1 | 16世纪的西班牙人…通过森林里的沼泽盆地的河口和支流小溪的沉淀层…看到海洋向南移动(约翰·麦克菲) | Spaniards in the sixteenth century.saw an ocean moving south.through a palimpsest of bayous and distributary streams in forested paludal basins(John McPhee) | |
2 | 阿里山上原来树木茂密,但在日本侵占时期,侵略者大肆掠夺这里的林木,大量的红桧巨木被砍下运往日本。 | Mount Ali used to be a densely forested mountain. Under the Japanese occupation, the forests were ravaged when large quantities of giant red cedars were felled down and shipped to Japan as timber | |
3 | 本区豪宅林立,幢幢富丽堂皇。 | Our district is forested with luxurious buildings, and every one is in majestic splendor. | |
4 | 本市有什么森林公园里有风景优美的小径? | Does the city have any forested parks with scenic paths? | |
5 | 槟榔园水文特性及其对环境的影响 | Hydrological Characteristics of Betel Nut Plantations and the Impacts of Forested Lands Conversion to Betel Nut Plantation on Environmental Factors | |
6 | 城市林地与非林地大气SO2季节动态变化 | Seasonal Change in Atmospheric SO2 Concentration in Forested and non-forested Urban Lands | |
7 | 传播黄热病蚊虫的分布和密度在增加;人们进入丛林地区增加。 | increase in the distribution and density of mosquitos that transmit yellow fever and increased intrusion of people into forested areas. | |
8 | 此次,把十分靠近山猫以往栖息地最南端的圣胡安山区作为新居,也有令人担忧的问题,因为这里比加拿大更高、更干燥,森林也不够茂密。 | And the San Juan Mountains, worrying close to the southernmost edge of historic lynx habitat, are higher, drier and less forested than Canada’s | |
9 | 方法受土壤信息和长期农场产出数据决定。苏联时期有很好的土壤地图。林地也采用收益法估算。 | Approach driven by soil information and long term farm production data. Excellent soil maps from Soviet period. Forested land also valued by income approach. | |
10 | 根据林斑年龄的结构分布来推算森林的火灾周期的评价 | Evaluation of Deriving Fire Cycle of Forested Landscape Based on time-since-fire Distribution | |
11 | 降雨量较大地区大致与这些森林地区相符合。 | The areas of greater rainfall conform roughly with these forested areas. | |
12 | 林业试验所各林区气候状况 | Climatic Conditions of Forested Lands of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute | |
13 | 内陆森林型高尔夫球场植物景观设计―以湖南龙湖高尔夫球场为例 | The Utilization of Plants in Landscape Design for Inland Forested Golf Course-Taking the Hunan Longhu Golf Course for Example | |
14 | 浓密的森林地面必须开垦出来。 | Thickly forested land had to be cleared | |
15 | 如不得不用林地时,所有伐桩都要消除。 | When forested land must be used, all stumps should be removed | |
16 | 瑞士的丘陵和山坡上的茂密的林木,为传统的钟壳和家具制造业,以及纸浆提供了原材料。 | Switzerland’s heavily forested hills and mountain slopes provide timber for use in its traditional clock-making and furniture industries, and also for paper pulp | |
17 | 三公主与二太子变的梅花鹿,则与山林为伴,无忧无虑地生活着,与人参、紫貂结为朋友,永不分离。 | The deer now roam about peacefully and light-heartedly in the forested world, enjoying the company of sables and ginseng | |
18 | 森林集水区低水流量与贮蓄量关系之探讨 | Baseflow and Storage Relationships for Small Forested Watersheds | |
19 | 森林区的种群密度几乎与农业区的一样高。 | forested areas sustain almost as high a population as the agricultural sites | |
20 | 他们在山上种植松树。 | They forested the mountains with pine trees. | |
21 | 我看特别是北方的荒山应当绿化,也完全可以绿化。 | I think the barren mountains in the north in particular should be Forested , and they undoubtedly can be | |
22 | 西北海岸大港小湾两地长满树林的小山和低地中,制造业和渔业城镇星罗棋布。 | Many manufacturing and fishing towns lie along the forested hills and lowlands that flank the bays and inlets of the northwest coast | |
23 | 一些地质学家说距今300万年以前,南极洲有着比较温和的气候,甚至被森林覆盖着。 | Some geologists say that as recently as 3 million years ago, antarctica had a relatively mild climate and was even forested | |
24 | 在那树木丛中的环形地带隐匿着一个狼群--我数了数有九只成年狼。 | There, lurking in the forested perimeter, was a wolf pack-I counted nine adults | |
25 | 这里靠海边的山地上盛产菠萝、椰子和其它热带水果,而那些树木茂盛的山顶却是许多动物和鸟类的家园。 | Here the oceanside mountains sprout pineapples, coconuts and other tropical fruits, while the forested peaks are home to abundant animal and bird life | |
26 | 中国南部亚热带森林流域主要化学成分的输入量和输出量 | Inputs and Outputs of Major Chemicals in a Subtropical Forested Watershed in Southern China | |
27 | 中欧针叶林培育理论和技术在秦岭林区中的应用研究 | A Study on the Application of Central European Coniferous Forest Management Theory and Technology in Forested Areas on Qinling Mountains | |
28 | 重点山区、林区的当地政府,每年都组织人员对山区、林区非法种植毒品原植物问题进行调查监控。 | The local governments in key mountainous and forested areas organize special teams every year to investigate and check the illegal planting of mother drug plants | |
29 | ||1:她一如既往地收获胜利。||2:成功地阻止了内罗比中心一个公园里建六十层摩天大楼的计划,本来计划阿拉普莫伊总统所在政党的办公总部就要设在该摩天大楼内。||3:她在一块指定用来建设高尔夫球场的荒木林地上植下树木。而且,至少暂时地阻止了政府将大片公共土地分发给政府支持者。 | ||1: As ever, she had her triumphs. ||2: Against the odds, she prevented a 60-storey skyscraper from being built in a park in central Nairobi. It had been designed to house, among other things, the headquarters of President Moi’s party. ||3: And she succeeded, at least for a while, in stopping the government from handing out parcels of public land to reward its supporters. That followed her attempt to plant a tree on forested land earmarked for a golf course. | |
30 | ||1:然而当哥伦比亚全国繁荣发展之时——中央银行预测该国2014年经济增长率为5%——太平洋区域有滞后了。||2:在全国第二大的货柜港口布埃纳文图拉,巨型货船穿行于木板板条订成的房子中间,这里,自来水每天最多仅有3小时出水,儿童营养不良,暴力非常普遍。||3:该港的失业率超过40%,在该区域森林覆盖的山区情况更加严峻。 | ||1:Yet as Colombia booms—the central bank forecasts growth at 5% for 2014—the Pacific part lags.||2:In Buenaventura, the country’s second biggest container port, huge ships sail past wood-slat houses where taps flow for three hours a day at most, children are ill-fed and violence is rife.||3:Unemployment in the port exceeds 40%, and elsewhere in the forested , mountainous region things are worse. |