属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-企业使命 复写本
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-缅甸IT业 仰光的数字之春
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术与中东 卡塔尔的艺术女王
1 | 但是,随着双缸M2 B5箱式发动机的生产,BMW的前景得到了很大改观。 | However, the outlook for the fledgling company brightens up with the development of the two-cylinder M 2 B 15 Boxer engine | |
2 | 当时羽翼未丰的广播网络NBC在1931年耗资12万美元(合97.2万人民币)开办一季直播节目的提议不可抗拒。 | The fledgling radio network NBC’s 1931 offer of $ US 120,000 (RMB 972,000)for a season of live broadcasts was irresistible | |
3 | 到487年,首席执行官的权力实际上相当于一个主席的权力,雅典的民主制度犹如经受了战争的洗礼的雏鹰,就要展翅飞翔 | By 487 the power of the archon had virtually become that of a chairman .The fledgling democracy was ready to spread its wings and its flight was assured by was | |
4 | 到了第二年一月份,又有3个“节点”加入到这个初具雏形的网络系统中。 | By January, three other "nodes" joined the fledgling network. | |
5 | 发展新兴工业的重点应放在信息技术、现代生物工程、新型能源、激光和海洋开发等领域。 | The development of fledgling industry should be centred on information technology, modem biological engineering, new energies, laser and marine exploration. | |
6 | 飞机作这样的急速下降本来是会使缺乏经验的人眼前发黑的。 | A steep descent in an airplane like this would have blacked out a fledgling . | |
7 | 经济衰退中精心料理刚起步的生意 | Nursed the fledgling business through an economic downturn. | |
8 | 嘶酸雏雁失群夜,断绝胡儿恋母声。 | A wildgoose fledgling , left behind, cries for its flock, And a Tartar child for the mother he loves. | |
9 | 他是个初出茅庐的作家。 | He is a fledgling writer. | |
10 | 为一个刚起步的商业机构提供基础资金 | Provided seed capital for a fledgling business. | |
11 | 新学徒;滑雪新手 | A fledgling enterprise;a fledgling skier. | |
12 | 在母亲的鼓励下,欧宝兄弟下决心进军方兴未艾的汽车制造业并于1899年生产出了他们的第一辆汽车。 | With the encouragement of their mother, the Opel brothers decided to move into the fledgling automobile industry and would produce their first motorcars in 1899. | |
13 | ||1:“在这个国度的每个角落里,每个缝隙间,都蕴藏着疯狂惊人的新建公司创业事迹。||2:”斯科特凯斯说道。他是非盈利性新创企业美国合伙人公司的老板,这意味着他帮助刚刚起步的企业家们融通私营企业资金,并进行相关指导。||3:(其中的)理念在于,当这些年轻的公司逐步成长,它们将提供许多工作(新工作岗位,好工作岗位)以及丰富整个社会的相关经济活动。||4:新创公司中有一些甚至成了“羚羊”,这些公司的成长是跨越式的。 | ||1:“There are crazy awesome start-ups happening in every nook and cranny in this country,” says Scott Case, the man in question.||2:He is the boss of the non-profit Start-up America Partnership, which means to help fledgling entrepreneurs by smoothing their access to private-sector money and mentoring.||3:The idea is that as these young companies grow, they will create jobs—new jobs, good jobs—and related economic activity that enriches the entire community.||4:Some of the start-ups may even be “gazelles”, companies that grow by leaps and bounds. | |
14 | ||1:德米特里·杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills. ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential—and intolerable—threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
15 | 澳大利亚的新任政府正在遏止该国羽翼未丰的市场。 | Australia’snew government is killing off that country’s fledgling market. | |
16 | 毫不例外,当局明显愿意培养一个刚刚起步的IT信息部门。 | Its apparent willingness to nurture a fledgling IT sector is no exception. | |
17 | 与此同时,Sheikh Saud的大哥Sheikh Hassan,正在收购20世纪的阿拉伯绘画作品。由于它们的作者都是在欧洲训练出身,所以在Mathaf(教育城里面的一座现代艺术博物馆的6000件隐约有种一脉相承之感)。对于一个新兴国家来说这些绘画作品就同历史记载一般重要。 | At the same time Sheikh Saud’s older brother, Sheikh Hassan, was buying 20th-century Arabic painting. Many of the artists were trained in Europe and the 6,000-piece collection at Mathaf, a modern-art museum in Education City, has a derivative feel. For a fledgling nation the paintings are important as an historical record. | |
18 | 《Thriller》受到了当时仍羽翼未丰的音乐电视频道MTV——1981年成立——的狂热推崇。 | "Thriller" was enthusiastically adopted by the then fledgling music television channel MTV, which launched in 1981. | |
19 | 2005年刚成立的电子商务公司Elayaway.com坚信,在衰退日益加深之际,分期预付会得到普及。 | One fledgling e-commerce company is betting that layaway will gain in popularity amid a deepening recession. | |
20 | 20世纪20年代,杨尚昆同其他人一道加入了当时还羽翼未丰的共产党,并在20世纪30年代中期严酷的长征中幸存下来。 | Mr Yang and the others joined the fledgling Communist Party in the 1920s, and survived the rigours of the Long March in the mid-1930s. | |
21 | Gutenberg活字印刷术不仅仅打打开了学者们和新闻业者的世界。 | Gutenberg didn’t only open the world for scholars and fledgling reporters. | |
22 | Trolltech对LIPS的变节,预示着在初出茅庐的Linux手机市场,将引起一场激烈的竞争。 | Trolltech’s change of heart is indicative of the heated competition in the fledgling market for Linux mobile phones. | |
23 | 比如,投行部门能给他们提供机会,投资于初创公司或私人股本公司。 | The latter can offer opportunities to invest in fledgling companies or private equity, for example. | |
24 | 不过这一时期的教会毕竟羽毛未丰,还依附于王权。 | But this period of the Church, after all, fledgling , also attached to the monarchy. | |
25 | 朝鲜半岛分裂后,韩国新组建的政府转向独裁统治,于是金大中开始参与政治。 | After the peninsula was divided and South Korea’s fledgling government veered towards authoritarianism, he became involved in politics. | |
26 | 初出茅庐的,无经验的 | fledgling : young, new, or inexperienced | |
27 | 初出茅庐的人;无经验的组织;新体系 | fledgling : a person, an organization or a system that is new and without experience | |
28 | 但卡塔尔同意代表反对派出售石油的协议,使得初出茅庐的利比亚政府能够筹集贷款和收入。 | But Qatar’s agreement to sell oil on the rebels’ behalf has let the fledgling Libyan government raise loans and revenues. | |
29 | 当兰世立今年3月失踪时,他一手创办的、刚刚起步的民营航空公司——东星航空(EastStarAirlines)的命运基本上就已注定。 | When Lan Shili disappeared in March this year the fate of East Star Airlines, his fledgling privately owned carrier, was all but sealed. | |
30 | 当前甚至初步形成了一个明确以拖欠抵押贷款为后盾的债券市场。 | There is even a fledgling market in bonds explicitly backed by delinquent mortgages. |