属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国商业 由外到内
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-学术出版 同行评审机制
1 | 我们真正要做的是对准敌人的旗舰开炮。 | What we did want was to ease off our guns at the enemy flagship . | |
2 | 五宗异常血腥的谋杀案会使任何社区惶惶不安;可是盖恩斯维尔是佛罗里达大学的所在地,而该校又是佛州州立大学系统中的旗舰,也是好追逐欢乐及为足球疯狂的大学生趋之苦鹜的圣地。 | Five spectacularly gory murders would put any community on edge.But Gainesville is the home of the University of Florida,flagship of the state university system and a mecca for fun-loving,football-crazy undergraduates. | |
3 | 向国内的大型工业集团展开大规模调查 | launched a broad-ranging investigation into the country’s flagship industrial groups | |
4 | 宣布旗舰公司盈利大跌 | announced a big drop in profits of his flagship companies | |
5 | 研发国际化与地主国区位优势:旗舰级跨国企业在两岸研发中心之比较 | Host Countries: A Comparison of Flagship MNCs’ R&D across the Taiwan Strait | |
6 | 以外贸企业为龙头 | with foreign trade companies as the locomotive; with foreign trade enterprises as the flagship | |
7 | 在长春举行的第四届中国(长春)国际汽车博览会上,LEXUS雷克萨斯展出了其旗舰型LS430。 | At the 4th China Changchun International Automobile Fair, Lexus showcased its LS 430 flagship sedan. | |
8 | 在舰上悬挂海军将官旗帜的舰只;旗舰 | A ship carrying the flag of an admiral; a flagship . | |
9 | 在上海科技博物馆的外面,客人们受到了BMW车队的问候,那些闪熠光芒的汽车让人过目难忘,而BMW 7系旗舰车的加入,则让整个车队更显完美。 | Outside the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, guests were greeted by a fleet of glimmering BMW′s, impressive and dazzlingly lit but incomplete without the flagship automobile, the BMW 7 Series. | |
10 | 在上海科技博物馆的外面,客人们受到了宝马车队的问候。那些闪熠光芒的汽车让人过目难忘,而宝马7系旗舰车的加入,则让整个车队更显完美。 | Outside the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, guests were greeted by a fleet of glimmering BMW′s, impressive and dazzlingly lit but incomplete without the flagship automobile, the BMW 7 Series. | |
11 | 在亚洲区建立的旗舰零售连锁店包括屈臣氏个人护理商店、百佳超级市场与丰泽电器,联同机场零售业务与洋酒零售连锁店,屈臣氏集团于亚洲区共经营超过一千二百家商店。 | In asia, its flagship retail chains are: Watsons Your Personal Store, PaRKnSHOP supermarket and Fortress electrical appliance stores. Combined with its airport duty free and fine wine outlets, a.S. Watson has over 1,200 stores in asia. | |
12 | 这艘大帆船就是帝国大舰队的皇家旗舰"瓦萨"号. | This was the Vasa, royal flagship of the great imperial fleet. | |
13 | 政府声称公民宪章是它提高公益服务部门水平的最佳政策。 | The Citizens’ Charter is claimed by the government to be its flagship policy for raising standards in the public services | |
14 | 重新设计的LS430旗舰房车在北美国际汽车展上首次登台亮相,LEXUS IS300在洛杉矶汽车展上隆重登场 | The redesigned LS430 flagship sedan debuts at the North American International Auto Show The LEXUS IS300 debuts at the Los Angeles Auto Show. | |
15 | 卓越的V8汽油发动机是BMW 5系发动机中的旗舰产品,功率达到245千瓦(333马力)。 | The masterful petrol V8 is the flagship of the 5 Series engines, delivering 245 kW (333 bhp). | |
16 | 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯倍受欢迎的旗舰豪华轿车,LS430已成为顶级豪华轿车中的有力竞争者。 | As Lexus′ popular flagship vehicle, the LS430 has become a strong contender in the luxury executive sedan segment. | |
17 | 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯的旗舰产品,LS430当之无愧为世界上最宁静的豪华车之一。 | A flagship Lexus product, LS430, is surely one of the quietest luxury vehicles in the world, reducing wind noise to unprecedented low levels. | |
18 | 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯最受欢迎的旗舰产品,LS430当之无愧为世界上最宁静的豪华车之一。 | As the most popular Lexus flagship , LS430 fully deserves one of quietest luxury sedans in the world. | |
19 | 作为雷克萨斯的旗舰车型, LS430具有澎湃的动力和高贵的气质 , 现代轿车所具有的超凡设计理念。 | Lexus designed its flagship model, the LS430 with immense power and majestic presence reflects the very best of modern automotive design. | |
