1 | 半岛电视台画面还显示图坦卡蒙王墓的木质部分已被捣毁。 | The Al Jazeera footage also shows that wooden statues from the tomb of King Tutankhamun have been smashed. | |
2 | 闭路监控电视的录像片段抓拍到了他们接近阿尔安尼时的情景,最初他像是要伸出手和一位警官握手。 | CCTV footage captured them approaching Al-Ani, who initially appeared to offer to shake an officer’s hand. | |
3 | 从录像中可以辨认出站在一旁的警员都隶属于西约克郡警署,其中至少有四名警员未出示警徽。 | The footage shows them standing near officers from West Yorkshire police, at least four of whom were not showing their badge numbers. | |
4 | 从新发村传来的电视画面显示,救援人员试图利用电缆线跨越一条35米深的峡谷。 | Footage from Xinfa village showed rescuers trying to traverse a 35-metre deep ravine using a cable line. | |
5 | 从一些视频片段中可以看到死者亲属在家里和医院中痛哭流涕。 | Video footage showed some relatives of the dead wailing in their homes and in hospitals. | |
6 | 从这段拍自巴克莱银行大厦的视频中可以明显地看到飞机距建筑物很近。 | In the footage filmed from the Barclays Capital building the plane can be seen apparently flying close to buildings. | |
7 | 从直升飞机上面拍摄的电视画面显示,土地被看上去没有边际的大片泥水覆盖,偶而点缀一些棕榈树。 | Television footage from helicopters showed a seemingly endless vista of muddy water, freckled with palm trees. | |
8 | 但是,深谙宣传之道、极富娱乐精神的摩尔却懂得如何拼接镜头以博取眼球。 | But Moore, a master propagandist and incorrigible entertainer, knows how to assemble footage in piquant ways. | |
9 | 但是最近在CinemaCon(译注:一家电影院)发布连续镜头和最新预告片予人以希望,即使其暗示此片具备烂片的潜质。 | But the latest Cinema Con footage and newest trailer showed some promise, even though they still contained hints at a possible disaster. | |
10 | 但这次合作,对于YouTube网站中的灵魂内容自拍录像,比如猫猫录像、街拍和模仿秀,有什么意义吗? | But what does it mean for the homemade videos - the cat videos, the on-the-street news footage , the Rickrolls - that are YouTube’s soul? | |
11 | 当某人只是简单的进行购物时,其公共监控摄像头的录像不应该出现在YouTube上。 | CCTV footage should not end up on YouTube when it shows someone simply out doing their shopping. | |
12 | 当殴打King的洛杉矶警察被判无罪后,King被殴打的那段著名录像点燃了一场骚乱。 | The now famous footage of King being beaten by LAPD officers sparked riots after they were acquitted. | |
13 | 当然,警察和抗议者都可以抱怨被展示的影像片段是断章取义。 | Of course, both police and protesters can complain about footage being shown out of context. | |
14 | 当时人的性爱是在Rutgers大学宿舍里用非法用摄像头拍下的,其后在互联网上直播。 | The footage was allegedly taken using a web camera in Mr Clementi’s dorm room at Rutgers University and broadcast live over the internet. | |
15 | 档案胶片显示沙尘暴在平原上肆虐就像龙卷风。 | Archive footage of the time shows dust storms swirling across the flat lands like tornadoes. | |
16 | 到7月份公司必须确保没有一位会员能够通过到其所在地半径为30英里范围内的监控摄像头进行观测。 | By July the firm must also ensure that no viewer can access footage from cameras located within a 30 mile radius of the viewer’s location. | |
17 | 电视画面显示,海啸逼近日本仙台县附近的海岸线。 | Television footage showed a tsunami wave bearing down on the Japanese coastline near the community of Sendai. | |
18 | 电视画面显示,轮船撞向港口挣扎着试图逃离巨大的漩涡。 | Ships crashed into harbours and footage showed a vessel struggling to escape a giant whirlpool. | |
19 | 电视画面显示一所医院的工作人员在屋顶挥舞着带有“食物”和“帮助”条幅来提醒人们。 | TV footage showed staff at one hospital waving banners with the words "Food" and "Help" from a rooftop. | |
20 | 电视连续镜头显示,这支特警队毫无准备,本该只要几秒钟就能冲进巴士,结果却花了将近一个小时,阿基诺说。 | Television footage showed that the team was unprepared and took about an hour to break into the bus instead of just seconds, Aquino said. | |
21 | 多数视频是由旅游局和电视制片人拍摄的专业视频,只有少数是业余的度假影片。 | Most videos are professional, shot by tourist boards and television producers, with only a small amount of amateur holiday footage . | |
22 | 房价尺寸,朝向,门窗质量可以由专业家庭能源分析师来进行评估。 | The square footage , orientation to the sun, and quantity of windows and doors can be evaluated by a professional home energy analyst. | |
23 | 该片加入了一段先前未曾披露的美国士兵去年圣诞夜虐待伊拉克囚犯的视频。 | The film contains previously unseen footage of U. S. soldiers’ abuse of Iraqi detainees last Christmas Eve. | |
24 | 该政府称录像是“捏造”的。 | It says the footage was "fabricated" . | |
25 | 后来,节目制作人把它与之前另一名漂流者边哭边说被我恐吓的镜头连在了一起。 | The programme-makers then cobbled this together with old footage of another Castaway crying, and saying that she was intimidated by me. | |
26 | 华盛顿官员观察到了空中影像并焦急地等待听到军事通信。 | The officials in Washington viewed the aerial footage and waited anxiously to hear a military communication. | |
27 | 还有就是,你需要一个兼容的三维的电视或笔记本电脑来播放高端镜头的影像(5D7V需要一个7英寸的3D检视器)。 | You need a 3D TV or compatible laptop to play your high-end footage back (the 5D7V does come with a 7-inch 3D viewer though). | |
28 | 晃岩崎(AkiraIwasaki)所拍摄的现场录像也被扣押,并被带到美国,直到1968年才归还给他。 | Live footage taken by Akira Iwasaki was seized and taken to the United States, and was not returned until 1968. | |
29 | 回顾越战时期拯救婴儿行动的旧时影像,你会发现孩子们坐在同样的飞机里,坐在同样的红色网格的座位上。 | In old footage of the Vietnamese babylift, you can see children sitting in the same kind of airplane, in the same red mesh seats. | |
30 | 江先生在Lautenberg议员发布有关此事件的安保监控录像片断的一天后被捕。 | Mr. Jiang’s arrest came a day after a video showing security footage of the incident was released by Mr. Lautenberg. |