属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-血色花瓣 Petals of blood
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-整改还是整容 Doctor or decorator
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会地位与健康 贫困指数
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国企业治理 代理权争夺战升温
1 | 在用户不加指定时,(由系统)选定的属性、值或选择项。 | Pertaining to an attribute, value, or option that is assumed when none is explicitly specified | |
2 | 这个步骤,不但肯定了去年《五四指示》的方针,而且对于去年《五四指示》中的某些不彻底性作了明确的改正。 | This measure not only reaffirmed the policy set forth in last year’s "May 4th Directive" but also explicitly corrected a certain lack of thoroughness in that directive | |
3 | 这些都不认为是海洋运输货物险。这类特殊险别必须特别投保并须得到承保方明确接受。 | These are not considered marine risks. Risks of this kind must be specifically applied for and explicitly accepted by the insurer. | |
4 | 只要出于第2款明确提及的合法目标之一并依照有关国际标准制定、采用和实施的技术法规,即均应予以做出未对国际贸易造成不必要障碍的可予驳回的推定。 | Whenever a technical regulation is prepared, adopted or applied for one of the legitimate objectives explicitly mentioned in paragraph 2, and is in accordance with relevant international standards, it shall be rebuttably presumed not to create an unnecessary obstacle to international trade. | |
5 | 仲裁协议或合同中的仲裁条款订明由中国海事仲裁委员会、其分会、其物流争议解决中心或其渔业争议解决中心仲裁的,或由旧名称的中国国际贸易促进委员会海事仲裁委员会仲裁的, | Where it is explicitly stipulated in an arbitration agreement or an arbitration clause contained in the contract that arbitration to be conducted by China Maritime Arbitration Commission, its Sub-Commission, its Logistics Dispute Resolution Center or its Fishery Dispute Resolution Center or by its formerly named Maritime Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade/China Chamber of International Commerce | |
6 | ||1:该书使现年56岁的大卫成为以色列的一位争议人物,且争议至今未消。||2:他是犹太人定居点扩张主义者的旗帜鲜明的反对者;同时,也是近20年来蜚声以色列和世界文坛的重要作家之一。||3:《行至天尽头》是大卫最具雄心的作品。||4:他于2003年开始创作该小说,而且据该小说的一个令人伤感的尾注披露,他当时还与在军中服役的儿子尤利一同为该小说的谋篇布局讨论过。||5:2006年,尤利在第二次以黎战争中被一颗反坦克导弹夺去生命。||6:虽然丧子之痛在他的小说中未予特别披露,但是,就大卫对似无止息的战争带给人们的身心创伤所作的探索性叙述而言,丧子之痛增添了作品沉重的悲伤气氛。 | ||1: The book made Mr Grossman, now 56, a contentious figure in Israel, and the controversy has not gone away. ||2: He is a vocal opponent of the extension of Jewish settlements. At the same time he has emerged in the last two decades as one of the most significant voices in Israeli and world literature. ||3: “To the End of the Land” is his most ambitious work to date. ||4: He began writing it in 2003 and, as a poignant endnote to the novel discloses, discussed it with his son, Uri, while he was on military service. ||5: In 2006 Uri was killed by an anti-tank missile during the second Israeli-Lebanon war. ||6: The event does not explicitly surface in the novel, but it adds a grave sadness to Mr Grossman’s searching account of the psychological and physical costs of a seemingly endless state of war. | |
7 | ||1:仅2008年中,就有30名员工自杀,对其中一些自杀事件,很明显公司难辞其咎。||2:尽管公司的自杀率和全国平均自杀率一样高,法国电信坚称只负有部分责任。||3:法国电信集团前身属于政府部门,66000名员工(占总数65%)划定为公务员,享有固定工作年限。||4:由于无法解雇这批人,公司实施了名为“定时重组”的措施,每隔几年,强令安于其位的员工换办公室或调职。 | ||1:Since 2008 over 30 France Telecom employees have killed themselves, some explicitly blaming the company.||2:Even though the firm’s suicide rate is in line with the national average, France Telecom says that it was partly to blame.||3:Because of the group’s former status as part of government, 66,000 or 65% of its employees are classed as civil servants, with guaranteed tenure.||4:Unable to fire them, France Telecom instead subjected them to a system called “Time to Move”, in which they were obliged to change offices and jobs abruptly every few years. | |
8 | ||1:另外两个问题今年将有望得到股东们的严格审查。一个是领导者的工资。投资者将在处理这一问题上显示更大的决心,"去年已经付出了很多",辛普森组织认为,该组织负责监督加州公务员基金——这一巨型的加利福尼亚公务员的养老基金的管理活动。||2:许多董事会通过抗争,去年在薪酬福利当面赢得了约70%支持,第一次被要求进行这样的投票。||3:今年,一些董事会可能会失去票数,(那些曾处于中立的票)除非他们把工资与绩效明确地挂钩起来。GMI评级机构的保罗-霍奇森这样指出,GMI是一间评估公司治理的公司。 | ||1:Two other issues are expected to attract scrutiny from shareholders this year.One is bosses’ pay.Investors will showa little more backbone in curbing it,having rather fluffed it last year,predicts Anne Simpson, who oversees the corporate-governance activities of CalPERS, agiant pension fund for California’s public employees.||2: Many boards struggled to win 70% support for pay packages last year, the first time such votes were required.||3:This year, several could lose the vote unless they have linked pay more explicitly toperformance, reckons Paul Hodgson of GMI Ratings, a firm that measures corporategovernance. | |
