属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-汉语在台湾 迷失拼音
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在巴西做生意 何等简单
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在巴西做生意 何等简单
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿根廷的科研 炼金术士克里斯蒂娜
1 | (1)工程直接雇用的外籍人员; | (a)Expatriate staff directly employed on the Works: | |
2 | 2、外籍个人所得税代理 | Payroll & Individual Income Tax (“IIT”)arrangement for expatriate | |
3 | 高工资结构通常是根据欧洲生活水平和“辛苦”补贴所制订的离国服务人员工资级别的残迹。 | High-wage structures are often relics of expatriate remuneration scales based on European levels of living and "hardship" premiums | |
4 | 海外派遣人员甄选标准与其效果之知觉一致性分析 以海峡两岸台、美、日资企业外派人员为实证对象 | Perceptual Correspondence Analysis between Expatriate Selection Criteria and Its Consequences an Empirical Study toward Taiwanese, American and Japanese Expatriates | |
5 | 海外派遣人员之工作绩效及其影响因素之评估-以投资大陆地区之台商为例 | The Evaluation pf Expatriate ’s Working Performance and Its Influence Factors-The Companies in Taiwan Investing in Mainland for Example | |
6 | 其中,超过6000个外籍职员被分派到一些不以英文为第一语文的国家工作。 | Many of the over 6,000 expatriate employees are posted in countries where English is not necessarily the first language. | |
7 | 企业派外支持政策、派外态度对派外意愿影响之研究 | The Influence of Company Overseas Relocation Policy and Attitudes Toward Overseas Relocation on Managers’ Willingness to Accept Expatriate Assignment | |
8 | 人文变量对台商外派大陆人员适应性与外派绩效关系之干扰效果研究 | Employee Demography Moderate Expatriate Adjustment, and Expatriate Performance for Taiwanese Expatriate to Mainland China | |
9 | 甚至还有些叫人笑弯腰的话,如:“我是一个规划好的人”、“我愿意在不同的领域曝光”(这两句都是在面试中确实听到的话),也常使英方成员忍俊不禁,而中方成员则没有反应。 | Even such rib-ticklers as "I am a well-planned person "and "I would like to expose myself in another field"(both actually heard at interviews)tended to cause lip-biting among the expatriate rather than the Chinese interviewers | |
10 | 他满足于馀生流亡于国外。 | He is content to remain an expatriate the rest of his life. | |
11 | 台湾企业派外人员跨文化训练有效性之实证研究 | An Empirical Research on the Effectiveness of Cross-Cultural Training for Expatriate Managers | |
12 | 通过侨居国民传授知识计划(侨民传知计划) | Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals Scheme (TOKTEN scheme) | |
13 | 外派经理员工协助方案实施现况及其成效之研究-以大陆台商为实证对象 | Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)for Expatriate Managers in Mainland China Assignments: An Empirical Study | |
14 | 我国派外经理人报偿管理与报偿满足、派外意愿关系之研究 | An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Expatriate Compensation, Compensation Satisfaction, and Expatriate Willingness: The Case of Taiwanese Managers | |
15 | 西班牙的英国侨民. | Expatriate Englishmen in Spain | |
16 | 由两名中方成员和一名英方成员组成面试小组的做法以前比较普遍,现在渐渐减少了。 | Panels with two Chinese and one expatriate used to be more common, but are becoming less common | |
17 | 有一次,一位中国女企业家问我对于一位已婚的、并已加入其他国籍的CEO与他秘书有染这种不道德行为的看法。 | A Chinese businesswoman once asked me my reaction to the immoral act of a married, expatriate CEO, who had started an affair with his Chinese secretary. | |
18 | 在今天这个日益环球化的商业环境,妥善处理来自不同国家员工的"文化差异",已经成为许多公司优先考虑的问题。 | "In this increasingly global business world, many corporations are finding the subject of "managing cultural differences", an area of priority for their diverse expatriate staff." | |
