属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-调色板上那一抹晦暗 Paint a palette b
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贫困、犯罪与教育 贫民窟的悖论
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-有线电视 耗资610亿的提案
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-性选择与进化 美丽的雌性
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新型晶体管 机械优势
1 | 增加了ircg_get_username,一个ircg_join的参数,错误取得机构,一个tokenizer来加快信息处理,修正了IRCG扩展里面的许多错误。 | Added ircg_get_username, a roomkey argument to ircg_join, error fetching infrastructure, a tokenizer to speed up message processing, and fixed a lot of bugs in the IRCG extension. | |
2 | 这出新戏每晚都吸引大批观众。 | The new play is fetching large audiences every night. | |
3 | 这要求到服务器的一次往返行程。可以通过将“抓取默认值”属性设为“否”,来禁用默认值的预提取功能。 | This requires a round-trip to the server. You can disable the pre-fetching of default values by setting the Fetch Defaults property to No. | |
4 | 整整一个夏天,鲁本除了干家务一一给菜园锄草、浇水、砍柴和打水外,始终为完成他那秘密使命而不懈努力。 | All summer long, despite chores at home--weeding and watering the garden,cutting wood and fetching water--Reuben kept to his secret task. | |
5 | 纵帆船摇了几摇,前后颠簸了两下,紧拉着锚链,发出一声震响,这是大家第一次听到的响声。 | The schooner rolled and plunged, fetching up on her anchors with a crash which for the first time they could hear | |
6 | ||1:梵高仿佛就是为一部五味杂陈的好莱坞传记影片而生。||2:他画笔下的向日葵,麦田和柏树名垂艺术史,以其绚烂的色彩和有力的笔触被人们熟知与欣赏,并在拍卖会上连创拍卖纪录。||3:显然,这部传记名字本应为“生活的渴望”,但随着一本关于梵高生命的引人入胜,鸿篇巨制自传的上市,原来梵高对矛盾的渴望才是最强烈的。 | ||1: Vincent Van Gogh seemed made for a bittersweet Hollywood biopic. ||2: The dazzling colours and dashing brushstrokes of his sunflowers, cornfields and cypress trees are among the most familiar and loved works in the history of art, fetching record-breaking sums in auction rooms. ||3: The inevitable biopic was called “Lust for Life”. But as an enormous and engrossing new biography shows, van Gogh’s lust for conflict was strongest of all. | |
7 | ||1:生活在Leicester郊区最穷的人是索马里人,他们生活在St Matthews住宅区。||2:在他们来到英国中部之前,作为内战的难民,索马里人经常穿越瑞典或者荷兰。他们忍受环境的盘剥,因没有工作而担惊受怕。||3:在最近的人口普查中,当地的失业率是不列颠全国平均水平的三倍。||4:但在当地从事慈善事业的Abdikayf Farah却莫名的乐观。||5:他说,看看那些孩子就明白我为什么乐观了。 | ||1:THE poorest people in Leicester by a wide margin are the Somalis who live in the St Matthews housing estate.||2:Refugees from civil war, who often passed through Sweden or the Netherlands before fetching up in the English Midlands, they endure peeling surroundings and appalling joblessness.||3:At the last census the local unemployment rate was three times the national average.||4:But Abdikayf Farah, who runs a local charity, is oddly upbeat.||5:Just look at the children, he says. | |
8 | 1月14日charter宣布为时代华纳有限公司估价610亿,提供一个份额132.50美元相比于原来的95美元高出许多。早在去年六月这些做法就流传出来了。 | On January 14th Charter announced a bid valuing TWC at 61 billion including debt, offering 132.50 ashare compared with the 95 or so they were fetching early last June, when rumours of its approach emerged. | |
9 | ||然而,这个故事有一个疑问。雌孔雀虽不如雄性那样艳丽,但也绝不俗气。它们头上有迷人的羽冠,以及光泽艳丽的蓝色脖子。这种装饰物会威胁生存,可能招致天敌。||如果你不是为了求偶炫耀,那你为什么需要它? | ||There is, though, a problem with this story. Peahens, though not as showy as cocks, are by no means dowdy. Their heads have fetching crests, and their necks are a beautiful, iridescent blue.|| Such flummery is costly to grow and likely to attract predators. If you do not have to strut your stuff to get a mate, why do you need it? | |
