属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:跟寒冷相关的短语
1 | 现在要想得到毕加索蓝色期的作品可谓极其困难。这些用图形表示的作品充满忧郁情调,其主要色彩为蓝色。 | It is now extremely hard to come by Blue Period Picassos--figurative works that are drenched in melancholy, expressed by a dominant Use of blue | |
2 | 形象思维在科技翻译中的作用 | Function of Figurative Thinking in Technical Translation | |
3 | 这里该字是在比喻的意义上使用的。 | Here the word is used in a figurative sense. | |
4 | 直接意义一个词最特定的或最直接的意义,与它的喻意或相关意相对 | The most specific or direct meaning of a word,in contrast to its figurative or associated meanings. | |
5 | 中国古代文学意象批评的承传 | Figurative Criticism in Ancient Chinese Literature | |
6 | 中国历代人物图像概述(续) | An Introduction of the Figurative Images of Ancient China | |
7 | ||1:这次回顾展有两点明显的例外。首先,它不包含任何形式的具象绘画,没有照相写实主义作品、没有癌细胞的微观视图、没有赫斯特亲手以弗朗西斯·培根风格画的油画。||2:碰巧的是,大多数评论家认为这些画看着费力。||3:其次,展览删除了《金牛犊》(2008年),一只镀金容器里金角金蹄的公牛,这件作品是赫斯特2008年苏富比拍卖会《美丽永驻我头》的中心装饰品。||4:《华尔街日报》报道,弗朗索瓦·皮诺花一千零三十万英镑买下了金牛,这是品味简约的鉴赏家佳士得老板一个令人费解的举动。||5:当然,皮诺对赫斯特的作品做了玄妙的投资。他借出了两件作品给泰特美术馆,包括鲨鱼的一件重要前驱作品《以(正确)理解为目的同向游泳的隔离元素》。 | ||1:There are two conspicuous exclusions from the retrospective. First, it contains no figurative paintings of any kind—no photorealist works, no microscopic views of cancer cells, none of the canvasses that Mr Hirst paints with his own hand in the style of Francis Bacon. ||2:As it happens, most critics find these paintings painful to behold. ||3:Second, the exhibition omits “The Golden Calf” (2008), a bull with gold horns and hooves in a gold-plated tank, which was the centrepiece of Mr Hirst’s 2008 Sotheby’s sale, “Beautiful Inside My Head Forever”. ||4:The Wall Street Journal reported that Fran?ois Pinault bought the £10.3m bull, a perplexing move for the owner of Christie’s, a connoisseur with minimalist taste. ||5:Certainly Mr Pinault has deep investments in Mr Hirst’s work. He has lent two pieces to the Tate, including an important precursor to the shark, “Isolated Elements Swimming in the Same Direction for the Purpose of Understanding (right)”. | |
8 | 所以,温暖舒适的(warm-and-fuzzy)衣物会让你在面对字面意义上的寒冷时感觉非常舒服。但是warm-and-fuzzy的东西也可以帮你抵御比喻意义上的寒冷。例如,一部电影可以是非常温馨的,这是指这部电影让你在观看时感觉良好。 | So, warm-and-fuzzy clothing can comfort you after dealing with literal cold. But something warm-and-fuzzy can also protect you against figurative cold. For example, a movie can be warm-and-fuzzy. This means it makes you feel good when you watch it. | |
9 | 特朗普已经放言,他会废除贸易协议、抛弃盟友,会在以法律为基础的全球秩序之下放置一枚具有象征意义的炸弹,杂乱无章地投下一批文字炸弹。 | Mr Trump had suggested that he would scrap trade deals, ditch allies, put a figurative bomb under the rules-based global order and drop literal ones willy-nilly. | |
10 | 这一习俗与主要宗教伊斯兰教共存,而伊斯兰教禁止用比喻形象代表人类。 | The custom co-existed with Islam, the main religion, which has historically forbidden figurative representation of human beings. | |
11 | “乔治喜欢诺曼洛克威尔(NormanRockwell),麦克斯菲尔德帕里什以及意大利文艺复兴传统下的写实主义艺术家”林兹勒(Rinzier)说道。 | "George likes figurative artists in the tradition of Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish and the Italian Renaissance, " Rinzler said. | |
12 | 奥斯特勒辩称,机器翻译正在改进,不过在对付细微语义差别和形象语言时的确还很吃力。 | Ostler argues that machine translation is improving, although it does struggle with nuance and figurative language. | |
13 | 辨几种容易混淆的英语修辞格 | Distinctions on several confused figurative speeches | |
14 | 词义形象特征的分析在词义研究中的作用 | Analysis of Figurative Feature in Lexical Meaning Study | |
15 | 动物比喻在英语修辞中的使用 | The Features of the Figurative Speech with Animal Names in English Rhetoric | |
16 | 关于声乐教学中如何运用形象语言的探讨 | An analysis of the Use of Figurative Language in Vocal Music Teaching | |
17 | 惯用语比喻意义理解的心理模型 | The Psychological Model on the Comprehension of Idiom’s Figurative Meaning | |
18 | 汉英动物词语喻体、喻义的文化内涵初探 | Comparative Study of English and Chinese Animal Vehicle and Figurative Sense | |
19 | 汉语修辞句的翻译方法 | Techniques for Translating Chinese Figurative Sentences | |
20 | 汉语言语形象化表达形式及其文化源 | Figurative Expression Forms of Chinese Language and Their Cultural Origins | |
21 | 后喻文化时代青少年的新特点与学校思想道德教育 | New Traits on Teenagers and Corresponding Moral Education in Schools in the Age of Post-Figurative Culture | |
22 | 化中的喻义及它们的翻译动物词汇在中英文 | Figurative Meaning of Animal Words in English and Chinese Cultures and Their Translation | |
23 | 或许传统媒体公司在比喻意义上会有更多的金融杠杆可用: | Maybe traditional media companies will have much more leverage in a figurative sense: | |
24 | 基于英汉对比论英语比喻性习语的翻译 | Translation of English Figurative Idioms Based on the Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Languages | |
25 | 她和魔鬼达成了一桩隐喻性交易,得到了自己想要的一切,然后毫发无损的全身而退。 | She made a figurative deal with the devil, got everything she wanted and came out completely unscathed. | |
26 | 论英语比喻修辞格汉译的归化和异化 | On Adaptation and Alienation in Translating English Figurative Expressions into Chinese | |
27 | 论英语动物名词的修辞效能 | On the Figurative Functions of English Animal Nouns | |
28 | 浅谈英汉动物比喻词 | On Figurative Meanings of Animal Words in Chinese and English | |
29 | 清单13展示了一个样例wrapped-driver.xml文件,它使用了映射到PostgreSQL8.3JDBCDriver的postgres的形象化的名称 | Listing 13 shows a sample wrapped-driver. xml file using the figurative name of postgres mapped to the PostgreSQL 8. 3 JDBC Driver | |
30 | 诗歌翻译中的同一性梯度与审美性梯度--诗歌翻译的认知修辞学考察 | The Gradient Nature of Identity and Aestheticness in Translating Poetry--A Cognitive-figurative Approach to the Translation of Poetry |