属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI Z765-1996
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-又一条落网之鱼 Another one in th
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理周刊袭击案 恐怖下的巴黎
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-教育心理学 现在你要知道
1 | 《冒着生命危险讲述新闻故事》用大量特别的片断和图像使我们想起摄影机后面的那些记者。 | With its abundance of extraordinary footage and pictures, Dying to Tell the Story made us remember those behind the cameras | |
2 | 巴特勒采用了拍摄历史新闻的电影胶片,并采访了一些老兵、政治家和(克里的)家庭成员。影片讲述了克里从一名热血沸腾的年轻士兵成长为一位有责任感的反战斗士的经历。 | Relying on archived news footage and interviews with veterans, politicians and family members, Butler tells the story of Kerry’s transformation from eager young soldier to committed anti-war activist. | |
3 | 从电视影片可见,Ahmedabad的救援人员正奋力清理颓垣败瓦,现场亦有小童支离破碎的尸体。 | Television footage showed relief workers struggling to clear rubble from demolished buildings in Ahmedabad, as well as mutilated corpses of children. | |
4 | 单式居住房屋.方形尺码的计算方法 | Single-family residential buildings-Square footage -Method for calculating | |
5 | 高校招生处主任和潜在的雇主会浏览到发酒疯的画面。 | College-admissions deans and potential employers browse bacchanalian footage . | |
6 | 估算新办公室占地的平方尺寸 | estimated the square footage of new office space. | |
7 | 可以从电影资料馆将背景胶片借出。人们用比例模型来进行模型摄影,模拟地震,爆炸及活恐龙等效果。 | The background picture may be stock footage from a film library. Scale model are used to create such effects as earthquakes, explosions, and living dinosaurs. | |
8 | 马丁·莫尔辩称他并不知道所携包裹中有毒品,因此警方不得不用一台"唇语解读机"去翻译莫尔和史第尔的探视室默声谈话录像,以获证据。 | Martin Moore said he did not know there was drug in the package, so police used a lip reader to translate silent video footage of their meetings | |
9 | 萨姆·泰勒·伍德,这位与戴蒙·赫斯特和狄奴斯·查普曼同时代的英国艺术家,把这部录像片称之为一个"可敬的、脆弱的形象"。 | Sam Taylor-Wood, a contemporary of British artists like Damien Hirst and Jake Chapman, called the footage a "reverential and vulnerable image" | |
10 | 他已经为这部电影拍摄了一些早期资料,包括欧洲杯上纽卡斯尔联队以3:0击败西班牙马略卡队的镜头。 | He had already shot some early material for the film, including footage from Newcastle’s 3-0 Uefa Cup win against Spanish side Real Mallorca. | |
11 | 完成井平均钻头进尺 | average bit drilling footage of completed well | |
12 | 完成井钻头平均进尺 | average bit drilling footage of completed well | |
13 | 我们查看了数据和多部摄像机拍下的比赛录像,很显然,这次意外是在连锁反应中发生的。 | We have looked at our data and the footage from various cameras and it′s clear that as is often the case with accidents several things happened in close sequence. | |
14 | 新闻镜头;一些皇家婚礼的精彩镜头 | News footage ;some good footage of the royal wedding. | |
15 | 一些早期飞行员的连续镜头 | some old footage of the early fliers | |
16 | 在临近的房屋室内,经验多一点的抵抗战士由旧军官讲授突击战术,并配以大幅挂图和使用放映机放映反苏游击战役的纪录影片。 | In nearby buildings, more-experienced resistance fighters are taught commando tactics by ex-Army officers, using large wall maps and a film projector to show footage of anti-Soviet guerrilla operations | |
17 | 这部电影要和将在美国拍摄的柏树山乐队的音乐片段粘接在一起。 | The film will be spliced with footage of Cypress Hill to be filmed in America. | |
18 | 这部影片中有些旧新闻片的镜头. | The film contained some old newsreel footage . | |
19 | 制作该片的艺术家萨姆·泰勒·伍德说:"我想进行直接的、近距离的观察研究。 | "I wanted to create a direct, closely observed study," said artist Sam Taylor-Wood who created the footage | |
20 | 最大的可供出租面积 | the greatest possible amount of leasable square footage | |
