属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-国际学校 飞入寻常土豪家
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-柏林映像 风华渐失
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国幽默 闻所未闻的幽默培训
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-柏林映像 风华渐失
1 | ||1:1979年,那时候Ken Ross年8岁,因为父亲在IBM上班,他的家从苏格兰搬到法国。||2:IBM支付了他在巴黎上英文学校的学费。在那里,他的同学大都从英国和其他地方来的移民的孩子:经理的、军官的、外交官等的孩子。||3:其中一对夫妇是还是沙特王子。||4:为了参加最近的一次班级聚会,已经成年的男孩子、女孩子要从中国和南非这样远的地方飞过来。 | ||1:IN 1979, when Ken Ross was eight, his family moved from Scotland to France for his father’s job with IBM.||2:The computer firm paid the fees at the English School of Paris, where his classmates were mostly children of expats from Britain and elsewhere: managers, army officers, diplomats and the like.||3:A couple were Saudi princes.||4:For the most recent class reunion, old boys and girls flew in from as far afield as China and South Africa. | |
2 | ||1:对于有孩子的柏林人来说,学校成了最头痛的问题。||2:柏林的执政党中左翼社会民主党先后进行了多达23次的学校改革,结果一事无成,他们当中大部分人只是在思想上轻描淡写,想以此来消除差距,而非培育英才。||3:柏林在德国16个州的学校中排名倒数第一。||4:现在政府采取的新法规让国际性(英语教学)学校烦恼不已,也会触怒许多旅居于此的外国人和来自世界各地的当地移民。 | ||1:For Berliners with children, schools are the biggest problem.||2:The centre-left Social Democrats who runBerlin’s government have fiddled about with no fewer than 23 school reforms, most of them ideologically tinged to level down rather than foster excellence.||3:Berlincomes last in the school rankings amongGermany’s 16 states.||4:Now the government is harassing the international (ie, English-taught) schools with new regulations, which will anger many expats and cosmopolitan locals. | |
3 | ||1:更深层次上来说,这个问题与笑话无关。||2:他们在正常的工作交流中,没有一连串的讽刺,大话和保守言论。||3:德国的外国移民设法通过非文学的方式,与当地人交流窝心的故事,对他们的德语朋友产生恐惧的印象并不得不解释这些词语的文学一次,因而最后会陷入尴尬的礼貌却又疏离的境地。 | ||1:At a deeper level, the problem has nothing do with jokes.||2:What is missing is the trifecta of irony, overstatement and understatement in workaday conversations.||3:Expats in Germany share soul-crushing stories of attempting a non-literal turn of phrase, to evoke a horrified expression in their German interlocutors and a detailed explanation of the literal meaning, followed by a retreat into awkward politeness. | |
4 | 而印度本身也提供外派人员,有700多名印度人被调到该公司在其他地方的办公室。 | And India itself now provides expats , with more than 700 Indians on transfers to the firm’s offices elsewhere. | |
5 | 还有一些柏林人则怀念更加久远的年代。当时最受欢迎的博物馆展览主题一般是关于被东德环绕,地域狭小但崇尚自由,无拘无束的西柏林。相比之下,如今当地人却对不断涌入的移民和西方游客颇为恼怒—他们让以往棱角鲜明的普伦茨劳贝格街区变得更优雅了。 | Some Berliners’ nostalgia goes further back. The hottest museum exhibition is about West Berlin as a freedom-loving, libertine and yet parochial island surrounded byEast Germany. These days, by contrast, locals are annoyed by throngs of expats and westerners gentrifying formerly edgy neighbourhoods like Prenzlauer Berg. | |
6 | “老外喜欢家乡风味,”身为Cheers首席执行官的JeffWei解释道。 | "Expats like a taste of home, " explains Mr Wei, the restaurant’s chief executive. | |
7 | 1997:学生和老师是主要的老外人群。 | 9 - 1997: Expats , students and teachers rock Shanghai. | |
8 | JeffWei表示,很多老外到这里用餐,仅此一点就会吸引上海日渐壮大的中产阶层,因为他们渴望感受西方的生活方式。 | The expats ’ mere presence, according to Mr Wei, attracts Shanghai’s growing middle classes, who are eager to sample a western lifestyle. | |
