1 | (1)折叠机,(2)折叠传单,(3)档案夹:(1)把单张纸或卷筒纸折一次或多次的机械装置。它可以是印刷机整体的一部分:也可是独立单位。(2)有一折或多折的印刷品。每一折面都可做独立单页处理。 | Folder:(1)A mechanical device for producing one or more folds in a sheet or web.This can be an integral part of the printing machine or a separate unit.(2)A printed piece with one or more folds,each panel of the fold presents a complete page. | |
2 | 阿尔贝看不到伯爵夫人的脸,她的头上已蒙了一张薄薄的面纱,象是有一层云雾笼罩了她的脸。但他觉察出她的声音似乎有些变了。 | Albert could not see the face of the countess, as it was covered with a thin veil she had put on her head, and which fell over her features in misty folds , but it seemed to him as though her voice had altered | |
3 | 按下按钮后,车顶将在10秒之内收折,不会让任何一处多余的凸起破坏整体美感。 | Just press the button and the roof folds away in less than 10 seconds-leaving not even a tonneau cover to spoil the aesthetic perfection. | |
4 | 昂腾(Ortan)最早用“圈闭”一词表示烃类聚集,指出:“石油和天然气向更高的地层运移,并最终在褶皱和背斜的顶部形成圈闭。” | The term "trap" was first applied to a hydrocarbon accumulation by Orton:"... stocks of oil and gas might be trapped in the summits of folds or arches found alone their way to higher ground." | |
5 | 把省道朝选好的方向折叠。 | Fold the dart in the chosen direction, for example A folds to B. | |
6 | 包含在承压岩层内的成层岩石中的褶皱,有两个特点引人特别注意。 | Two features of folds in stratified rocks that contain strut members invite special attention | |
7 | 不一会,从幕布厚重的皱折处,孩子们一个个或一对对联翩而出,台上最后总共出现了十一二个。 | And presently through the thick folds of those curtains children came dancing in, singly, or in pairs, till a whole troop of ten or twelve were assembled. | |
8 | 布置成褶皱状或使成褶皱状垂下. | To arrange or let fall in loose folds | |
9 | 肠系膜任一种将小肠和腹腔后壁联结起来的腹膜,尤指包被着空肠及回肠的这种腹膜 | Any of several folds of the peritoneum that connect the intestines to the dorsal abdominal wall,especially such a fold that envelops the jejunum and ileum. | |
10 | 常常粗略地根据脑表面的褶皱将大脑皮质的灰质分为四叶,有时边缘系统(即边缘叶)被算做第五叶。 | It is divided into four lobes, roughly defined by major surface folds ; sometimes the limbic system, or limbic lobe, is considered to be a fifth lobe. | |
11 | 车座前有个袋子,可用来放杂志,还有一个折叠式的小托盘桌,可用来看书、写字或吃饭。 | In the seat pocket in front can be placed magazines. A little tray table folds down for reading, writing or eating | |
12 | 成年人神经组织的大多数轴突外面都包裹着一层或多层鞘细胞。 | Most axons in adult nerve tissue are ensheathed by single or multiple folds of a sheath cell | |
13 | 成体用肺呼吸,但在头后两侧仍保存幼体阶段的鳃裂。躯干及四肢有许多明显的肉垂以增加表皮面积来透过皮肤呼吸,这是吸入氧气的主要呼吸方式。 | Adults have lungs, but a gill slit persists from the larval stage on each side behind the head. Wrinkled fleshy folds on the body and legs increase surface area for respiration through the skin, the principal mode of oxygen intake. | |
14 | 除了给人专业上的挑战之外,新创企业为了延揽人才,还往往慷慨地给予员工们股票选购权。 | Intellectual challenges aside, it is a common practice for start-ups to offer generous share options to employees in order to attract the right talent into their folds . | |
15 | 窗帘成褶状下垂. | The curtains were hanging in folds . | |
16 | 从近处看,那原是两层绢纱,除嘴和下颏外把五官全都遮住了,不过似乎并没有挡住他的视线,只是把眼前的一切生灵和木石之物都投上了一层阴郁的色彩。 | On a nearer view, it seemed to consist of two folds of crape, which entirely concealed his features, except the mouth and chin, but probably did not intercept his sight, farther than to give a darkened aspect to all living and inanimate things | |
17 | 打折折叠形成小的皱纹或褶皱,比如拉一根线通过一块布 | To draw into small folds or puckers,as by pulling a thread through cloth. | |
18 | 大脑表面凸出褶皱中的一条. | One of the convex folds of the surface of the brain. | |
19 | 当BMW 6系敞篷汽车停泊的时候,顶棚会自动折叠起来,垂直的尾窗也可以独立收缩。 | The top folds down fully automatically when the BMW 6 Series Convertible is stationary, and the vertical rear window can be retracted independently of it. | |
20 | 的确,向导在庇拉吉庙事件中是自愿冒生命危险的,如果以后印度人知道了这件事,他就很难逃出毒手。 | and beneath the silken folds of her tunic she seems to have been modelled in pure silver by the godlike hand of Vicvarcarma, the immortal sculptor.’ | |
21 | 对折起来,方便运输 | Folds in half for ease of transportation | |
22 | 而另一个褶曲向上凹,较新的志留系页岩和砂岩位于弯曲的中心部位,前者被称为背斜,后者则称之为向斜,褶皱核部两侧叫做褶皱的翼部。 | The other is concave upward with younger rocks of Silurian shale and siltstone toward the center of curvature. The former is called anticline and the latter syncline. The sides of the folds are known as limbs | |
23 | 缝合最简单的形式是在织物的直丝绺上由平等折边构成的横褶。 | In its simplest form this consists of parallel folds of fabric stitched into tucks, on the straight grain. | |
24 | 腹膜腹腔壁周围的浆膜,向内折迭以保护内脏 | The serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and folds inward to enclose the viscera. | |
25 | 根据变形力的强度,褶皱可以是平缓的,陡峭的,倒转的,或逆掩的。 | Depending on the intensity of the deforming forces the folds may be gentle, sharp, overturned, or overthrust. | |
26 | 更为特别的是,在理解褶皱、断层和底辟以及它们在石油圈闭过程中的作用时需要物理概念。 | More specially, physical concepts are required to understand folds , faults,and diapirs, and hence their roles in petroleum entrapment. | |
27 | 挂着的打着褶儿的窗帘 | Curtains hanging in folds | |
28 | 裹在大毯子的折层里 | Wrapped in the voluminous folds of a blanket | |
29 | 喉位于咽与气管之间的呼吸道的一部分,管壁由软骨与肌肉组成,内有由粘液状的膜构成的褶页所保护的声带 | The part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea,having walls of cartilage and muscle and containing the vocal cords enveloped in folds of mucous membrane. | |
30 | 后排中央靠背还可以独立折叠或放平以放置长形物件。 | The rear centre seatback also folds down independently to accommodate long objects. |