1 | 她看方鸿渐是坐二等的,人还过得去,不失为旅行中消遣的伴侣。 | She saw Fang was a second-class passenger and thought he might make a good companion to while away the time during the trip | |
2 | 她要借赵辛楣来激发方鸿渐的勇气,可是方鸿渐也许像这几天报上战事消息所说的,“保持实力,作战略上的撤退。” | She had tried to use Chao Hsin-mei to rouse Fang Hung-chien’s courage, but perhaps Fang Hung-chien, like the war news in the newspapers for the last few days, had been "maintaining the present strength through strategic retreats." | |
3 | 就算她言之过甚,也是她做长辈的一片好意,你们这些年轻人--”方遯翁话里留下空白,表示世间无字能形容那些可恶无礼的年轻人。 | Maybe she did exaggerate, but she meant well as an elder.You young people-" Fang Tun-weng did not finish his sentence, indicating words were inadequate to describe these disgusting, ill-mannered youths | |
4 | 可是方鸿渐像鱼吞了饵,一钓就上,急口接说:“高先生电报上招我来当教授,可是没说明白什么系的教授,所以我想问一问?” | But like a fish swallowing bait, Fang Hung-chien was hooked at once, and quickly went on, "Your telegram appointed me professor, but didn’t say in which department I was to teach, so I’d like to ask about that." | |
5 | 可是我和方先生走的不是一条路,”说时把手鸿渐一下,暗示他开口,不要这样无礼貌地哑默。 | But Mr. Fang and I didn’t go the same way," and with that he nudged Hung-chien as a hint for him to say something instead of remaining so rudely silent | |
6 | 客人全散了,张太太道:“这姓方的不合式,气量太小,把钱看得太重,给我一试就露出本相。 | After all the guests had left, Mrs. Chang said, "That Fang fellow isn’t suitable.He’s too small-minded and values money too highly.He showed his true colors the moment I tested him | |
7 | 亏得这一条科学定律,李梅亭,顾尔谦,还有方鸿渐会荣任教授。 | Thanks to this scientific law, Li Mei-t’ing, Ku Er-chien, and Fang Hung-chien were all honored with professorial appointments | |
8 | 两位小姐都期望地注视方鸿渐,他放下扇子,撇嘴道:“写这种字就该打手心! | Miss Su and Miss T’ang meanwhile both looked at Fang Hung-chien, anxiously waiting for his reaction to the poem.He put down the fan and with a wry face said, "The palm of whoever wrote those characters should be spanked | |
9 | 寥寥的三行字,非常秀媚的《灵飞经》体,确是四小姐的亲笔。 | A mere three lines of elegant handwriting, unmistakably Huei-fang ’s | |
10 | 刘太太嘴快,说:“这个姓方的你见过没有? | The outspoken Mrs. Liu asked, "Have you ever met this Fang fellow? | |
11 | 美国驻华使馆发言人说,方复明将在刑期满后被驱逐出境。 | A US embassy spokesman said that Fang Fuming would be deported after serving the sentence | |
12 | 明天一早方鸿渐醒来,头里还有一条齿线的痛,头像进门擦鞋底的棕毯。 | The next morning, Fang Hung-chien woke up early, with a sawing pain in his head, and his tongue feeling like the coir doormat for wiping one’s shoes before entering the house | |
13 | 那几个一路同船的学生看小方才去了鲍小姐,早换上苏小姐,对他打趣个不亦乐乎。 | When the other students on board saw that Miss Pao had no sooner gone than Little Fang took up with Miss Su, they teased him unmercifully | |
14 | 那女人不下车,打开提篮,强孙小姐吃她带的米粉糕,赵方二人怕寡妇分糕为难也下车散步去了。 | The widow, staying on the bus, opened her basket and pressed Miss Sun to have some of the rice cakes she had brought along.Afraid the widow would have trouble dividing up her cakes, Chao and Fang also got off the bus for a walk | |
15 | 那同学是一头茅草似的乱发,面貌却甚为英俊,一边和吴芝生谈话,一边常常拿眼睛去看四小姐 | His friend, a brilliant-looking youngster despite his tousled head of hair, kept glancing at Huei-fang as they talked together | |
16 | 慎明把夹鼻眼镜按一下,咳声嗽,说:“方先生,你那时候问我什么一句话?” | Shen-ming pressed down his pince-nez, cleared his throat, and said, "Mr. Fang , what was it you were asking me that time?" | |
17 | 说完,四顾大笑。他以为方鸿渐又给自己说倒,想今天得再接再厉,决不先退,盘恒那姓方的走了才起身,所以他身子向沙发上坐得更深陷些。 | While he was speaking, he looked around the room and roared with laughter, feeling he had trounced Fang Hung-chien again.Determined not to be the first one to leave, he entrenched himself deeper into the sofa | |
18 | 四妹!你要反抗荪甫的专制,争得你的自由,你也不能把你的希望寄托在一个站不直的软骨头!” | I tell you, Huei-fang , if you’re going to resist Sun-fu’s interference and fight for your freedom, it’s no good pinning your hopes on a spineless weakling!" | |
19 | 四小姐眼快,远远地就认得是范博文。 | Even from a distance, Huei-fang ’s sharp eyes told her that it was Fan Po-wen | |
20 | 苏小姐理想的自己是:“艳如桃李,冷若冰霜,”让方鸿渐卑逊地仰慕而后屈伏地求爱。 | Miss Su, who pictured herself in the words of the familiar saying, "as delectable as peach and plum and as cold as frost and ice," decided she would allow Fang to humbly gaze at her in admiration and then prostrate himself to beg for her love | |
21 | 苏小姐临别时的态度,冷缩了方鸿渐的高兴。 | Miss Su’s parting manner dampened Fang Hung-chien’s high spirits | |
22 | 苏小姐骂方鸿渐无耻,实在是冤枉。 | Miss Su’s condemnation of Fang Hung-chien for being shameless was actually unjust | |
23 | 唐小姐跟苏小姐的来往也比从前减少了,可是方鸿渐迫于苏小姐的恩威并施,还不得不常向苏家走动。 | Miss Su and Miss Tang saw less of each other than before, but Fang Hung-chien, caught between Miss Su’s alternating threats and kindness, had no choice but to go to the sus often | |
24 | 魏芳进门时,头猛地撞了一下。 | Wei Fang banged her head as she went through the door. | |
25 | 魏芳在学校图书馆。 | Wei Fang is at the school library. | |
26 | 我不太擅长数学,但是魏芳说她会帮助我。 | I am not very good at maths, but Wei Fang said she’s going to help me. | |
27 | 我就看不出鲍小姐又黑又粗,有什么美,会引得方先生好好二等客人不做,换到三等舱来受罪。 | I just can’t see what there is about that Miss Pao, coarse and dark as she is, to make Mr. Fang give up a perfectly good second-class berth for the discomforts of the third class | |
28 | 我要替女儿美芳挂号预约。 | I’d like to make an appointment for my daughter, Mei fang . | |
29 | 吴少奶奶却笑了,四小姐也乘这空儿问道:“当真是全镇都抢光了么? | Mrs. Wu Sun-fu laughed, while Huei-fang took the opportunity to get a word in: "Is it true that the whole town’s been ransacked? | |
30 | 小方是真正的贵人,坐在诱馆里动也不动,我们替他跑腿。 | Little Fang is the real noble one.He sat in the hotel without stirring, while we did all the running around for him |