9 | 不断涌来的富有白人定居者和穷困的海地人都大大膨胀了当地的人口。 | A steady flow of rich white expats and impoverished Haitians has swollen the population. | |
10 | 不过,最让中国外派人员受不了的,是吃不到地道的中餐。 | What makes Chinese expats suffer most, however, is the lack of authentic Chinese food. | |
11 | 部分是由于海外人才的回归,中国也在投资人力资源。 | China is also investing in human resources, in part by welcoming its expats back home. | |
12 | 部分在2010年暴动前逃亡的克什米尔人已经开始回来和投资(这片地区)。 | A few Kashmiri expats had started returning and investing before the uprising in 2010. | |
13 | 除了食物,语言是许多中国外派人员面临的主要障碍。 | Apart from food, language is the main obstacle for many Chinese expats . | |
14 | 此外,网络媒体的发展意味着,像兰斯德尔这样的外籍人士感觉不那么与外界隔绝。 | In addition, the growth of online media means that expats such as Mr Ransdell feel less cut off. | |
15 | 但是,虽然身处异国仍然有很多移居国外的人会浪费这种机会。 | But many expats still waste the opportunity. | |
16 | 但他表示,其结果是海外公民已经成了“有害公民”。 | But theresult, he said, is that expats have become "toxic citizens. " | |
17 | 迪拜总人口有177万,但90%为外来人口。 | Some 90 per cent of the 1. 77 million population are expats . | |
18 | 东京经营外派员工租赁业务的房地产中介表示,自1年前开始,生意显著变差。 | Estate agents dealing with rental properties for expats in Tokyo say business is down significantly from a year ago. | |
19 | 对于在中国的想和中国当地人交朋友的外国人来说,拥有一个QQ帐户是必须的。 | For expats in China and wishing to make friends with local Chinese, having a QQ account is a must. | |
20 | 而中国的海外迁移者却恰恰相反。 | Chinese expats in the West have done the opposite. | |
21 | 法国人正在大热天里打网球,带着高卢人在热带特有的强悍的运动劲头。 | French expats are playing tennis in the heat with the peculiar athletic ferocity of Gauls in the tropics. | |
22 | 她参加了一个面向世界各地移民和外派人员的英文学习班。 | She takes an English class with immigrants and expats from all over the world. | |
23 | 据《北京日报》报道,2010年北京市共评选出1241名劳动模范,其中2名外籍劳动者首次获此殊荣。 | Two of Beijing’s 1241 model workers in 2010 are foreigners, the first time the honor has been given to expats . | |
24 | 跨国公司通常向他们的外籍雇员提供私人医疗保险和养老保险。 | Multinational firms typically offer their expats private health insurance and pensions. | |
25 | 另外一些外国人比我更执着,他们了解了那个人的来历,还建立了一个松散的圈子来帮助他。 | Other expats had been more persistent than me, learning the man’s story and setting up a loose network to help him. | |
26 | 每年大概有4000名工程专业毕业生从国外返回,他们中的许多人都认为科技是潜在的经济增长引擎。 | With 4, 000 engineering graduates each year and a trickle of returning expats , many are looking at tech as a potential economic engine. | |
27 | 面带微笑的漂泊者是30万流亡的法国人,当股市大涨时,他们在伦敦市大发横财。 | The smiling face of rootlessness are the 300, 000 French expats who line their pockets in the City of London when the stock market booms. | |
28 | 那颗心啊跳到了嗓子眼,你的客户的司机马上采取了紧急刹车。 | A tale of two expats HEARTS lurched into throats. Your correspondent’s driver braked hard. | |
29 | 难怪有些旅居国外的人以传教士般的热情来帮助其他人投票。 | It’s no surprise that some expats have taken a missionary zeal to helping others cast a ballot. | |
30 | 你只需要待在这里,整个乍得就呈现在眼前了:政治精英、长驻的外国人、联合国(UN)和非洲联盟(AfricanUnion)。 | Stay here and Chad will come to you: the political elite, the expats , the UN and the African Union. |