属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国公司的管理 董事会的多元化
1 | 布拉德利,詹姆斯·布坎南1856-1917美国金融家和慈善家,因为其酷爱钻石和挥霍无度的生活方式而获得其绰号 | American financier and philanthropist who gained his nickname because of his attraction to diamonds and his extravagant lifestyle. | |
2 | 布拉德利:美国金融家和慈善家,因为其酷爱钻石和挥霍无度的生活方式而获得其绰号。 | Brady:american financier and philanthropist who gained his nickname because of his attraction to diamonds and his extravagant lifestyle. | |
3 | 出口商从外国买主处骗取了大约1.2亿美元。 | The financier defrauded foreign buyers of about 120 million dollars | |
4 | 但是这位百万富翁的金融家相信这是他最好的机会来创新单人环球飞行的记录,在此之前,他已经失败了5次。 | But the millionaire financier believes this is his best chance to capture the record that has eluded him on five previous attempts. | |
5 | 菲尔德,赛勒斯·韦斯特1819-1892美国商人及金融家,他设计并监督了横贯大西洋的电缆铺设工程 | American merchant and financier who planned and oversaw the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable(completed1866. | |
6 | 菲尔德:美国商人及金融家,他设计并监督了横贯大西洋的电缆铺设工程(于1866年完成). | Field:american merchant and financier who planned and oversaw the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable (completed 1866). | |
7 | 菲斯克,詹姆斯1834-1872美国铁道金融商和投机商,于1869年和杰伊·高尔德一起试图垄断黄金市场,引起“黑色星期五”,即全国范围的金融大恐慌 | American railroad financier and speculator who attempted in1869to corner the gold market with Jay Gould,leading to Black Friday,a day of nationwide financial panic. | |
8 | 金融家告诉我们不要再用那种方法做业务。 | The financier told us not to do business in that way | |
9 | 精明的金融家、商人、政治家等 | A shrewd financier ,dealer,politician,etc | |
10 | 内克尔,雅克1732-1804法国财政家和政治家,提倡由僧侣,贵族和第三等级代表组成的议会来影响财政改革。他的被路易斯十五(1789年)的简单的免职引起了巴土底暴动 | French financier and politician who advocated the formation of the States-General to effect financial reform.His brief dismissal by Louis XVI(1789)precipitated the storming of the Bastille. | |
11 | 索罗斯本人并不像一个目光敏锐的金融家,他更具有哲学教授的气质。 | In person, he has the air of a philosophy professor rather than a gimleteyed financier | |
12 | 他是一个抢劫寡妇的金融家。 | He is a financier who spoils widows | |
13 | 一位成功的金 融家的胆识 | the audacity of a successful financier | |
14 | 由于美国是战后欧洲的主要债权人和资金融通者,一旦美国经济陷入萧条,欧洲的繁荣随之崩溃,特别是德国和英国。 | Since the U.S. was the major creditor and financier of postwar Europe, the U.S. financial collapse led to collapses of other economies, especially those of Germany and Britain. | |
15 | 这个滑头金融家他披着羊皮,含着笑走来,指出微妙的办法,利用公款为他们两人谋利。 | This oily financier who came smiling and in sheep’s clothing, pointing out subtle ways by which the city’s money could be made profitable for both | |
16 | ||1:19世纪,美国的富人们被当地的矿物温泉所吸引,纷纷涌入纽约州萨拉托加这个小镇。||2:镀金时代的一些名人如金融家J?P?摩根就是在那里避暑的。||3:1863年开业的赛马场也具有超强的吸引力。||4:就连詹姆斯?邦德在《007系列之永远的钻石》里也曾在赛马场赛道上投下赌注。||5:然而,直到最近,萨拉托加还没有什么其他方面值得一去的。||6:尽管大州府区的院校林立,五大县也正好分布于萨拉托加周围,但是过去这一带的工作机会极少,如今的情况不一样了。 | ||1: AMERICA’S wealthy, lured by the mineral springs, flocked to Saratoga during the 19th century. ||2: Gilded-Age figures such as J.P. Morgan, the financier , summered there. ||3: The race course, which opened in 1863, became a huge draw. ||4: Even James Bond placed a flutter at the Saratoga track in “Diamonds are Forever”. ||5: Yet, until recently, Saratoga did not have much else going for it. ||6: Although colleges and universities crowd the Greater Capital Region of New York, the five-county spread where Saratoga sits, there were few jobs around. Things are different now. | |