19 | 这同样证明了新加坡政府在处理民族共融的问题以及处理海外人才同本地人才的关系问题上,采取了行之有效的务实政策。 | It proves that the government’s pragmatic policies on racial harmony and on the expatriate talent issue have borne fruit. | |
20 | 这项一年两次的生活消费调查排行是针对外国雇员的,而不是本地居民,因此它主要用于跨国公司决定派驻国外工作人员的薪酬。 | The survey, drawn up twice a year, ranks cost of living for foreign workers, not local residents, and is used primarily by multinational companies to determine pay for expatriate employees | |
21 | 这些极端分子包括阿拉伯籍流亡在外的宾拉登,也就是据传涉及多起国际恐怖活动的回教军事网络的领导人。 | Among these extremists was Osama bin Laden, the expatriate Saudi Arabian leader of Al-Qaeda, a network of Islamic militants that had engaged in numerous acts of terrorism. | |
22 | 政府强调吸引外国人才,是为了避免这些人才产生新加坡不欢迎他们的印象,以致不愿意到新加坡来工作。 | The government makes a point of attracting expatriate professionals by sending out the message that Singapore welcomes them. | |
23 | 中国大陆台资企业外派人员薪酬管理之研究-以高科技产业为实证对象 | A Study on Compensation Management for Expatriate Managers in Mainland China: The High-Tech Industries as Empirical Samples | |
24 | ||1:不懂汉语的移民后代重回台湾时,很容易就会迷路。||2:比如,台南天坛位于忠义路边上的小巷中,这条路的路牌上写的是Jhongyi Road,而谷歌地图的显示是Zhongyi Road。||3:还有第三种拼音方案叫做威妥玛式拼音法,曾被双方使用,但是却更让游客迷惑。||4:马英九政府的官员表示,法律上并没有要求地方政府接受汉语拼音,政府也不愿意强制推行,以免让他们觉得回到了20多年前残酷的军统时期。||5:即便是从语言上说,台湾仍出在和大陆分离的状态。 | ||1:Expatriate newcomers who cannot read Chinese characters easily lose their way.||2:The Altar of Heaven, a temple in Tainan, is located on a lane off Jhongyi Road on the city government website, but is off Zhongyi Road on Google Maps.||3:A lingering third system known as Wade-Giles, used before both the others, confuses visitors even more.||4:Mr Ma’s officials say there is no legal requirement for local governments to adopt hanyu pinyin and they are reluctant to push too hard, lest theystir up memories of the harsh martial-law regime that ended over two decades ago.||5:But, even in language, Taiwan remains divided. | |
25 | 2004年,在美洲开发银行的帮助下,阿根廷政府总共将854名移居国外的科学家吸引回国, | With help from the Inter-American Development Bank the government has, since 2004, lured back 854 expatriate scientists. | |
26 | Establish Brazil及其对手将以同样方式对待其外国客户,但仅需指定一位本地管理人或一位取得永久居留的移民。 | Establish Brazil and its rivals will do this for foreign clients, but only until a local manager has been appointed, or an expatriate has arrived on a permanent business visa. | |
27 | 但仅需指定一位本地管理人或一位取得永久居留的移民。 | but only until a local manager has been appointed, or an expatriate has arrived on a permanent business visa. | |
28 | 自2004年开始,在泛美银行的帮助下,通过提供新实验室和设备,帮助家庭落户,支付额外的工资补贴等方式,吸引了854名旅外科学家回国。 | With help from the Inter-American Development Bank the government has, since 2004, lured back 854 expatriate scientists.It has done so by providing new laboratories and equipment for them, moving their families, and forking out extra money for their salaries. | |
29 | 20个被流放的士兵在横滨最受欢迎的酒吧联合俱乐部被平砸下来的混凝土建筑压死。 | Twenty expatriate regulars at the Yokohama United Club, the city’s most popular watering hole, died when the concrete building pancaked. | |
30 | 报告说,对外籍人员保护的增强导致这些攻击都集中落到了当地雇员身上。 | Increased precautions for expatriate workers are "cascading vulnerability" onto locals, it argues. |