属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 61
1 | 于是他指示邦迪开始进行低空摄影飞行,并召集高级官员开会。 | He then directed Bundy to institute low-level photographic flights and to set up a meeting of top officials | |
2 | 在飞往远方行星的未来航行中,将必须具备这种能力。 | The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets. | |
3 | 在她眼里他的看法似乎太天真,尽管自己也常因他一套套大胆的理解而激动。他的运行轨道远在星河之间,是她无法跟随的。她只能为他那出人意外的冲撞所震撼。然后她便为他弹奏钢琴。 | His conceptions seemed naive to her, though she was often fired by his daring flights of comprehension, whose orbit-path was so wide among the stars that she could not follow and could only sit and thrill to the impact of unguessed power | |
4 | 在上空滞留的飞机没有减少之前,空中交通指挥塔台已命令往外飞的客机继续推迟起飞时间。 | But until the backlog of flights in the air could be reduced, ATC had ordered further delays of outbound traffic | |
5 | 在正常情况下,他是个尊重事实,讲究实际的人,一般不想入非非,或作离奇的设想。 | Normally, he was a factual and realistic person, rarely given to flights of fancy or contemplations of melodrama | |
6 | 早上还有几次航班,但是我们认为你更喜欢下午的航班。 | There are flights available in the morning, But we presume you would prefer an afternoon flight. | |
7 | 这家旅游公司专营包机业务。 | This travel firm specializes in charter flights . | |
8 | 这项特快专递业务是从寄件人手中收寄特快专递邮件后,按事先预定的航班发运,途中运输紧密衔接,到寄达邮局后由专门人员立即投送收件人。 | By this postal service, express delivery mail from the addresser shall be transported with schedule flights , through closely-link transport means on the way, to the post office at the destination, where it is immediately delivered to the addressee by hand. | |
9 | 这种分割到秒的记时并不总是有规律的。总之,绝大多数的飞行婚礼开始时间在一个确定的时间段里。 | This split-second timing is not always the rule. However, most flights take place within a definite period of time. | |
10 | 中心辐射(Hub-and-spoke)表示一种典型的美国空中客运模式:乘客在大型的中心机场(hub)之间被运送,然后再转机前往靠近目的地的支线机场。 | Hub-and-spoke refers to the typically US model of passengers being processed through large "hub" airports and then on to secondary flights to "spoke" airports near their final destination. |