17 | ||1:卡尔尼特?弗拉格当选以色列央行的新任行长。||2:在此之前,弗拉格一直担任前任行长斯坦利?费希尔的代理人,并从七月份起以央行主管的身份管理央行业务。||3:她预计将继续实施费希尔任职期间实施的宽松的货币政策。||4:今年六月份央行希望国际金融专家雅各布?弗兰克尔出任央行行长,但被其拒绝。 | ||1:Karnit Flug was appointed as the new governor of the Bank of Israel.||2:Ms Flug was deputy to the previous governor, Stanley Fischer, and has acted as the central bank’s head since July.||3:She is expected to continue the loose monetary policy that marked Mr Fischer’s tenure.||4:In June the bank tapped Jacob Frenkel, an international financier , to be governor, but he withdrew from consideration. | |
18 | ||1:如果军方能在尽量不杀戮的情况下再次迫使民间恢复有序状态,并着手兑现它许下的的承诺——恢复民主,那它也必须像处理头等紧急大事一样,开始拯救埃及支离破碎的经济。||2:穆尔西下台,科威特、沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋喜闻乐见。这三个国家于7月9日宣布,将为埃及提供价值120亿美元的现金、存款和石油。穆尔西在位的一年之中,埃及最大的投资国——卡塔尔都没有提供这么多资助。||3:大型企业也普遍表示支持新政权。 | ||1: If the army can reimpose order on the streets with little more bloodshed and start meeting its promises to restore democracy, it will also have to set about rescuing the country’s shattered economy as a matter of extreme urgency. ||2: On July 9th Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, pleased to see Mr Morsi go, offered up to $12 billion in cash, deposits and oil—more than the amount given to Mr Morsi by Qatar, his chief financier , during his year-long stint in power. ||3: Big business has broadly rallied to the new regime. | |
19 | 过去,监事会是德国公司的顶层,他们是由一群长期担任老板的小团体,独裁主席,游手好闲的董事会成员以及他们金融界的朋友们组成。 | This was the peak of Deutschland AG, a clique of long-serving bosses, autocratic chairmen, do-nothing board members and their financier friends. | |
20 | 如果没有那个生活优越的加利福尼亚金融家支持,所有这些都不会发生。那个金融家是沃克先生在葡萄酒论坛上认识的网友的朋友。 | None of this could have happened without the support of a laid-back Californian financier , a friend of someone Mr Walker met through an online wine forum. | |
21 | oisPinault)三周的时间对苏伊士集团出价,否则就需再等六个月。 | ois Pinault, a French financier , three weeks to make an offer for Suez or to hold off for another six months. | |
22 | 被指控骗走投资几十亿美元的金融家 | A financier accused of duping investors out of billions of dollars | |
23 | 本文作者是美国金融家、前美国财政部长顾问,每月为英国《金融时报》撰写专栏文章 | The writer, who contributes a monthly column to the FT, is an American financier and former counsellor to the US secretary of the Treasury | |
24 | 本文作者为英国著名历史学家、FT特约编辑,他为西格蒙德-瓦尔堡(SiegmundWarburg)著的传记《HighFinancier》刚刚由企鹅出版社(Penguin)出版 | The writer is an FT contributing editor. His new biography of Siegmund Warburg, High Financier , has just been published by Penguin | |
25 | 比如,企业金融家休•范•卡特森(HughvanCutsem)最近为他的婚礼买了一件BabyBespoke衬衫。 | Corporate financier Hugh van Cutsem, for example, recently bought a Baby Bespoke shirt for his wedding. | |
26 | 除了他们,金融家阿瑟•洛克(ArthurRock)也到场参加了活动——他曾帮助该公司筹到资金。 | They are joined by Arthur Rock, the financier who helped find funding for the company. | |
27 | 传奇娱乐是金融家托马斯•图尔(ThomasTull)于2004年创建的,对中国市场觊觎已久。 | Legendary, which was founded in 2004 by financier Thomas Tull, has been eyeing the Chinese market for some time. | |
28 | 当地一位金融家称:“我可以向你保证,他在柬埔寨有很多敌人。” | "I can assure you that he has plenty of enemies here, " says a local financier . | |
29 | 德国的增长依赖出口到中国,德国也是希腊最大的金融家。 | Its growth depends on exports to China and it is the biggest financier of Greece. | |
30 | 菲尔德:美国商人及金融家,他设计并监督了横贯大西洋的电缆铺设工程(于1866年完成)。 | Field: american merchant and financier who planned and oversaw the laying of the transatlantic telegraph Cable (completed 1866). |