1 | “爱喝就喝,那些怕酒的人就不敢喝,因为他们心里怀着鬼胎,怕给酒勾出来。” | Drunk, if you like; so much the worse for those who fear wine, for it is because they have bad thoughts which they are afraid the liquor will extract from their hearts; | |
2 | “这位先生向我打听消息,就一般礼貌而言,我是不该拒绝的。” | Better study a little common prudence. How do you know the motives that person may have for trying to extract all he can from you?" | |
3 | 1997年以来,研究人员设法从三具尼安德特人的骨架中提取线粒体DNA,其基因显示他们与现代人支系的分离已有50万年。其分离之路远早于石器时代。 | Since 1997, researchers have managed to extract mitochondrial DNA from three neanderthal skeletons. The genes appear to have diverged from the modern human lineage about 500, 000 years ago, way too early for Stone Age whoopee | |
4 | 把获得的这种热水提取物冷却到一个适合进行丹宁酶处理的温度。 | The obtained hot tea extract is then cooled to a temperature, which make it suitable for the tannase treatment. | |
5 | 本品原料取自动植物之精华,真正滋补精品。 | Prepared from the extract of animals and plants, this product is certainly an excellent tonic. | |
6 | 本项发明涉及一种制备颜色得到改善且无混浊的茶萃取物的工艺,同时也涉及按本发明制备的冷水可溶的速溶茶粉或茶颗粒或茶提取物。 | The present invention relates to a process of preparing a tea extract of improved colour without turbidity.The invention also relates to a cold water-soluble instant tea powder or granulate or tea extract prepared by the process of the present invention. | |
7 | 比如食品工业,利用这个技术除去咖啡中的咖啡因,从生姜、黑胡椒和茉莉花中萃取调味品与香料 | For example the food industry uses it to decaffeinate coffee and to extract flavourings and fragrances like ginger, black pepper and jasmine. | |
8 | 从大豆中提炼油 | extract oil from soybeans | |
9 | 从守财奴那儿榨得金钱 | to extract money from a miser | |
10 | 带负电的物体有将多余电子向中性物体上转移的倾向,而带正电的材料有从中性物体上吸收电子的倾向。 | Negatively charged objects try to give up their excess electrons to neutral bodies, while positively charged materials try to extract electrons from neutral bodies. | |
11 | 但是人类学家认为头骨形状的比较并不能成为确凿证据,所以一个由墨西哥和英国科学家组成的小组在自然环境研究委员会的支持下,试图从这些骨骼中提取DNA。 | But comparisons based on skull shape are not considered conclusive by anthropologists, so a team of Mexican and British scientists, backed by the Natural Environment Research Council, has also attempted to extract DNA from the bones. | |
12 | 当时有两名被人称为女执事的奴隶,我觉得极有必要用刑罚逼她们供出真情。 | I judged it so much the more necessary to extract the real truth, with the assistance of torture, from two female slaves, called deaconesses | |
13 | 第二类是来自废弃的人血和牛血中提取的真正的血红蛋白。 | The second type is based on actual hemoglobin extract from discarded human or cow blood | |
14 | 颠茄酊是一种应用广泛的制剂。它是颠茄叶的水和乙醇浸出物。 | belladonna Tincture is a widely used preparation that consists of an aqueous-alcoholic extract of belladonna leaves | |
15 | 调查人员、检查人员查阅、调取与海事行政处罚案件有关资料,可以对有关内容进行摘录或复制,并注明来源。 | The investigation and examination personnel may, when consulting and taking the materials related to a case of maritime administrative punishment, extract or duplicate the relevant contents and indicate the sources. | |
16 | 黑儿茶,棕儿茶从木质藤本植物(黑儿茶钩滕属)的枝叶中提取的含树脂的止血物质,产于马来西亚和印度尼西亚,用于医药、制革和印染 | A resinous,astringent extract obtained from the leaves of a woody vine(Uncaria gambir)of Malaysia and Indonesia,used medicinally and in tanning and dyeing. | |
17 | 或许可能从个别贷款人那获取更多的资金。 | It may be possible to extract more from individual lenders | |
18 | 剪辑从电影胶片或录相带剪出的片断 | A short extract from a film or videotape. | |
19 | 尽管丹宁酶的处理确能溶解一部分茶膏成分,但在5°C时,这种处理过的茶浸提物仍会浑浊。 | Although the tannase treatment does give a certain amount of solubilisation of the tea cream constituents, the extract is still turbid at 5°C. | |
20 | 聚氯乙烯树脂甲醇或乙醇萃取物含量的测定方法 | Determination for the content of methanol or ethanol extract of polyvinyl chloride resins | |
21 | 聚氯乙烯树脂水萃取液电导率测定方法 | Determination of conductivity of aqueous extract of polyvinyl chloride resins | |
22 | 绝缘纸和纸板水抽提液电导率的测定 | Insulating paper and board--Determination of the electrical conductivity for the water extract | |
23 | 苦皮,薯蓣一种薯蓣属墨西哥植物,有硕大而不可食的根部,可以产出一种抽提物,用作合成类固醇激素的原料 | Any of several Mexican plants of the genus Dioscorea having a large,inedible root that yields an extract used as a raw material for synthetic steroid hormones. | |
24 | 罗莎琳德将蒲公英叶的提取物与其它草药混合用于缓解有关膀胱的病症,因为蒲公英还是极好的利尿剂,能有助于排出体内的病菌。 | Rosalind mixes extract of dandelion leaves with other herbs to alleviate bladder problems as dandelion is also a powerful diuretic which helps to flush out bacteria | |
25 | 每个星期天,她都会拿出她的捐献盒--一个彩色的“白猫头鹰”牌烟盒--从中抽出几张钞票,放入教堂提供的信封里,交给爸爸去放到教堂的奉献盘中。 | Every Sunday she would go to her tithe box a colorful White Owl cigar box extract some dollar bills from it, deposit the money into a churchprovided envelope, and hand it to Dad to drop in the offering4 plate | |
26 | 蜜蜂在花中吸取蜜汁。 | The bees extract honey from flowers. | |
27 | 你能把这只小飞虫从我的眼睛里弄出来吗? | Can you extract this fly from my eye? | |
28 | 浓缩鸡精,鲜味十足。 | Condensed chicken extract , a sheer delicate taste. | |
29 | 钳住,钳出用镊子处理或拔出 | To handle or extract with tweezers. | |
30 | 氯乙烯均聚物和共聚物树脂水萃取液ph值的测定 | Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride--Determination of pH of aqueous extract |