属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利非法移民 地中海发生耸人听闻的惨案
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 三菱汽车油耗测试造假股价一度跳楼 欧盟反垄断
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战之殇 斯里兰卡的人口失踪(2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-两大高面值现钞被禁 印度陷入货币兑换恐慌潮(上)
1 | ||1:每次发生在地中海的移民惨案都令人异常痛心。||2:这周,意大利电视台播报了一组新闻。54个非洲人乘坐一艘渔船想前往欧洲,却不想在船上命丧黄泉。||3:船上的人说这些人祈求将他们放出来,但是为了防止船只颠覆,他们被关在舱底窒息而死。 | ||1:FEW images of immigrant traffic across the Mediterranean have been as harrowing.||2:Italian TV viewers this week saw the lifeless bodies of 45 African men being lifted, like animal carcasses, from the hold of a fishing boat in which they had tried to reach Europe.||3:Others on the vessel said the men begged to be let out but, for fear of it capsizing, they were forcibly kept below and suffocated. | |
2 | ||1:他们的辩解是有选择性的。||2:面对同样的问题,土耳其官员拒绝让步。||3:在奥斯曼帝国统治的几个世纪里,数百件文物被从故乡强制迁走。||4:当被问到土耳其是否会把亚力山大的大理石棺交还黎巴嫩,居纳伊和他的译员选择了回避土耳其人的态度过分坚决,并没能把自己描绘成文化压迫的受害者,他们也不认同国外博物馆和考古学家拯救了他们的文物。 | ||1:These arguments are selective.||2:Turkish officials refuse to concede that Turkey itself, over centuries of domination, forcibly removed hundreds of objects from their homelands.||3:Asked whether Alexander’s sarcophagus would be returned to Lebanon, Mr Gunay and his interpreter simply ignore the question.||4:The Turks are too determined to depict themselves as victims of cultural oppression to accept that foreign museums and archaeologists have also played a part in saving their treasures. | |
3 | 荷兰一家法院批准了俄罗斯的申请,留出500亿美元的仲裁奖励金给尤科斯公司的前任股东们,这家公司已经被强制国有化。 | A Dutch court approved Russia’s application to set aside a $50 billion arbitration award to former shareholders of Yukos, a forcibly nationalised oil company. | |
4 | 她说,她从来没有后悔加入猛虎组织,尽管Velupillai Prabhakaran的行为极其残忍:在公共汽车和银行里放置自杀性炸弹;强行招募儿童;刺杀任何一个对组织有威胁的敌人,无论是泰米尔人和还是僧迦罗人。 | She says she has no regrets about joining up, despite Prabhakaran’s record of brutality: the Tigers suicide-bombed buses and banks, forcibly recruited children and routinely assassinated any perceived foes, Tamil and Sinhalese alike. | |
5 | 因为面对银行强制休假和自动取款机关闭的两天,许多印度居民发现自己手里几乎没有合法的现金。 | Many Indian residents found themselves with little still-legal cash on hand ahead of a forcibly imposed bank holiday and a two-day shutdown of ATMs. | |
6 | 20年之前,你的父亲,JaballaMatark在开罗被抓并强制回到利比亚。 | Twenty years ago, your father, Jaballa Matar, was abducted in Cairo and forcibly returned to Libya. | |
7 | 3月9日,军队已经强行拆除了在开罗的塔利尔广场的游行示威者的露营地。 | On March 9th soldiers forcibly removed a remaining encampment of protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. | |
8 | 保持你的呼吸几秒钟,然后强制地通过噘嘴唇呼气。 | Hold your breath for a couple of seconds and then forcibly exhale through pursed lips. | |
9 | 本发明公开了一种共轭凸轮式的插秧机强制推秧方法及栽植臂。 | The invention discloses a method for forcibly pushing seedling by a conjugate cam type transplanting machine and a planting arm. | |
10 | 不过,馆长马里昂•特鲁厄因遭盖蒂的受托人勒令退职而没有出席这次展览。 | The curator of the show, Marion True, was not present, however, having been forcibly retired by the Getty trustees. | |
