot and start the trial of TOT in drawing foreign investment | |
22 | 继续扩大对外交往,广交朋友,广泛建立联系,以加大民间交往中经济工作的比重。 | We will further increase the proportion of economic exchange in our nongovernmental contacts by continuing to expand our exchanges with foreign countries, making extensive friendship with foreigners, establishing more external contacts | |
23 | 加快转变企业经营机制,加强企业管理,巩固和扩大国有企业改革和脱困成果。 | Endeavors should also be pooled to quicken the transformation of enterprise operational mechanisms, strengthen enterprise management, and consolidate and expand the results of SOE reform and difficulty relief | |
24 | 加强民主政治建设,推进决策的科学化、民主化,扩大公民有序的政治参与。 | Efforts should be made to strengthen democracy and politics, to make decisions in a scientific way and expand grassroots democracy | |
25 | 加热一根铜棒会使它膨胀。 | Heating a copper bar will cause it to expand | |
26 | 教育的目的应该是扩展人的心智。 | The purpose of education should be to expand the minds of children | |
27 | 教育的目的应是扩展儿童的心智。 | The purpose of education should be to expand the minds of children. | |
28 | 今后还将适当增加外国银行和保险公司在中国的分支机构,同时还准备扩大外国银行办理人民币业务的试点。 | Henceforth, the number of branch institutions of foreign banks and insurance companies in China would also suitably increase, and at the same time would also prepare to expand experimentation of foreign banks handling RMB business | |
29 | 今年:五大举措扩大国内需求 | <subtitle>This year: Five major measures will be adopted to expand domestic demand.</subtitle> | |
30 | 今年我们计划扩大稻田。 | This year we plan to expand our rice plots. |