10 | 如果这些微处理器自己能够储存一些信息,用来取代从原来相互独立的芯片或手工操作中获得的信息,它们的速度将会变得更快,能耗将会更低。 | These could be made faster, and would consume less energy, if they were able to store information themselves instead of fetching it from separate memory chips or hard drives. | |
11 | Aggregator类会处理访存和存储RDF数据这个有趣的工作。 | The interesting work of fetching and storing the RDF data happens in the Aggregator class. | |
12 | CGI脚本负责取出该变量,解析那个字符串。 | The CGI script would be responsible for fetching that variable and parsing the string. | |
13 | Dojo还提供了用于进行异步XMLHttpRequest调用的API,以在不刷新页面的情况下从服务器获取数据。 | Dojo also provides APIs for making asynchronous XMLHttpRequest calls for fetching data from the server without refreshing the page. | |
14 | Hibernate允许查询的定义覆盖关联的默认抓取策略。 | Hibernate lets the definition of a query override the default fetching strategy for associations. | |
15 | Holder类有一些插入数据到其实例并从其实例中提取数据的方法。 | The Holder class has methods for inserting data into and fetching data from its instance. | |
16 | n+1选择问题的另一个解决方案是,通过批量处理惰性装载请求,混合使用惰性抓取和即时抓取。 | Another solution to the n+1 Selects Problem is a hybrid approach of lazy and eager fetching through the batching of lazy load requests. | |
17 | ODBC函数有4种主要类型:用于连接、查询、提取数据和错误报告的函数。 | There are four main types of ODBC functions: functions for connection, querying, fetching data, and error reporting. | |
18 | PHP录入页面动态从数据库中提取数据的实现 | The Implementation of Dynamicly Fetching Data From Database in PHP Input HTML Language Page | |
19 | XQuery是类似于SQL的语言,用于获取数据,但是其数据操作构造更为成熟。 | XQuery is a language for fetching data similar to SQL, but it has more sophisticated data manipulation constructs. | |
20 | 包含大量引用的ClearQuest记录区域的有效数据获取。 | Efficient data fetching for ClearQuest record fields that contain large number of references. | |
21 | 本发明提供一种馈纸装置,此馈纸装置包括一壳体、一控制杆以及一取纸模块。 | The invention provides a paper advance device, comprising a shell, a control bar and a paper-fetching module. | |
22 | 本发明提供一种物件馈送系统,其包含有一物件馈送匣以及一取纸滚轮。 | The invention provides an object feeding system, which comprises an object feeding box and a paper fetching roller. | |
23 | 必须覆盖所有关系映射以确保对获取行为和过渡持久性进行测试。 | You must cover all the relationship mappings to make sure fetching behavior and transitive persistence is tested. | |
24 | 毕竟这是日本料理中受人欢迎的菜肴,一条鱼的售价高达17万5千美元。 | After all, the fish is beloved cuisine in Japan, fetching as much as $175, 000 for one fish. | |
25 | 博客网站在显著位置勾画了一个穿红色高根鞋的迷人的妇女的侧影。 | The bloggette site features a silhouette of a fetching [26] woman in red high-heeled shoes. | |
26 | 不需要获取混合的内容页面,只需要获取业务数据即可。 | Instead of fetching amalgamated pages of content, it simply needs to fetch business data. | |
27 | 趁她去取水的空儿,她的丈夫走到满身尘土的骑兵身边,迫不及待地打听前线的消息。 | While she was fetching the water her husband approached the dusty horseman and inquired eagerly for news from the front. | |
28 | 除了从游标获得数据之外,可以使用三种不同的技术将来自单行查询的值装载进变量中 | In addition to fetching data out of cursors, you can load values from a single row query into variables using three different techniques | |
29 | 此种架构在实作大量资料列撷取时仍是类似的。 | If bulk row fetching is implemented, the architecture is similar. | |
30 | 打水、上卫生间注意地面是否有水及台阶,注意不要滑倒。 | When fetching water or going to the toilet , pay attention to whether water and stairs on the ground, be careful not to slip. |