属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-手工劳动 Handy work
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苏格兰可再生能源崛起 或因独立遭受重击
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生物学 气味与识别
1 | 这些人裸露出来的大片白肉,使他们看上去象一群白化病患者。 | The expanse of white flesh made them look like a gathering of albinos | |
2 | 这种风格关注的是,藉由装饰以创造出富丽的视觉效果,其特色是在石制窗户的窗花格(窗花格将窗户扩充至更大的比例)中,垂直线居于主导的地位,以及将内的故事转化为单一、统一的垂直的广阔区域。 | The style, concerned with creating rich visual effects through decoration, was characterized by a predominance of vertical lines in stone window tracery, enlargement of windows to great proportions, and conversion of the interior stories into a single unified vertical expanse . | |
3 | ||1:草坪就是个典型的敌人。||2:为什么美国人要把如此大量的时间、金钱、水、化肥和燃料花在一大片平整却毫无用处的草地上呢?还不如栽培些实用的东西,比如西红柿。||3:可是该怎么做呢?弗劳恩菲尔德先生也考虑过用除草剂来消灭那些无用的草坪,但他最终决定用报纸把草坪层层覆盖,然后再除去从中长出的任何一根草:这和他的很多方案一样,开头都很有趣,可随后就变得既耗时又费力。 | ||1:The lawn is the archetypal enemy.||2:Why do Americans spend such huge amounts of time, money, water, fertiliser and fuel on growing a useless smooth expanse of grass? Much better to cultivate something useful, like tomatoes.||3:But how to do it? Mr Frauenfelder considers using herbicide to kill his unwanted lawn, but settles for covering it thickly with newspaper and weeding any grass that grows through: as with many of his projects, it is fun to start with, but becomes laborious. | |
4 | ||1:距格拉斯哥市中心20分钟路程的地方,有一处由伊格尔沙姆沼泽蔓延开的草丛一直备受遛狗者和自行车爱好者的追捧,而这些天他们又可以尽情漫步在新修建的96千米(56英米)长的沼间小径上,这些小路位于欧洲第二大陆上风电场怀特里附近,由苏格兰电力公司建造。||2:选址在这里具有双重意义:它既靠近需要大量消耗电力的住宅区,同时与如画的苏格兰高地山腰相比,它贫瘠的沼泽地质也是分散安置215个风力涡轮机的不二选择。||3:怀特里风电场的成功——自2009年开始运营至今已扩大了2倍规模,整个反映了苏格兰再生能源产业的发展。 | ||1:Twenty minutes from the centre of Glasgow, the tussocky expanse of Eaglesham Moor is popular with dog-walkers and cyclists.These days they enjoy some 90km (56 miles) of paths that have been built on the moor around Whitelee, Europe’s second-biggest onshore wind farm, by the operator, ScottishPower.||2:The site’s appeal is twofold: it is close to a large number of electricity-consuming homes; and a barren moor makes a less controversial place to scatter 215 turbines than, say, a picturesque Highland mountainside.||3:Whitelee’s success—it has expanded twice since starting operations in 2009—reflects the growth of Scotland’s renewable-energy industry as a whole. | |
5 | ||1:休姆斯先生从那里去追溯美国的垃圾历史。先从纽约“白翼”开始,纽约“白翼”指的是19世纪,为了清扫臭气熏天的街道,市里成立的专门用于收垃圾的群体。||2:之后是后院焚烧炉活跃期(还有焚烧炉产生的烟雾)。再后就是如今,最普遍的垃圾处理方法莫过于地下掩埋或是倾倒大海。||3:休姆斯先生与从事海洋塑化记录的研究员一起,谈论那悬而未决的、了不起的粉末塑料解决方案。||4:他说,太平洋垃圾带,使太平洋体积膨胀变大,水流将垃圾集中到一起,大小有陆地那么大。 | ||1: From there, Mr Humes traces the history of garbage in America, beginning with New York’s “White Wings”, an army of municipal rubbish collectors created to clean the city’s stinking streets in the 19th century. ||2: Through the heyday of backyard incinerators (and the smog they produced) to the modern day, where the most common solutions often involve burying the stuff in the ground or dumping it in the sea. ||3: He talks to the researchers who are chronicling the plasticisation of the oceans, a swelling suspended solution of pulverised plastic. ||4: And he describes the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an enormous expanse of the Pacific Ocean where currents concentrate the trash over a continent-sized area. | |