20 | ||1:巨变即将来临。||2:当其旗舰企业走向国际的时候法国商业环境就已变化。||3:其中一些企业现在还是由外国人经营的,例如Sanofi,这家制药业巨头有一个德国的首席执行官,这是非法籍人士的首次担任公司最高层。||4:其他的一些公司也开始雇佣外籍人员作为公司高管:Essilor,矫正视力业内的领头羊,大体上已经处于特克萨斯州的监管下了。||5:并且外国的投资者带着盎格鲁-撒克逊的法人管理期望值,大约拥有这家最大公司一半的一半份额,从CAC-40指数来看。 | ||1:More shaking-up is on the cards.||2:France’s business climate is changing as its flagship companies go global.||3:Some are now run by foreigners—for example, Sanofi, a pharmaceuticals giant with a German chief executive, its first non-French boss.||4:Others have shifted senior management overseas: Essilor, the world leader in corrective lenses, is mainly overseen from Texas these days.||5:And foreign investors, with their Anglo-Saxon expectations of corporate governance, own around half the shares of the biggest firms, the CAC-40. | |
21 | ||1:然而,曾在微软和谷歌工作过的小米联合创始人林斌表示,我们从没有跟苹果对比,我们更像是亚马逊。||2:苹果的iPhone5在中国的售价约为860美元,是行业中利润率最高的手机。||3:小米提供的手机接近成本,新旗舰米3售价为2000元(330美元)。||4:小米通过线上商店直接卖给消费者,而不是通过网络运营商或零售商店,这也压低了价格。||5:最重要的是,它的业务依赖于将服务卖给用户,就像亚马逊提供低价的kindle阅读器,通过卖电子书赚钱。||6:林先生表示,这个想法是通过用户对手机的使用赚取利润,而不是通过硬件销售。 | ||1:Yet “we have never compared ourselves to Apple—we are more like Amazon,” says Lin Bin, Xiaomi’s co-founder, who once worked for the Chinese arms of Microsoft and Google.||2:Apple sells its iPhone 5 for around $860 in China and has the industry’s highest margins.||3:Xiaomi offers its handsets at or near cost: the Mi-3, its new flagship , costs 2,000 yuan ($330).||4:Xiaomi sells direct to customers online, rather than via network operators or retail stores, which also keeps prices down.||5:Crucially, its business depends on selling services to its users, just as Amazon provides its Kindle readers at low prices and makes its money on the sale of e-books.||6:The idea is to make a profit from customers as they use the handset, rather than from the sale of the hardware, says Mr Lin. | |
22 | BMC的重点期刊《基因生物学》,文章接收率只有10%,该期刊 40%的比较不错但却单调的被拒文章会转投给比它名气稍小的子期刊,这些文章都附有评审报告,出版中心的总经理马修·柯克里尔说到。 | Genome Biology, BMC’s flagship journal, which accepts just one paper in ten, passes 40% of the sound but humdrum sort it spurns to its less prestigious sister publications with reviews attached, says Matthew Cockerill, the group’s managing director. | |
23 | Eike Batista陷入最新风波,今年早些时候他的油矿公司爆发内讧,使其丢掉了巴西首富的头衔,而现在一群不满的投资者则指控他进行内幕交易。巴西股市的监管者开始对Batista的旗舰公司巴西油气公司展开13项调查。 | In the latest blow to Eike Batista, who lost the title of Brazil’s richest man earlier this year following the implosion of his oil and mining empire, a group of disgruntled investors accused him of insider trading. Brazil’s stockmarket regulator is already pursuing 13 other inquiries into OGX, Mr Batista’s flagship company. | |
24 | 华盛顿邮报公司宣布将其旗舰报纸及其他几项出版物以2.5亿美元的价格卖给亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯。同时,纽约时报公司也同意将波士顿环球报卖给另一个亿万富翁约翰·亨利。交易价格为7000万美元,是其1993年以11亿美元购买该报纸价格的零头。 | The Washington Post Company announced it will sell its flagship newspaper (and a few other titles) to Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, for $250m. The New York Times Company, meanwhile, agreed to sell the Boston Globe to John Henry, another billionaire, for $70m, a fraction of the $1.1 billion it paid in 1993. | |
25 | ‘免费’学校计划是政府政策中的一项重要内容。 | The free-school programme is a flagship policy for the government. | |
26 | “彩虹勇士号”是一艘破旧的北海拖钓船,作为“绿色和平”的旗舰船而焕发了新的生命。 | The Rainbow Warrior is an old North Sea trawler which has found a new life as the flagship campaign vehicle for Greenpeace. | |
27 | “对于大多数人来说,他们所谓的旗舰店,仅仅是为了品牌而非赚钱,”Johnson说。 | "For most people, what they call flagship stores, it’s just for the brand and doesn’t make money, " said Johnson. | |
28 | 1976年,美国国税局在哈伯德那艘320英尺长的旗舰阿波罗号上发现了800万美元现金。 | In 1976 the IRS turned up $2. 86 million in cash aboard Hubbard’s 320-foot flagship Apollo. | |
29 | 1月2日,他旗下的博彩旗舰产业澳门博彩股份有限公司(SociedadedeJogosdeMacau)宣布,将拆掉葡京(Lisboa)赌场酒店。 | On January 2 his gaming flagship , Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, announced that it would tear down the Lisboa hotel and casino. | |
30 | 2007年,该公司由创始人菲利普•理查兹(PhilipRichards)管理的旗舰基金由于市场崩盘而损失了80%的净值。 | In 2007 the firm’s flagship fund, run by founder Philip Richards, lost 80 per cent of its value as a result of the market crash. |