1 | 联合国宪章的序言表达了其政府共同建立联合国的各国人民的理想和共同目标。 | The preamble to the United Nations Charter expresses the ideals and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the United Nations | |
2 | 每年四月是她的神圣月,因为当时花草树木含苞欲放,或者正如希腊神话所说的,阿多尼斯从冥世返回人间。 | The month of April was held sacred to her, for then the flowers bud and plants shoot; or, as the Greek myth expresses it, adonis comes back from the under-world | |
3 | 每一部M型号车辆的外漆涂层都完美表达出车辆的独特个性 | Every M model is launched with an exterior paint finish that perfectly expresses the character of the vehicle. | |
4 | 模特儿带着傻乎乎的微笑望着镜子里自己的相貌。则是指一种做作的,通常表现得自鸣得意的、令人生厌的微笑 | The model looked at her reflection in the mirror with an idiotic simper.A smirk is an affected smile that often expresses an offensive smugness | |
5 | 普通股票的每股账面价值表达的是普通股权益与发行在外的普通股票股数之间的关系。 | The book value per share of common stock expresses the relationship of common stockholders’ equity to the number of shares of common stock outstanding. | |
6 | 如quite有次重音或无重音,则全句较具褒义,也可能表示惊奇 | If quite receives secondary or no stress the sentence expresses more approval and possibly surprise | |
7 | 如果任何一方在有效期满至少三个月前未发出书面通知或改变本协议中某些条款之意向给对方,本协议将自动延续两年。 | It will be prolonged automatically for the next two years if neither of the sides expresses the intention to give notice or change some items of its contents at least three months in advance before the expiration of its validity. | |
8 | 如果要问虚拟语气可以表示什么,可以从三方面来回答。 | If it be asked what the subjunctive expresses , the answer is threefold. | |
9 | 如果要问虚拟证据可以表示什么,可以从三方面来回答。 | If it be asked what the subjunctive expresses , the answer is threefold. | |
10 | 事实或意见的阐述,特别是表达一个人的反应或态度的评论. | a statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a personal reaction or attitude. | |
11 | 是一种工业上大量应用的化学品,主要用来制造酚醛树脂、环氧基树脂、尼龙、除莠剂、杀虫剂、其它的合成化学品,以及制药、染料等。它也是一种溶剂和消毒剂。"酚系数"是表示酚与他种化学药剂的杀菌力比较的一个数值。 | It is a high-volume industrial chemical used chiefly in the manufacture of phenol-formaldehyde resins (see formaldehyde; plastics), epoxy resins, nylon, herbicides, biocides, other synthetic chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and dyes. It is also a solvent and general disinfectant. The phenol coefficient is a number that expresses the germicidal action of a chemical compared with that of phenol. | |
12 | 抒情诗的表达内心思想和感情的一种诗的或与之有关的,常以诗歌的风格或形式出现 | Of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings,often in a songlike style or form. | |
13 | 水稻新基因OsRwp34在大肠杆菌中表达的毒害作用 | OsRwp34, a New Rice Gene Which Expresses a Toxic Product to E. coli Growth | |
14 | 髓系细胞触发受体-1的研究进展 | The Progress in the Study of Triggering Receptor Expresses on Myeloid Cells-1 | |
15 | 他对平民百姓表现了同情。 | He expresses sympathy for the common people. | |
16 | 他以正确之英语发表意见。 | He expresses himself in good English. | |
17 | 他用正确而清晰的英语表达自己的意思。 | He expresses himself in good clear English. | |
18 | 它表达的是发行在外的普通股票每股所能实现的净收益,能够清楚地反映公司的盈利能力和潜在的股票价值。 | The ratio expresses how much net income the company earns for per outstanding common stock, and shows the company’s profitability and the stock’s potential value clearly. | |
19 | 它表达的是净收益与股东权益之间的关系,表明投资者每投入一元能够赚取多少报酬。 | This ratio expresses the relationship of net income to stockholders’ equity, and indicates how much is earned for each dollar invested by owners. | |
20 | 它表达了流动资产与流动负债之间的关系。 | It expresses the relationship of current assets to current liabilities. | |
21 | 它的富于舞蹈性的节奏,抒发了欢快的心绪。 | Its sprightly tune expresses a mood of happiness, being enriched by dance rhythm | |
22 | 它反映了一种想法即物质是不可消灭的。 | It expresses the notion that matter is indestructible | |
23 | 它所表达的含义是,管理当局利用全部资源赚取了多少利润,反映了管理当局的管理效率。 | The rate expresses how much profit the management earns using the overall resources and reflects the efficiency of the management. | |
24 | 投资收益率表达的是已实现的收益与包括长期负债和股东权益在内的投入资本或者说长期资金之间的关系。 | The rate of return on investment, or briefly return on investment (ROI), expresses the relationship of the income earned to the invested capital or long-term funds including the long-term liabilities and equity. | |
25 | 我的明智箴言不会给失败者带来丝毫安慰。而单词Motto是表达个人、组织或机构的目标、特征或指导原则的话 | My wise saws gave little comfort to the losing team.A motto is a maxim that expresses the aims,character,or guiding principles of a person,a group,or an institution | |
26 | 我们看一个人,不是根据他的表白,而是根据他的行动。 | We judge a person not by what he expresses , but by what he does. | |
27 | 我们每一个人,无论生长于何地,无论是在纽约、特古西加尔巴、莫斯科、加尔各达、北京或者在巴黎,我们都是各自特定文化与表达文化的语言的产物。 | Each of us, no matter where we grow up whether in new York City, Tegucigalpa, Moscow, calcutta, Beijing, Paris, we are the children of our specific culture and of the language which expresses it | |
28 | 我们认为,把放养广场鸽看成人们环保意识增强的体现言过其实了。 | We believe it is an overstatement to consider that raising pigeons in public squares expresses an increase people’s environmental awareness. | |
29 | 我想如果一天没有音乐,我就会死。音乐十分贴切地表达了我的情感。当我听一首歌时,我就觉得那音乐是为我写的。我能够通过我所听的音乐来辨别我的恐惧与快乐。 | I think I would die if I didn’t have music even for a day. Music expresses my feelings so rightly. When I listen to a song, I feel as if the music was meant for me. I can identify my fears and happiness with the music I hear. | |
30 | 我在这里援引一位著名的历史决定论者马克思的一句众所周知的劝诫,这句劝诫突出地表达了“能动主义者”的见解。 | I may here quote the well-known exhortation of a focus historicist, Marx, which strikingly expresses the "activist" attitude |