1 | (a)此类程序的实施和完成不受到不适当的迟延,且对进口产品实施的方式不严于国内同类产品 | (a)such procedures are undertaken and completed without undue delay and in no less favourable manner for imported products than for like domestic products | |
2 | (不)说某人[某事物]的好话 | (not)say anything at all favourable about sb/sth | |
3 | (在传播媒介中插入宣传商品的)推销广告(如宣传唱片或书的). | Piece of favourable publicity in the media for a commercial product,eg a record or book | |
4 | 1合格评定程序尽可能迅速的进行和完成,并在顺序上给予源自其他成员领土内的产品不低于本国同类产品的待遇 | 1 conformity assessment procedures are undertaken and completed as expeditiously as possible and in a no less favourable order for products originating in the territories of other Members than for like domestic products | |
5 | 不过,当他的头脑恢复冷静的时候,他清楚地看到自己的处境并不因为苏菲亚这封短简而有所改善或改变,只是从苏菲亚的坚贞不渝中得到一线希望,日后事情说不定会有个转机。 | However, when his cool reflections returned, he plainly perceived that his case was neither mended or altered by Sophia’s billet, unless to give him some little glimpse of hope from her constancy, of some favourable accident hereafter. | |
6 | 厂商挂钩,本商场家用电器全市最优价。 | Home electric appliances purchased by our store directly from the factory are on sale at the most favourable price in the city. | |
7 | 除了好的可能性,还有一种坏的可能性,就是帝国主义要发疯。 | In addition to the favourable possibility, there is the unfavourable one, and that is the imperialists may go berserk | |
8 | 创造一个更好的小气候,以吸引外商前来投资 | Create more favourable local conditions appealing to the investment from foreign businessmen | |
9 | 但是在建立社会主义经济基础以后,多年来没有制定出为发展生产力创造良好条件的政策。 | But in the many years following the establishment of the socialist economic base, we failed to work out policies that would create favourable conditions for the development of the productive forces. | |
10 | 当温度在40-70摄氏度之间时,可得到非常令人满意的产率。处理的时间取决于酶的浓度和温度,处理时间可以是几分钟,若温度较低时,也可以长达几个小时。 | Very favourable yields are obtained at a temperature within the range of 40 to 70°C. The incubation time depends on the enzyme concentration and the temperature and may vary from a few minutes to several hours at lower temperatures. | |
11 | 地理环境得天独厚。 | (in)exceptionally favourable geographic circumstances | |
12 | 地堑成为铀矿沉积的有利部位。 | A graben creates a favourable setting for uranium deposition | |
13 | 第五十二条 革命残废军人乘坐火车、轮船、飞机、长途汽车,优先购票,并按照规定享受减价优待。 | Article 52. Disabled revolutionary armymen shall enjoy priority in buying tickets at favourable discount prices according to relevant regulations when travelling by train, ship, airplane or long-distance bus. | |
14 | 第五十四条 家居农村的义务兵家属,由乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府采取平衡负担的办法给予优待。优待的具体办法和标准,由省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府规定。 | Article 54. Families of conscripts which reside in rural areas shall be given favourable treatment through an equal sharing of the burden to be effected by the people’s governments of townships, nationality townships or towns. The specific measures and standards for such favourable treatment shall be formulated by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. | |
15 | 对该问题有实际的、好的、悲观的...印象 | Take a realistic, favourable ,pessimistic,etc view of the problem | |
16 | 对于检查和保证实施卫生与植物卫生措施的任何程序,各成员应保证:此类程序的实施和完成不受到不适当的迟延,且对进口产品实施的方式不严于国内同类产品 | Members shall ensure, with respect to any procedure to check and ensure the fulfilment of sanitary or phytosanitary measures, that: such procedures are undertaken and completed without undue delay and in no less favourable manner for imported products than for like domestic products | |
17 | 对于新加坡,国内的母语教学政策为各族人民保留文化传统创造了极有利的条件。 | In Singapore, our policy on the mother tongue creates favourable conditions for the various ethnic groups to preserve their cultures and traditions. | |
18 | 非洲国家要利用这一有利的和平国际环境来发展自己。 | The African countries should take advantage of this favourable peaceful environment to develop. | |
19 | 粉碎“四人帮”以后,主要是党的十一届三中全会以后,五年多的时间确实发生了非常好的变化。 | Since the fall of the Gang of Four, and especially in the six years since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, highly favourable changes have taken place in China. | |
20 | 该剧获评论界好评. | The play got a favourable reception from the critics. | |
21 | 该中心启用以来,广获本地和海外客户的好评。 | The centre has received favourable response from local and overseas customers since it commenced operation. | |
22 | 各成员应通过下列规定和本协定其他条款的相关规定,对参加本协定的发展中国家成员提供差别和更优惠待遇。 | Members shall provide differential and more favourable treatment to developing country Members to this Agreement, through the following provisions as well as through the relevant provisions of other Articles of this Agreement. | |
23 | 更换机油:为保持良好的运行状况,规定汽车换油周期为行驶二个月或行驶6000~10000公里,无论先发生哪种情况,都应换油。 | Changing oil. With favourable operating conditions, the specified interval for oil changes on some automobiles is every 2 months or 6000/10000 km, whichever occurs first. | |
24 | 工作得到好评是令人鼓舞的. | It’s encouraging to receive a favourable report on one’s work. | |
25 | 国际上对联合声明反应还是好的。 | International reaction to the Joint Declaration has been favourable . | |
26 | 国家采取有利于环境保护的经济、技术政策和措施,使环境保护工作同经济建设和社会发展相协调。 | The state shall adopt economic and technological policies and measures favourable for environmental protection so as to coordinate the work of environmental protection with economic construction and social development. | |
27 | 很可能是米拉蒂雇用了那几个恶棍,一遇到有利的机会就按照她的旨意干的。 | Most likely milady had hired these scoundrels to do her bidding at the first favourable opportunity | |
28 | 华夏族受惠于中原有利的自然资源,对自己辉煌的文化感到自豪,华夏之华就有辉煌灿烂之意。他们鄙视周边的民族,称其为蛮夷戎狄。 | This people were blessed by the favourable natural resources of the Central China Plains. They took great pride in their glorious civilisation (the meaning of Huaxia is glorious). They looked down upon all peoples elsewhere in China, regarding them as peripheral, calling them barbarians. | |
29 | 继续落实集团以往积极派发股息的宗旨,使股东们共同分享成果。 | We have decided to continue adopting a favourable dividend policy to enable shareholders to share the success. | |
30 | 建立一整套有利于人才培养和使用的激励机制 | Institute a whole set of incentive mechanisms favourable to the training and use of competent people |