属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-利特维年科案的调查 扑朔迷离的谋杀案
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 欧洲中央银行将停发500欧元大钞 意大利大众
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-卷烟工业 强弩之末
1 | 这场剧失败了。 | The play flopped . | |
2 | 这新剧演出失败,因演员不熟悉自己的台词. | The new play flopped because the actors didn`t know their parts properly. | |
3 | 祖母穿着一双旧拖鞋啪嗒啪嗒地走路。 | Grandmother flopped about in a pair of old slippers | |
4 | 作为一名舞台演员她失败了。 | She flopped as a stage actress. | |
5 | ||1:美国翘首以盼房屋市场复苏等得脖子都长了。||2:房屋市场把最后的一点力量贡献给了2005年的经济增长,随后,房屋建造业的就业率就下降了43%。||3:政府在拯救房屋市场的努力也懈怠了,好在耐用品市场最终显示出好转迹象。||4:2月份房屋建造业协会的建设者信心指数迎来连续第5个月增长,达到了2007年5月份以来的最高水平(见图表)。||5:1月份二手房销售比去年12月份上涨了4.3%,未售房产库存量也有所下降。||6:今年1月份,待售房屋数量下降21%稍稍多于半年的房屋供应量——一个“正常”水平。 | ||1:THE reanimation of America’s housing market has been a long time coming.||2:Residential building last contributed positively to growth in 2005.||3:Housing-construction employment has dropped 43% since then.||4:Government efforts to resuscitate the market have flopped .||5:Yet tantalising signs of a durable recovery are emerging at last.||6:The National Association of Home Builders’ index of builder confidence rose for a fifth consecutive month in February, to its highest level since May 2007 (see chart). | |
6 | ||1:为了让英国政府公开调查此案件,利特维年科的遗孀玛丽娜在资金不足的情况下坚持四处奔走,不卑不亢。||2:政府当局以未指明的国家安全为理由对其加以阻挠。||3:但是,2014年6月份,由于英俄关系不断僵化,英国政府对此事的态度突然好转,并于本周开始展开调查。||4:利特维年科夫人的律师提到伦敦街道发生的“核恐怖主义行为”。 | ||1:Mr Litvinenko’s widow Marina has fought a dogged, dignified and cash-strapped battle for a public inquiry into the case.||2:The government blocked this, citing unspecified national-security concerns.||3:But it flip-flopped in July 2014 as Britain’s relations with Russia iced over.The inquiry began this week.||4:Mrs Litvinenko’s lawyer spoke of an “act of nuclear terrorism” on London’s streets. | |
7 | 意大利大众银行(Banca Popolare di Vicenza)股票发行计划以失败告终。作为意大利第十大银行,意大利大众银行试图通过出售股份进行筹资,以满足欧洲管理者们的要求,但鲜有投资者对此感兴趣,使得其他意大利金融公司不得不成立银行救助基金,确保整支股票得以承销发行。 | A share issue by Banca Popolare di Vicenza flopped . Italy’s tenth-largest bank had tried to raise capital to satisfy European regulators through a share sale, but few investors were interested, leaving a bank-rescue fund created by other Italian financial firms to underwrite the whole issue. | |
8 | 有不少公司贸然将游戏元素与已有的内容乏味的网站勉强结合在一起,但这些尝试均以失败告终。 | Plenty of firms have flopped by trying to bolt a gaming element unconvincingly onto a boring pre-existing website. | |
9 | 早期为了使烟民们使用加热烟草的努力都以失败告终,因而不能保证PMI公司的这一思路能得以实现。 | Earlier efforts to hook smokers on heated tobacco flopped , so there is no assurance that PMI’s versions will succeed. | |
10 | “他们此前的含糊其词是一个耻辱,曾有传言称,他不会出席听证会。” | "It’s a shame they flip-flopped , and there was talk that he wouldn’t appear. " | |
11 | 2010年,有几部3D电影票房惨淡。 | Several 3D films flopped at the box office in 2010. | |
12 | 本周,德国政府债券的拍卖也以失败而告终。 | And this week, an auction of German government Bunds flopped . | |
13 | 长长的卷发耷拉下来,盖住了眉毛,他不时地用手背把它们推到一边。 | His wavy hair was too long and flopped just beneath his brow. He brushed it away with the back of his hand. | |
14 | 尝试可再生能源工业的举措已告失败。 | Attempts to get a renewable-energy industry going have flopped . | |
15 | 但生意失败,两个月后就关门了。 | But the business flopped and shut after two months. | |
16 | 但是,上述情形是直到克林顿的医疗改革等大规模计划泡汤,共和党夺回国会控制权后才出现的。 | But that only came after Mr Clinton’s big initiatives such as healthcare reform had flopped and the Republicans recaptured Congress. | |
17 | 但我们知道,生命最初始于海洋,从第一个奇特的生命体从海洋中冒出来,在空气中呼吸,在类似这里的海滨上呼吸。 | Yet we know that life came out of the sea, as the first peculiar living forms flopped out, and gasped in air, on such a beach as this. | |
18 | 当一家媒体不怀好意地问到税收增加是否会促进就业和经济增长时,菅直人先生的回答却模棱两可,简直一派前任鸠山的作风。 | And when a hostile media asked what effect more taxes would have on jobs and growth, Mr Kan flipped and flopped , Hatoyama-style. | |
19 | 第二,民主党失败的原因在于支持更优治理和亲市场增长的候选人们表现得尤为出色。 | Second, the DPJ flopped mainly because candidates backing better government and pro-market growth did especially well. | |
20 | 对于拉美马克思主义者发展出的比结构主义更加激进的依赖理论,他的态度摇摆也不定。 | He flip-flopped on dependency theory, a more radical version of structuralism developed by Latin American Marxists. | |
21 | 过去几年的全国性大罢工都以失败告终,害怕镇压也是民众不愿罢工的原因之一。 | Fear of repression also deterred mass action; all general strikes in the past few years have flopped . | |
22 | 过去将衍生产品在交易所交易的尝试都失败了。 | Past attempts to trade credit derivatives on bourses have flopped . | |
23 | 几乎完全失去了群众的支持,古巴游击队最后彻底失败。 | Almost entirely bereft of popular support, the guerrilla campaign flopped . | |
24 | 尽管该计划以失败告终,但没有人怀疑巴菲特和贾殷敏锐的商业嗅觉。 | The plan flopped , but few doubt that Mr Buffett and Mr Jain have a sharp commercial nose. | |
25 | 就在那时,一个男孩突然噗地一声合脸倒在沙滩上,队伍一下子乱了套。 | Then one of the boys flopped on his face in the sand and the line broke up. | |
26 | 苹果公司在2007年第一次投产苹果电视,以完全失败告终。 | Apple first launched Apple TV in 2007, when it basically flopped . | |
27 | 人们在互联网初期就做过这种智能家用冰箱,不过都失败了。 | This type of ’smart home’ fridge has actually been attempted before, in the dot com era, and flopped . | |
28 | 荣威550的前身、从英伦品牌衍生而来的荣威750基本上已经失败。 | The 550’s derivative predecessor, the Roewe 750, largely flopped . | |
29 | 上周砰然下挫的中外运(SinotransShipping)上市时的市盈率大约是同类企业的两倍。 | Sinotrans Shipping, which flopped last week, was listed on a multiple roughly double that of its peers. | |
30 | 他大大咧咧地坐到我对面的椅子上,开始畅谈起来。 | He flopped into a chair opposite me, and began to talk quite openly. |