1 | 这些措施,提高了客户的满意度,获得了良好的回馈,就今年度获得香港政府工业贸易署"二零零一年工业贸易署品质奖"和贸易发展局的"二零零一年贸易发展局出口市场推广奖",以及新加坡包装协会和新加坡工业总会的"新加坡星奖二零零二",是最好的证明。 | These resulted in higher satisfaction and more favourable feedback from customers, as evidenced by the Group’s winning of the “2001 Trade and Industry Development Quality Award” granted by the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department, the “2001 Trade Development Council Marketing Award” granted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and the “Singapore Star Award 2002” jointly granted by the Packaging Council of Singapore and the Singapore Confederation of Industries. | |
2 | 真是机缘凑巧,他居然找着了客厅,她正好一个人在那儿坐着。 | By some strange concurrence of favourable circumstances he had found out the drawing-room, and sitting there alone | |
3 | 正遇着顺风,我仍旧按照前一天的航路把舵前进。 | The wind being favourable , I steered the same course that I had done the day before. | |
4 | 政府已尽力创造了良好的客观环境,提供了优惠政策。 | The government has already done its best to create a conducive environment with favourable policies. | |
5 | 政治协商会议的这些协议,在各种不同程度上有利于人民而不利于蒋介石的反动统治。 | These Political Consultative Conference agreements were, in varying degrees, favourable to the people and unfavourable to Chiang Kai-shek’s reactionary rule | |
6 | 中国正在深化改革,为今后的发展创造更好的条件。 | China is deepening its reform, trying to create more favourable conditions for future development. | |
7 | 中印两国对人类有一个共同的责任,就是要利用现在有利的和平国际环境来发展自己。 | Under the present favourable and peaceful international circumstances, China and India have a common responsibility to mankind--to develop. | |
8 | 竹斋,我们为了这一条,这才利息上大大让步,只要了月息五厘半。 | In fact, as you may remember, we let him off with a favourable rate of interest--mere five and a half percent a month--in exchange for that stipulation | |
9 | 自罗马帝国崩溃以来,欧洲各国的政策,都比较不利于农村的产业,即农业,而比较有利于城市的产业,即工艺、制造业和商业。 | Since the downfall of the Roman empire, the policy of Europe has been more favourable to arts, manufactures, and commerce, the industry of towns, than to agriculture, the industry of the country | |
10 | 总的来说,西方近几百年的历史环境为创新和发明提供了非常好的条件。 | On the whole, the historical circumstances in the West over the past few centuries provided very favourable conditions for creativity and inventiveness. |