6 | 但没人知道海龟是怎样找到上升流区的,这些区域都是局部性的,非常分散,且常常只是暂时现象,要想在宽广的海洋中找到它们绝非易事。 | But nobody knows how, for such zones are scattered, local and often temporary phenomena, and locating them in the wide expanse of the sea is hard. | |
7 | Zibach先生说:“这是早期为了获得一个更平坦更广阔情境的构想。” | "This was an early idea of getting toward a much flatter, wider expanse , " said Mr. Zibach. | |
8 | 啊,南极,一片广袤的冰层,间或有山脉,冰,更多的冰(偶尔有企鹅)。 | Ah, Antarctica. A vast expanse of ice, interrupted by mountains, ice. . . and more ice (with the occasional penguin). | |
9 | 冰蛙说,野区要多多建造各种小路;要有阴蛋穿梭在河道以上,树林之中。 | And Icefrog said, Let the forest build lot kinds of track, and let insidious man cross above the track in the open expanse of watercourse. | |
10 | 不久,穿过肮脏地毯铺就的宽阔地面,走过来一位同事。 | Presently, across the vast expanse of grubby carpet tiles, comes a colleague. | |
11 | 除了无边无际的蓝天和广袤的地表,什么也看不见。 | I see nothing outside except the endless expanse of a steel blue sky and the broad patch of tan earth far below. | |
12 | 大范围开放式享受太阳光照的蝴蝶园是扩充开放式修整草坪的有效替代。 | Butterfly gardens in large open sunlit areas may make an attractive alternative to an open expanse of manicured lawn. | |
13 | 到处都是建筑的残迹和一些毁坏的墙,像在广阔火焰中屹立的石头,无法辨认出来…。 | Here and there a remnant of a building, a few shattered walls, stood up like rocks above the expanse of flame, unrecognizable. | |
14 | 到了晚上,这里到处都是漆黑一片,只有零星的几点灯光。 | At night it is an expanse of darkness with only a few pinpricks of light. | |
15 | 地质作用力使这块非常广袤的区域发生断裂,永远地分割成了欧亚大陆和美洲大陆。 | Geological forces broke up this vast expanse , forever splitting Eurasia and the Americas. | |
16 | 第二,这一广阔地区的居民也不能用标准模式来划分。他们也不是一层不变的。 | In the second place, the inhabitants of that wide expanse refuse to fit into our standard pattern or to stand still. | |
17 | 高原高的,比较平的大片土地; | An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland. | |
18 | 铬酸镧材料热膨胀机理研究现状 | The Present Research Situation of Thermo-expanse Mechanism for Lanthanum Chromites | |
19 | 广袤无垠的中华大地。 | The boundless expanse of the Chinese territory. | |
20 | 海岛以东,港口以西,是一大片生长有红树林的水域。 | East of this island and west of the port sits a large expanse of water and mangroves. | |
21 | 浩瀚无垠的沙漠 | the limitless expanse of desert | |
22 | 浩瀚无垠的宇宙 | The vast expanse of the universe | |
23 | 很明显,他们的学术成就是以幸福的童年为代价的 | obviously, the excellent performance at school is achieved at expanse of a happy childhood. | |
24 | 将景物置于照片最底端,而背景是大片天空时,确实景物会让人陡生一种“遥远”的感觉。 | Placing a scene at the very bottom of a photo against a large expanse of sky really gives the scene a "far away" look and feel. | |
25 | 接下来,在这些闪着亮光的地区中间,是一片广阔的黑暗区域,面积和英格兰差不多。 | Then, in the middle of it all, an expanse of blackness nearly as large as England. | |
26 | 接下来顺着百老汇到达范·卡兰特公园,一座占地1146英亩的广阔区域,让中央公园看起来像得了营养不良。 | Or head up Broadway to Van Cortlandt Park, a 1, 146-acre expanse that makes Central Park look malnourished. | |
27 | 她正坐在同一张椅子上,面对着窗户,看看外面空地上公园里光秃秃的树木和暗淡的天空。 | She was sitting in the same chair, facing the window, looking out at the expanse of bare trees in the park and the low, dimming sky. | |
28 | 经过两个世纪宏伟的领土扩张运动,美国成为横跨北美的大国。 | The country stitched its continental expanse together through two centuries of ambitious earthmoving. | |
29 | 晶体热膨胀的谐振子数学模型研究及其应用 | Study and Application on the Mathematics Model of Resonator of Crystal’s Expanse for Heat | |
30 | 巨形的岩石和冰块漫无目的,毫无规律地穿行在这片冷寂的广漠空间。 | Giant chunks of rock and ice soar through its cold expanse with no destination, and no set path. |