11 | 不过,琳恩的律师告诫她不要指望强行将孩子夺回来。 | Authorities have told her not to attempt to take back the children forcibly . | |
12 | 布朗尼还说:“这位女服务员在电话中描述,她被强行攻击,锁在房间中进行性侵害。” | "The maid described being forcibly attacked, locked in the room and sexually assaulted, " he said. | |
13 | 从POWER5开始,Hypervisor可以从专用的分区强制地窃取周期以进行Hypervisor的工作。 | From POWER5 onwards, the hypervisor might forcibly steal cycles from the dedicated partition to do hypervisor work. | |
14 | 大声的;嘈杂的;强行或坚持表达自己观点的: | vociferous adj. loud or noisy; expressing one’s views forcibly and insistently | |
15 | 当然,在你丢弃垃圾的时候,你可以把守院人赶出门外。 | Sure, you can lock hoarders out of their homes while you forcibly throw away the trash. | |
16 | 当时他们顶住了民选伊斯兰教政府的压力,并强制继续举行阅兵式,以世俗秩序的守护者身份自居。 | when they blocked a democratically elected Islamist government and continued forcibly to parade themselves as guardians of a secular order. | |
17 | 洪都拉斯总统塞拉亚说,军方动用武力在深夜将他从住所带走,把穿着睡衣的他送到哥斯达黎加。 | President Zelaya says Honduran troops forcibly removed him from his home in the dead of night and sent him to Costa Rica in his pajamas. | |
18 | 即使计算机已锁定,在程序调用ExitWindowsEx函数时也会强制注销用户 | The user is forcibly logged off when a program calls the ExitWindowsEx function even when the computer is locked | |
19 | 加压清洗单元,所述加压清洗单元将液体从喷嘴强制喷射进盖帽中; | The pressurized purge unit makes liquid forcibly ejected from the nozzles into the cap. | |
20 | 鉴于奥巴马在防止核不扩散方面所作出的巨大的个人承诺,他将会更倾向于强行除掉卡扎菲。 | Given Obama’s deep personal commitment to nuclear nonproliferation, he would likely be far more inclined to forcibly remove Qaddafi. | |
21 | 将会强行更改开始日期,以使开始日期和时间为将来的日期和时间。 | Forcibly changes the start date so the start date and time are in the future. | |
22 | 将会强行更改开始日期,以使开始日期和时间为将来的时间。 | Forcibly changes the start date so that the start date and time are in the future. | |
23 | 将会强行将开始日期更改为下一天。 | Forcibly changes the start date so that the start date is the next day. | |
24 | 她把自己对这个问题的感想,解释给她姐姐听,果然一下子就收到了很好的效果,她觉得非常高兴。 | She represented to her sister as forcibly as possible what she felt on the subject, and had soon the pleasure of seeing its happy effect. | |
25 | 她被诊断为精神分裂症,住院五个月,并且强制服用抗精神病药物。 | She was diagnosed with schizophrenia, hospitalized for five months, and forcibly medicated with antipsychotic medications. | |
26 | 精液为什么要以强迫的方式从陌生人那里获取也还不知道。 | It is also not known why the semen is taken forcibly from strangers. | |
27 | 就像你有欲望的权利,其他人也有拒绝被你欲望的权利。 | And just as you have a right to lust, that person has a right not to be made forcibly aware of your desire. | |
28 | 例如“d2”就是让格式化程序制作一个小数点左边有两个数位的一个数字。 | For example, "d2" will the formatter to make the number forcibly have 2 digits to the left of the decimal point. | |
29 | 联合国在上周通过的这项对朝鲜的制裁仅允许美国令使一艘朝鲜船只停下并上船进行搜查,而非强行登船。 | The UN sanctions only allow the US to hail a North Korean ship and demand to be allowed to conduct a search, but not forcibly board it. | |
30 | 炼油厂重新开工,石油仓库接到政府通知,也被迫开始供应石油。 | Oil refineries began to reopen and oil depots were forcibly unblocked on government orders. |