属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-奥巴马向伊拉克派遣300名军事顾问
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-可重复使用的航天器 乘喷气式火箭的乘客
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蜜蜂和杀虫剂 慢性毒药
1 | 他用尽全力试图爬出来。 | He expended all his strength in trying to climb out | |
2 | 它们不可以把盈利作为追求的目标,而是应该把公众的利益置于首位,合作项目的收入应当完全用于合作机构的发展,而不应用于其它目的。 | State Education Commission will carefully No educational joint ventures should seek profit as their objective but instead work in the public interest. Income earned in the name of cooperation should be solely expended on the development of the cooperative institutions, and not for other purposes. | |
3 | 为需要扩展初始资本和需要资金的公司企业进行的融资,一般用于开展制造或销售业务。 | Financing provided to companies that have expended their initial capital and require funds, often to initiate commercial manufacturing and sales. | |
4 | 我花了很多时间在这件工作上,他们却告诉我说这是无用的。 | I had expended much time on the work but they told me it’s useless | |
5 | 我们也花费了很大力量用以改进锻炉标准。 | Much effort has been expended to improve the standard of the forging furnace | |
6 | 我在那里浪费了我的天赋,去博取那些异教徒的欢欣。 | I expended my gifts there in pleasing the gentiles | |
7 | 也就是说,收入和费用是在发生的时间记录的,虽然可能尚未收款或付款。 | That is to say, the revenues and expenses are recorded at the occurring time, even though the cash for them may not have been received or expended . | |
8 | 也许他认为自己是十拿九稳的。但是,就在截止期的头天晚上,当我检查他的申请表时,我惊讶地发现他根本没有花多少功夫。 | Perhaps he considered himself a shoo-in. But when I reviewed his application the night before it was due, I was surprised by how little effort he had expended . | |
9 | 在把两相爆震理论应用于燃烧稳定性方面,该国家几乎没做过多少工作。 | Relatively little effort has been expended in this country to applying two-phase detonation theory to the combustion stability problem | |
10 | 在广告上,他们已花费了6000美元。 | They had already expended six thousand dollars in advertisement | |
11 | 在某些情况下,花费在这种历史研究的劳动同其所取得的成果很不相称。 | In some cases the labor expended on these historical studies was out of proportion to the result achieved | |
12 | 在这个问题上,我已花费了许多时间和心思。 | I have expended much time and thought on the problem | |
13 | 政府拨出巨款,不断改善我们的教育制度。 | Large amounts of public funds have been expended in enhancing our education system. | |
14 | 终于,孩子的弹药全都耗尽了,她一动不动地站在那里瞪着海丝特,从她那深不可测的黑眼睛中,那小小的笑眯眯的魔鬼形象又在探出头来望着她了--或者,根本没那么国事,只是她母亲这么想象罢了。 | At last, her shot being all expended , the child stood still and gazed at Hester, with that little laughing image of a fiend peeping out-or, whether it peeped or no, her mother so imagined it-from the unsearchable abyss of her black eyes. | |
15 | 综合评价法在计划免疫评价中的应用 | Application of General Evaluation Method to Evaluation of Expended programme of Immunization | |
16 | “美国军队不会重返伊拉克作战。我们无法通过派遣上万名士兵,搭上性命和财富来解决这个问题。我们之前在伊拉克已经这么干过。最终这些问题都必须由伊拉克人自己来解决。” | "American combat troops are not going to be fighting in Iraq again.|| We do not have the ability to simply solve this problem by sending in tens of thousands of troops and committing the kinds of blood and treasure that [have] already been expended in Iraq.|| Ultimately, this is something that is going to have to be solved by the Iraqis." | |
17 | 那就增加了它们的重量。其结果就是火箭的很大一部分燃料被用来将其余的燃料送离发射塔。 | That increases their weight, with the result that a large fraction of a rocket’s fuel is expended just lifting the rest of the fuel off the launch-pad. | |
18 | 自那时起,为揭开CCD的面纱,人们不知道多少次抹去额头的汗水。 | Since then, much brow-sweat has been expended trying to work out just what CCD really is. | |
19 | IXRetail和ARTS工作人员在转换数据字典和相关数据模型规范方面做了大量工作。 | IXRetail and ARTS staff have expended much effort on converting data dictionaries and related Data Model specifications. | |
20 | 安全漏洞造成的损失,从花费的人力,时间以及丧失的生产力衡量,一直在增加。 | The losses from security breaches, in terms of the time and effort expended and lost productivity, are mounting. | |
21 | 成本效率是对生产一定数量的产品所消耗项目资源量的度量。 | Cost-efficiency is a measure of the quantity of project resources expended to produce a given volume of products. | |
22 | 从来没有那座城市花这么多钱、耗费这么大精力来举办一届世博会(WorldExpo)。 | No city has ever spent so much money, or expended so much energy, on a World Expo. | |
23 | 但是有一个担忧那就是在这个基本任务上的政治资本的拓展意味着其它优先权被放在一边。 | But the worry is that the political capital expended on this quite basic task means other priorities get sidelined. | |
24 | 调情还是用于获得其它某样东西的情感资本。 | Flirting is also emotional capital to be expended in return for something else. | |
25 | 该组织呼吁扩大使用称为治疗的措施,用速食食品治疗那些严重营养不良的儿童。 | The group is calling for the expended use of what is known as therapeutic, ready-to-use food to treat severely malnourished children. | |
26 | 夯扩桩的施工与质量控制体会 | Experience of Construction and Quality Control in Ramming Expended Piles | |
27 | 互联网发展的第一阶段,为改变对信息的传统思维转而接受新媒体投入了许多的努力。 | During the web’s first wave, much effort was expended trying to transfer traditional thinking about information to the new medium. | |
28 | 滑铁卢战役后的200年里,英国为了在欧洲保有领导地位,付出了极大的努力。 | For 200 years since the battle of Waterloo we have expended enormous efforts to maintain a leadership role in Europe. | |
29 | 即使电能用完,显示屏上的图片也会一直存在,只有图片更换时,电能才耗尽。 | The image on the display remains in place, even when no power is applied, and energy is only expended when changing it. | |
30 | 简单来说,国会从来没有像在其他政策领域那样,花费太多精力监管情报领域。 | Simply put, Congress has never expended as much effort overseeing intelligence as other policy areas. |