属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国的货币政策 逐渐变弱的老虎
1 | 首先,就业增长速度最近开始减弱,失业人数的下降是被不再找工作的人数粉饰过的。 | First, the pace of job growth has recently flagged ; the drop in unemployment has been flattered by the number of people no longer looking for work. | |
2 | 6月和7月份,人们的兴趣有所衰减,每天只有6万个新账户开立。 | Interest flagged in June and July when as few as 60, 000 new accounts were opened daily. | |
3 | McAfee的调查结果显示,域名为.hk的被检测网站中有19.2%被标记为“对访问者有危险或有潜在危险的。” | McAfee’s results noted that 19. 2% of all the . hk sites it had tested were flagged as "dangerous or potentially dangerous to visitors. " | |
4 | PMD把这标记为空catch块。 | PMD flagged this as an empty catch block. | |
5 | Stein和owell都已被多家新闻报导为最可能被认命的人。 | Both Stein and Powell had already been flagged in various press reports as likely nominees. | |
6 | 安装程序现在识别标记为RAID逻辑卷的分区,现在可以配置它们。 | The installer now recognizes the partitions flagged as RAID volumes and can now configure them. | |
7 | 比较难以纠正的是另一个被经合组织经常强调的不足点:教育和技能。 | What will be harder to put right is another deficiency regularly flagged up by the OECD: education and skills. | |
8 | 除了数值之外,逗号也被标记为一个分组分隔符,百分号被标记为一个百分数。 | Besides the numbers, the comma is also flagged as a grouping separator and the percent sign is flagged as a percent. | |
9 | 但奇怪的是,到现在政府仍未给出有关于这些其他的重要措施的存在和具体轮廓的明确信息。 | Still, it’s odd that the presence and general contours of these other important elements have not yet been clearly flagged . | |
10 | 但是没有将该行代码作为问题标记出,并且进行部署时没有出现错误。 | yet the line is not flagged as a problem, and deployment occurs without error. | |
11 | 当得知我有那么多有用的邮件被标记为垃圾,Postini总裁斯科特•佩特里(ScottPetry)看起来十分惊讶。 | Postini President Scott Petry seemed surprised that so much of my good mail was being flagged as spam. | |
12 | 当检查从右到左文本时,会忽略英语词汇,并且不标记为拼写错误。 | When right-to-left text is checked, English words are ignored and not flagged as misspelled. | |
13 | 当信号旗使火车停下来,这两个人把他扔进行李厢时,他已神志不清了。 | But his strength ebbed, his eyes glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was flagged and the two men threw him into the baggage car. | |
14 | 当政府首次表示有意对该公司实行私有化之时,其所持股份的价值逾300亿澳元。 | When the government first flagged its intention to privatise the company, its stake was worth more than A$30bn. | |
15 | 对于Windows和个人电脑芯片的需求虽然在全球经济衰退时萎缩,但现在已经恢复。 | Demand for Windows and PC chips, which flagged during the global recession, has recovered. | |
16 | 福格蒂失血严重,他被放在船上送往医院。 | Bleeding heavily, he flagged down a boat and was taken to hospital. | |
17 | 官方采购经理人指数(PMI)显示疲弱,它表明11月份工厂的经营活动从10月份开始收缩。 | The weakness was flagged by the official purchasing managers’ index (PMI), which showed factory activity in November shrank from October. | |
18 | 广告商不会希望他们的产品悬在下流的或让人不安的东西旁边。 | Advertisers would not want their products flagged alongside anything off-colour or embarrassing. | |
19 | 基线的工作区会如此标记,并且成为只读的,所以它不能再被编辑了。 | The baselined Workspace is flagged as such and becomes read-only, so it can no longer be modified. | |
20 | 即将离任的美国五角大楼亚洲事务高级官员理查德•劳利斯(RichardLawless)上周五表示,美国政府已就这一问题向中国政府打过招呼。 | Richard Lawless, the departing senior Pentagon official for Asia, on Friday said that Washington had flagged the issue with Beijing. | |
21 | 将在错误代码行旁边使用带“X”的红色圆圈对错误进行标记。 | Errors are flagged by a red circle with an "X" that appears beside the line with the error. | |
22 | 今年一月索马里海盗劫持了一艘装满石油的希腊油轮,并以550万-700万美元的赎金数目打破记录。 | Pirates got the largest ransom on record for a Greek-flagged oil tanker in January, a payout of between $5. 5 to $7 million. | |
23 | 可将任务、约会和带标记的电子邮件放在一个位置的待办事项栏。 | A To-Do Bar that brings together tasks, appointments, and flagged e-mail messages in one place. | |
24 | 例如,如果一个图表或图形偏移了中心位置,这不会被IBMCognosUpgradeManager标记为差异。 | For example, if a chart or graph for were shift off center, that may not be flagged as a difference by IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager. | |
25 | 每当您检查文件的拼写时,您都可以选择将标记为拼写错误的单词添加到自定义词典。 | Whenever you check the spelling of a file, you have an option to add a word flagged as a misspelling to a custom dictionary. | |
26 | 美国政府已出台了一些相应政策。 | Some policies have already been flagged . | |
27 | 密特朗不时对贝聿明的解说加以补充,确保我们不漏过任何地方,从头至尾,他一直精力充沛。 | Mitterrand’s energy never flagged as he supplemented Pei’s narrative to make sure we didn’t miss anything. | |
28 | 欧盟反海盗部队说,海盗星期二在坦桑尼亚海岸外袭击了一艘悬挂法国旗的船只,但没能将其劫持。 | The European Union’s anti-piracy force says pirates attacked but failed to hijack a French-flagged ship off the coast of Tanzania Tuesday. | |
29 | 启动并监视不超过一天中系统标记问题,并按其原义支付本身不超过24小时内。 | Up and monitoring in less than a day, the system flagged a problem and literally paid for itself in less than 24 hours. | |
30 | 迄今为止,它可一直是抵御风险的英雄:在市场低迷时逆市上扬,反之亦然。 | Hitherto it was the anti-risk hero: when animal spirits flagged the yen rallied and vice versa. |