9 | ||1:下一个问题,所有这些基因,真正起的是什么作用。||2:答案很显然,对大部分基因而言,它们起着调节着免疫系统的作用。||3:这非常明显地体现在,社会地位低的个体,产生各种与免疫相关的细胞和化学信号基因的活动更为明显,还有那些有关于炎症的基因(一种普通的免疫反应,包括细胞组织的膨胀,还有增加免疫细胞在疫区免疫细胞活动)。||4:虽然研究人员没有仔细分析参与实验的猴子们的健康状况,但是慢性的、全身性的炎症对猴子们来说是危险因素,人类的部分,就是从心脏病到老年痴呆症等一大长系列疾病。 | ||1:The next question was what all these genes actually do.||2:Sure enough the answer, for a substantial fraction of them, was that they regulate aspects of the immune system.||3:In particular, low-status individuals showed high levels of activity in genes associated with the production of various immune-related cells and chemical signalling factors, as well as those to do with inflammation (a general immune response that involves tissue swelling and increased immune-cell activity in the affected area).||4:Although the researchers did not explicitly examine the health of their simian charges, chronic, generalised inflammation is a risk factor, in people, for a long list of ailments ranging from heart trouble to Alzheimer’s disease. | |
10 | 企业治理咨询公司GMI评级(GMI Ratings) 的研究员哈吉森(Paul Hodgson)认为如果他们的薪酬不与绩效相连的话,今天或许有几位懂事会失去没有约束力的选票。 | This year, several could lose the vote (which is not binding) unless they have linked pay more explicitly to performance, reckons Paul Hodgson of GMI Ratings, a firm that measures corporate governance. | |
11 | “快乐”是一个无须解说的词,与黄金白银珍珠玛瑙一样,是踏踏实实好东西。 | Happiness is a word which needs no explanation. It is explicitly as good as gold, silver, pearl and agate. | |
12 | “我们从不会直接说,‘发掘你女性的一面’,但其实这正是我们所倡导的行为方向,”{杰米·雷奇}说道。 | "We never explicitly say, ’Develop your feminine side, ’ but it’s clear that’s what we’re advocating, " says {Jamie Ladge}. | |
13 | Berne先生用的是他个人的推特账号,但经常明确的为三星产品发布公告及发表他对测试手机的意见。 | Mr. Berne uses his personal Twitter account but often posts explicitly about Samsung products and his opinions on the phones he has tested. | |
14 | DMCA明令禁止传播用于规避该技术的内容。 | The DMCA explicitly prohibits the dissemination of information that can be used to circumvent such technology. | |
15 | IAEA正在讨论的建议明确承认各国拥有核技术的“权利”。 | The proposals being discussed at the IAEA explicitly acknowledge countries’ "rights" to nuclear technology. | |
16 | JDBC应用程序代码应始终显式地关闭连接,以便从池中获得最大利益。 | JDBC application code should always close connections explicitly to derive the most benefit from pooling. | |
17 | Kahneman明确的告诉他的被测试者,他们的机会有多大,但是我们希望能够让人的潜意识思维回答这个问题。 | Kahneman explicitly told his subjects what the chances were, but we let people’s unconscious mind work it out. | |
18 | Leontief(1971)的演讲明确关注了微观经济学理论在应对经验现实的问题上的无能为力。 | Leontief’s address (1971) is explicitly concerned with the inability of microeconomic theory to come to grips with empirical realities. | |
19 | Mozilla并未明确指出Firefox就是容纳全部此类梦幻游戏的平台,只说是“现代浏览器”。 | Mozilla hasn’t explicitly pushed Firefox as the place to play all these fantastic new games, citing only "modern browsers. " | |
20 | 不过,那时的银行完全是国有的。 | Back then, however, the banks were explicitly state-owned. | |
21 | 不过,如果能了解这些方法背后的推动力并且做出明确而非盲目的取舍,将大有帮助。 | But it does help to understand the dynamics underlying each approach, and to make trade-offs explicitly rather than blindly. | |
22 | 不久后,公司却发布了一个软件补丁,意图修复有关故障(虽然苹果公司从来没有就此明确表态)。 | Then, there was a software patch apparently aimed at fixing it (although Apple never explicitly said so). | |
23 | 不是所有的政治说唱都清楚明白的支持某个总统候选人,但是意图总是显而易见的。 | Not all political rap explicitly endorses a presidential candidate, but opinions are always made clear. | |
24 | 诚然,在我们国家的法典里你找不到与之明确对应的法律条款,但在我们国家的身份盗窃法案背后,这却是种不言而喻的假设。 | Granted, you won’t find this explicitly stated in our legal code, but that’s the unspoken assumption behind our identity theft laws. | |
25 | 但其中明确规定,在计算杠杆率时,贷向国内银行的资金不计入资本 | except that the leverage ratio explicitly excludes lending the banks undertake domestically from calculations of capital. | |
26 | 但是,它们在面对程序员没有预计到的条件时无法“伸缩”,即不能适应新环境。 | But they couldn’t "scale, " or adapt, to conditions that had not explicitly been anticipated by programmers. | |
27 | 但是没有迹象表明哪个阿拉伯国家军队明确表示会参加。 | But there was no sign that any Arab military would explicitly take part. | |
28 | 但至今多数的抗议都是针对当地政府的,并没有牵涉到党对于权利的垄断。 | But protests have been directed against local governments and have not explicitly challenged the Communist Party’s monopoly of power. | |
29 | 当然,媒体不会明说,所有的言下之意都隐藏在“偷窃”和“国际法”之类正大光明的说辞之下。 | This isn’t explicitly stated, of course; everything is couched in terms of "theft" and "international law" and so on. | |
30 | 第二点说的并不明显,认为对银行严厉一些会破坏经济复苏更广阔的前景。 | The second, less explicitly stated, is the claim that getting tough with the banks would undermine broader prospects for recovery. |