属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-民用航空发动机 奋力一战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-集资科技 积跬步致千里
1 | 不只人类正在变胖,动物亦然 | It is not just human beings that are getting fatter . Animals are, too | |
2 | 大规模将在药品折扣问题的商讨上占有更大的优势,并降低雇佣者和保险公司的成本。 | With scale would come the power to negotiate fatter discounts on drugs, lowering costs for employers and insurers. | |
3 | 普惠最终甚至会研发用于广体飞机的齿轮传动涡轮发动机,这一类发动机的利润要高得多。 | Pratt may eventually produce versions of its geared turbofan for wide-bodied jets, where profits are fatter . | |
4 | 在加州科学院的项目里,即使这些捐赠人不会因切叶蚁属文献而流芳千古,但能让他们看到自己为知识进步做出了贡献感到欣慰,因为之前,这种方式只属于那些钱包更鼓的捐赠人。 | And even those who are not immortalised in the myrmicine literature, as the CAS proposed, may still get a warm glow from the feeling that they are making a contribution to the advancement of knowledge in a way which was previously open only to philanthropists with rather fatter wallets. | |
5 | 阿兰娜越来越胖了,她为什么不试着减肥呢? | Alana is getting fatter and fatter. Why doesn’t she try to lose some weight? | |
6 | 白色脂肪储存卡路里并且使我们肥胖,而褐色脂肪燃烧能量产生热量。 | White stores calories and makes us fatter , while brown burns energy to generate heat. | |
7 | 毕竟,垃圾食品的结果是肥胖和不健康的孩子到处可见,他们又成长为更胖更不健康的成人。 | After all, the consequences of all that junk food are everywhere: fat and unhealthy children who become even fatter and unhealthier adults. | |
8 | 毕竟,我们的体型比大多数欧洲国家的人都更胖(包括节俭而勤勉的德国人)。 | We are, after all, fatter than most other European countries (including the thrifty and industrious Germans). | |
9 | 不过,深陷股票交易成本之战中的纽约证券交易所目前正以相当正确的态度看待其它进出差价较大的市场。 | Now, though, caught in a war over the cost of trading shares, the NYSE quite rightly is looking at other markets with fatter spreads. | |
10 | 不只美国,全世界人都在变胖。 | The whole world is becoming fatter , not just America. | |
11 | 除了汽车销售人员腰包更肥之外,接近一个月底时还有另一个…鼓励政策。 | Beyond the car salesman’s fatter wallet, there’s another incentive to cut a deal near the end of the month. | |
12 | 但是当他变得更胖后,他不能再以跑步来燃烧脂肪,这对他的膝盖造成了长久的损害。 | But as he got fatter , he couldn’t run and burn off the weight, and he permanently damaged his knees. | |
13 | 但由于食品、燃料价格激增,鼓鼓的钱包也仅是刚于通胀相抵,目前的通胀水平为4%。 | But because of sharp increases in food and fuel prices, fatter wage packets have barely kept up with inflation, which is now 4%. | |
14 | 的确,近来南方人显著的越发肥胖了。 | Certainly the South has grown significantly fatter recently. | |
15 | 第三种更简单,医生和护士可能先认为肥胖患者风险更大,因此更留意他们的身体状况。 | Or it may be more simple: doctors and nurses may expect their fatter patients to have a tougher time, so they give them more attention. | |
16 | 调查发现这些公司在资产回收,运营收益和浮动股价上的表现都更加出色。 | It found that these firms enjoyed a higher return on equity, fatter operating profits and a more buoyant share price. | |
17 | 根据疾控中心本月发布的一份报告,26.7%的美国人是胖人,而且他们愈来愈胖。 | According to a report released by the Center for Disease Control this month, 26. 7% Americans are obese and they’re only getting fatter . | |
18 | 很多人从不愿待太久,他们的目的是将自己的资本连本带利地投入新的工作之中,在其他公司获取更丰厚的报酬。 | Many never intend to stay any longer, aiming instead to parlay their qualifications into a new job and a fatter pay cheque somewhere else. | |
19 | 火箭又长又细,上部有点粗,因为它的第二级比固体燃料火箭发动机驱动的第一级要厚。 | The rocket is long and slender, and fatter on top because its second stage is thicker than its solid rocket motor-powered first stage. | |
20 | 或者是在其他情况下,你绝对不会想去增肥,就像我们以前听说过的那样。 | Or, at the other end of the spectrum, you certainly won’t be trying to get fatter , as we heard a few days ago. | |
21 | 健康专家越是努力帮助我们,我们就变得更加肥胖。 | The harder the experts try to save Americans, the fatter we get. | |
22 | 健身馆是我们减肥、塑形、看胖妞们以增强自信心的好地方。 | The gym is a great place for us to lose weight, stay in shape, and compare ourselves to fatter women. | |
23 | 美国是多民族国家,他们的食谱不同,他们更胖。 | They eat different food. They are fatter . | |
24 | 拿着硕大的粉红色棉花糖,抱着一只比你还胖的维尼熊,洋洋得意地走在游乐园当中。 | You can walk in the park proudly carrying a Teenie weenie fatter than you with a big pink cotton candy in your hands. | |
25 | 偶尔我会在现在的新家附近骑一骑,不过我比从前老了,而且胖了很多,所以自行车也不再适合我了。 | I’ve biked occasionally here at our new house, but I’m older and fatter than I used to be, and my bike no longer really fits me. | |
26 | 全世界人民都在变胖,这一点你当然知道。 | People are getting fatter everywhere. You know this. | |
27 | 然而,对于我们许多人而言,如果我们常常拿来和自己做对比的人变胖了,我们自己体重增加的成本就会降低。 | However, when the people we normally compare ourselves with become fatter , the cost of putting on weight for many of us reduces. | |
28 | 然而,几周过去了,汉斯看起来一点也没有长胖,她变得很不耐烦,然后说她不会再继续等待了。 | However, as the weeks went on, and Hansel seemed not to get any fatter , she became impatient, and said she could not wait any longer. | |
29 | 如果你吃得太多,你会变得更肥。 | ’If you eat too much, you’ll get fatter . ’ | |
30 | 神庙外围的石柱并非直立而是向里倾斜的,石柱中间略粗。 | The columns along the outside lean inward, and are slightly fatter in the middle. |