21 | ||1:比格尔说,同样荒唐的是南西被指控对当局撒谎(这种指控在联邦诉讼案件中日益普遍),而单是这项罪名也能被判监禁。||2:布莱克女士总是会对她拍摄的商用鲸鱼视频进行剪辑,好让它们更有意思。||3:当调查方要求获得拍摄胶卷时,她交出了其中一个剪辑过的视频。||4:现在检察官声称她篡改了证据。 | ||1:Just as ridiculous, says Mr Biegel, is the accusation, increasingly common in federal cases, that Ms Black lied to the authorities, which carries its own prison terms.||2:Ms Black always edits the commercial videos of her whale outings to make them more interesting.||3:When investigators demanded footage , she gave them one of these edited videos.||4:Prosecutors now claim that she had tampered with evidence. | |
22 | ||1:很多局外人看到这种持枪攻击的场面,会想起北尼日利亚的动乱、以及伊斯兰国(IS)和塔利班在阿富汗和巴基斯坦肆意屠杀的炮火连天的影像,而不仅仅是单纯的讽刺漫画。||2:所有的这一切,都可以被看作是一场长期持续的、启蒙价值观与反启蒙野蛮行径之间的矛盾。||3:如果这样来看这个问题,那么唯一的解决办法就是通过国内镇压和海外干预的方式对敌人进行反击。 | ||1:Many observers will connect this fresh footage of gun-wielding men not to cartoons but to another kind of image: chaos in northern Nigeria, the snuff videos of Islamic State (IS) and Taliban-inflicted carnage in Afghanistan and Pakistan.||2:All can seem part of a long, ongoing conflict between the values of the Enlightenment and obscurantist barbarism.||3:For those who see things that way, the only solution is to fight back, by cracking down at home and engaging the enemy abroad. | |
23 | ||1:这是一个悲剧。||2:饶先生第一次突出的战利品是美国媒体CNN,2008年3月西藏爆发民族骚乱。||3:他的网站抓住了所谓的CNN以及其他网站报道的偏见。||4:2011年2月,四月传媒发表了时任美驻华大使洪博培出现在一起有计划的反政府抗议中的镜头。||5:这次示威没有实现,但是洪博培先生还是在网上受到攻击。||6:他说他只是恰巧出现在那里而已。 | ||1:It is quite a comedown.||2:Mr Rao’s first prominent scalp was CNN, an American news network, in March 2008 after ethnic riots erupted in Tibet.||3:His website seized on what he considered bias in the coverage by CNN and other outlets.||4:In February 2011 April Media posted footage of Jon Huntsman, then the American ambassador to China, at the site of a planned anti-government protest.||5:The demonstration did not materialise, but Mr Huntsman was attacked online for appearing to support it.||6:He said he was there by coincidence. | |
24 | 每个孩子玩耍的片段被传给一个不知道该研究目的的研究助理。 | Footage of each child playing was passed to a research assistant who was ignorant of the purpose of the study. | |
25 | 这是一个相当大的转变。正如在摇摆不定的州的其他民主党人一样,2008年尤德尔仰仗奥巴马首次进入参议院。现在,几乎像每一个易受影响的民主党人一样,他正尝试尽力疏远总统,然而几张两人相拥的连续镜头恐怕让他的尝试变得更为棘手。 | This is quite a turnaround. Like several Democrats in swing states, Mr Udall was first elected to the Senate on Mr Obama’s coat-tails in 2008. Now, like practically every vulnerable Democrat, he is trying to distance himself from the president—something footage of the two men hugging might have made trickier. | |
26 | (配图说明)在美国研究者的一份最新研究中,高速胶片回放显示了猫是如何在舔食牛奶或水时保持清洁的。 | In a new study by researchers in the U. S. , high-speed footage has revealed how cats keep clean while lapping milk or water. | |
27 | “在抢劫过程中,监控摄像头都是显示的被之前设计好的毫无疑点的脚本,让保安乐于现状,”他如此写道。 | "During the heist, the observation camera is fed with unsuspicious footage , keeping the guards happy, " he wrote. | |
28 | “这段采访让我们明白了为什么父亲说所有白人都是种族主义者,”她说。 | "Thispiece of footage brought home to us what our father meant when he taught usthat all white people are racist, " she said. | |
29 | CNN星期五在它的网站上公布了一组贝尔和激进的警卫之间的冲突镜头 | CNN posted footage of a scuffle between Bale and the activist’s guards on its website Friday. | |
30 | Friedman的服务价格将面积,频率,甚至“人口密度”都计算在内。 | Friedman’s pricing formula takes into account square footage , cleaning frequency, and "population density. " |