1 | 幸运的是分析并不是解决内部冲突的唯一方法,生活本身就是一种非常好的治疗方法(卡伦·赫尼)。 | Fortunately analysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts.Life itself still remains a very effective therapist(Karen Horney. | |
2 | 幸运的是有早餐俱乐部帮她,秘密地帮助她。她和我,有时候还有辅导员,在打到我教室那个电话之后的一年中,我们多次见面,谈论她心中的烦恼。 | Fortunately , the Breakfast Club was there to help her, confidentially. She and I, and sometimes the counselor, met many times during the year following that phone call to my classroom, and we talked about what was bothering her. | |
3 | 幸运的是这天的风暴平静了一些,但海峡海域仍是波涛汹涌。许多士兵在到达彼岸时因晕船而感到痛苦难忍。 | Fortunately , the storm abated somewhat, though the seas were choppy and many of the soldiers arrived miserably seasick | |
4 | 这不是一件小事。然而一心关念着讨债不着的曾沧海却竟忽略了这个不懂规矩,他截断了阿二的话,拍着桌子怒喊 | This was no small offence, but fortunately Tseng Tsang-hai was too busy worrying about his uncollected debts to notice it. He cut Ah Erh short with a thump on the table.he roared | |
5 | 这是一次严重的撞车事故,但幸好无人死亡。 | It was a bad crash, but fortunately there were no fatalities | |
6 | 这座旧茅屋塌了,但很幸运,没砸着人。 | The old hut caved in,but fortunately crushed nobody. | |
7 | 真幸运,我从朋友那里弄到了一张篮球赛的票。 | Fortunately , I got a ticket for the basketball match from a friend. | |
8 | 值得盟军庆幸的是,德军最高统帅部怀疑诺曼底登陆是佯攻,他们认为主攻将发生在海峡最狭处的加来。 | Fortunately for the Allies, the German High Command suspected that the Normandy landings were only a feint and that the main attack would come at Calais, where the Channel was narrowest | |
9 | 植物病害的病原同致使人畜患病的微生物是很相似的。幸好感染植物的微生物不会引起严重的人体疾病。 | Yes. The causes of diseases in plants are similar to those which produce maladies in the human and animal bodies. Fortunately , none of the organisms which affect plants are capable of producing distinct diseases in man. | |
10 | 昨天我幸运地收到俄克拉荷马大学发出的I-20表格,同意我攻读医药学的研究生课程。 | Fortunately , yesterday, I received another I-20 form issued by the University of Oklahoma which admitted me to graduate study in Hospital Pharmacy. |