1 | 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到,时候一到,一切都报。 | Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming , it is because the time has not arrived yet; and when the time arrives, one will get all the rewards he deserves. | |
2 | 善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时候未到;时候一到一切都报 | Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming ,it is because he time has not arrived; and when the time arrives, one will get one’s due reward. | |
3 | 市公安局新领导班子决定,在即将到来的新年里,警方要继续开展扫黄运动 | The new leadership of the municipal bureau of public security decided that the police should, in the forthcoming year, continue their pornography sweeps | |
4 | 他的电报可能意味着他快要到达了。 | His telegragram may purport his forthcoming arrival. | |
5 | 他非常和蔼可亲。 | He was very forthcoming . | |
6 | 他即将出版的小说很有希望成功。 | His forthcoming novel promises well. | |
7 | 他即将出版的小说可望成功。 | His forthcoming novel promises well. | |
8 | 他就自己即将问世的作品与他的出版商交换意见。 | He consulted with his publisher about his forthcoming book | |
9 | 他们已同意参加即将举行的北京网球公开赛。 | They have consented to participate in the forthcoming Beijing Tennis Open Tournament. | |
10 | 他们中没人很热心相助。 | None of them were very forthcoming | |
11 | 他们中没有人愿意帮忙。 | None of them were forthcoming . | |
12 | 他同其他士兵,特别是吉姆?康克林,讨论即将来临的战斗。 | He discusses the forthcoming engagement with several other soldiers, particularly Jim Conklin | |
13 | 他想缓解敌人对第五军的压力,可却遭到了惩罚,他自己的储备物资用完了,而且补给一时还运不来。 | He attempted to relieve the enemy pressure on the Fifth Army,but paid the penalty of finding his own reserves were exhausted and that supplies to replenish them were not forthcoming . | |
14 | 他正在为将要到来的…经济高级会谈主持筹划工作(新闻周刊) | He.is honchoing preparations for the forthcoming .economic summit(Newsweek) | |
15 | 图书发行主要有三种方式:推销旅行,图书目录(季节性公布新书目录表,年度性公布其现有和过去曾出版过的书目),以及书评。 | The three steps, travelling, catalogues ( seasonal announcement lists with details of its forthcoming books, as well as an annual catalogue of its present and past books still in print), and reviews are the vital elements in the machinery of book distribution, | |
16 | 为即将举办的音乐会作广告 | advertise a forthcoming concert | |
17 | 为了防止财大气粗的车队和东道主车手事先在赛场试车占便宜,任何一支车队都不可以在即将举办大奖赛的赛车场进行试车,除非组委会安排赛车场对所有的车队开放。 | In order to deny big-Budget teams and home-town riders any advantages of pre-race testing at any GP circuit, no team may test at a circuit where a forthcoming GP is scheduled,unless a test open to all teams has been arranged by the organization. | |
18 | 我很高兴地通知你,我已获得了护照和签证并做好了到美国行程所需的一切准备。 | I am pleased to inform you that I have obtained my passport and visa and completed all necessary preparations for the forthcoming trip to the United States. | |
19 | 我将就我即将问世的作品与出版商交换意见 | I am going to consult with my publisher about my forthcoming book | |
20 | 我们相信,城市改革也会成功,党的十二届三中全会将在中国的历史发展中写上很重要的一笔。 | We are convinced that our urban reform will succeed too and that the forthcoming Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee will go down in Chinese history as a very important event. | |
21 | 我们需要钱,但一点也没有筹到[着落]。 | We needed money, but none was forthcoming . | |
22 | 我们要的钱尚未得到. | The money we asked for was not forthcoming . | |
23 | 我们已采取了若干具体步骤为即将召开的会议扫清障碍。 | Several concrete steps have already been taken to clear the way for the forthcoming conference | |
24 | 我们应该显示诚意,采取灵活务实的态度,扩大共识,兑现承诺,弥合分歧,使即将在中国香港举行的第六届世界贸易组织部长级会议取得成果,并推动谈判早日成功结束。 | We should, in all sincerity, take a down-to-earth and flexible attitude to explore our common ground, fulfill our commitments and bridge our differences so that we will make a success of the forthcoming 6th WTO Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong, China, bri | |
25 | 我正在准备即将来到的旅行事宜并将于9月注册日之前到达学校,为了让自己更好地熟悉位于洛杉矶的加利福尼亚大学,我想拥有一本贵校最近的学校简介。 | I am planning my forthcoming trip, and will arrive in campus before the date of registration in September. In order to better acquaint myself with the University of California, Los Angles, I wish to have a copy of your recent bulletin. | |
26 | 现在,欧佩克不得不承认这一点,即非欧佩克产油国是不会合作的,但欧佩克原先不愿相信这一点 | OPEC has to accept what it was told from the start but chose not to believe: that non OPEC co-operation would not be forthcoming | |
27 | 迎接东亚经济合作的历史新阶段 | Forthcoming New Era for East Asia Cooperation | |
28 | 由于传统工业如钢铁、造船和纺织,挫于外国竞争,又未能用新技术去更新换代,致使失业人数已达300万大关。 | Unemployment has climbed to 3 million as traditional industries such as steel, shipbuilding and textiles have gone under to foreign competition and replacements have not been forthcoming in the newer technologies | |
29 | 预祝本届展览会圆满成功! | I wish this forthcoming event a great success! | |
30 | 原凶自然是拿不来的,原告固是定要将薛家族中及奴仆人等拿几个来拷问. | Of course the murderer won’t be forthcoming and the plaintiff will press his case; then you can arrest some of Xue’s clansmen and servants for interrogation. |