1 | (二)谈判签订新的民用航空运输协定,为在香港特别行政区注册并以香港为主要营业地的航空公司提供航线,以及过境和技术停降权利; | (2)negotiate and conclude new air service agreements providing routes for airlines incorporated in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and having their principal place of business in Hong Kong and providing rights for over-flights and technical stops; | |
2 | 。执乘上述两条航线的是四川航空股份有限公司,该公司将投入载客量为160多座的A320型“空中客车”运行上述航线。执行时间为每月尾数是1、3、5、7的日子。 | Sichuan Airlines will be responsible for air transport on the two lines with its A320 airplanes, each having a capacity for more than 160 passengers. Scheduled flights for the lines will be offered on such dates that end with 1, 3, 5 and 7. | |
3 | 1961年4月12日,苏联宇航员加加林乘坐东方一号航天船绕地球一周,谱写了人类载人航天发展的首页。 | In April 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin marked the first chapter in manned space flights in human history by becoming the first man to orbit the Earth for seven days | |
4 | 5点30分自丹佛来的班机准时吗 | Are the five-thirty flights from Denver on time? | |
5 | steps通常为石料或混凝土制成的,建于户外或非住房型的建筑物中. | (Flights of)steps are usually made of stone or concrete and found outside or in an uninhabited building.(flights of) | |
6 | 把精力集中于无人飞行是否更好? | Wouldn’t it be better to concentrate on unmanned flights ? | |
7 | 本周有几百万游客登上假日航班,他们当中有些人将乘坐刚刚装配完毕、崭新的喷气客机 | As millions of air travelers embark on holiday flights this week, some of them will be flying on jetliners fresh off the assembly line | |
8 | 别让这个自高自大的家伙惹我生气,不过在替我订票的时候,要订他飞的班次。 | Keep that bumptious bastard out of my hair, but book me on his flights | |
9 | 波音777预定1994年试飞,预期1995年才交付使用。 | Boeing’s 777 is scheduled for test flights in 1994 and expects to board its first passengers in 1995 | |
10 | 乘客同意是次航行象征两岸进一步融合。 | Passengers agreed that the flights represented growing integration between the mainland and the island. | |
11 | 持联程客票搭乘国际航班直接过境,在中国停留不超过二十四小时不出机场的外国人,免办签证。要求临时离开机场的,需经防检查机关批准。 | Visas are not required for aliens in immediate transit on connected international flights who hold passenger tickets and stay for no more than 24 hours in China entirely within airport boundaries. Anyone desiring to leave the airport temporarily must obtain permission from the frontier inspection office. | |
12 | 从最早的人力飞行以来,飞机机体的设计要求不断地改进工艺质量标准。 | Since the earliest man-powered flights , airframe design has demanded an ever-improving standard of technology | |
13 | 错层式住宅。错层式住宅有两层或更多层,各层次之问靠半段楼梯隔开。厨房和家庭娱乐室在1层,起居室在第2层,卧室在第3层。 | Split-Level House. The split-level house has two or more levels, separated from each other by half flights of steps. The kitchen and family room may be on one level, the living room on a second level, and the bedrooms on a third level. | |
14 | 大雾将飞机的班次搅乱了. | Flights have been dislocated by thefog. | |
15 | 但是,人们现在已经具备了研制一种完全可以重复使用,外观像飞机的火箭样机技术,其研制费用仅相当于航天飞机进行两次宇宙飞行(大约10亿美元)。 | But the technology already exists for a prototype of a fully reusable, aeroplane-like launcher, and its development costs need only be equivalent to about two space shuttle flights (about $1,000 million) | |
16 | 但是萨达姆政权倒台一年多以来,只有一对包机使用了这个机场。即使是民用飞机在着陆时也采用躲闪策略避免地对空导弹的袭击。 | But more than a year after the fall of Saddam, only a couple charter flights use the airport. And even the civilian planes use evasive tactics to avoid surface-to-air missiles when landing. | |
17 | 当然,任何人不可以无根据地胡思乱想,不可以超越客观情况所许可的条件去计划自己的行动,不要勉强地去做那些实在做不到的事情。 | Of course, no one should disregard reality and indulge in flights of fancy, or make plans of action unwarranted by the objective situation, or reach out for the impossible | |
18 | 第八条 外国人持有联程客票并已定妥联程座位搭乘国际航班从中国直接过境,在过境城市停留不超过 24 小时,不出机场的,免办过境签证;要求离开机场的,须向边防检查站申请办理停留许可手续。 | Article 8 Transit visas are not required for those aliens who are in immediate transit through China on continued international flights , who hold connecting flight tickets and have seats booked and who stay for not more than 24 hours within the airport of the in-transit city. Aliens wishing to leave the airport shall apply to the border check-posts for stop-over permits. | |
19 | 多见于房屋或其他供人居住或工作的建筑物(如办公楼)中 | (Flights of)stairs are mostly found inside houses or other buildings where people live or work(eg an office block)(flights of)stairs | |
20 | 飞往哥本哈根有多少航班。 | How many flights are there to Copenhagen? | |
21 | 飞往纽约的班次有多少? | How many flights bound for New York? | |
22 | 飞往香港的都是直达班机吗? | Are the flights to Hong Kong non-stop? | |
23 | 飞往芝加哥的都是直达班机吗 | Are the flights to Chicago non-stop? | |
24 | 该公司数十年间生意兴隆,并增加了加勒比海及南美洲的航线。 | It flourished for several decades, adding flights to the Caribbean and South America. | |
25 | 甘达尔位于加拿大纽芬兰东北部的一座城市,在第二次世界大战它的机场具有重要的战略性,并且被长期作为穿越大西洋飞行的燃料供给站。人口10, | A town of northeast Newfoundland,Canada.Its airport was strategically important during World War II and was long used as a refueling stop for transatlantic flights .Population,10,404. | |
26 | 宫殿台阶上升的坡度不大。 | The steps of the palace rise in easy flights . | |
27 | 国际列车和民航国际航班乘务人员、国境铁路工作人员的出境、入境,按照协议和有关规定执行。 | The exit and entry of crews of transnational trains, crews of civil aviation planes operating international flights and the railway functionaries working in China’s Border areas shall be handled according to relevant agreements and provisions. | |
28 | 国庆期间,江北机场每天日平均提供往返座位数将达到2.5万个,10月1号和7号的航班总量将分别达到230架次,再创历史新高。 | the Airport will have to provide an average of 25,000 plane seats every day. The number of scheduled flights is expected to reach 230 on October 1 and 7 respectively to hit a record high. | |
29 | 海峡两岸城市间的直接通航 | direct flights between cities on each side of the Taiwan Strait | |
30 | 很多支持航天计划目标的人也在考虑载人飞行是否有道理 | Many people who support the objectives of the space pro-gram still wonder whether manned space flights are justified |